ROY have you heard?

LAST EDITED ON Jun-15-11 AT 06:33PM (MST)[p]Well, this certainly is bad news but even if "Sheriff Biden" wins this battle, we, the dedicated turtle hunting sportsmen of the United States will still be more vigilant over this vanishing breed that the government ever will.

We can't wait for the DWR and the US Gov. to take action - that is why Eel and I have started the WTTTF (Wild Turtles, Terapins, and Tortoises Foundation) - if is our answer to poor government management. Soon we will have the wild populations of Tortoises, Terrapins and Turtles way up over projected growth estimates.

Don't worry - the "man" isn't going to hold us down!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Hmmmm , this WTTTF orginazation sounds like it could me a good move . I would be interested in joining a group like that if I could feel at ease that the big wigs are not going to become power hunger , and keep all the membership dues for their own turtle huntin fun .

Also would there be some cool " WTTTF " bumper stickers , hats and other paraphernalia since I like to broadcast and show off any cool groups that I belong to .

One last thing . Could I suggest maybe giving away a fully guided trophy turtle hunt for the membership drive . I would be keeping my fingers crossed and hoping to win since I have never harvested a trophy terapin . I mean of course I have done the go down to petsmart , get a turtle , keep it in my bathtub , pump it up full of steroids , and then have a turtle hunt in the back forty . It gets me by for now , but I long for the chase of a real turtle hunt .

Good luck with the orginaztion . Long live the WTTTF .
Pm me for the address and who to make out the checks too. LOL.
Membership dues are ONLY $38.95 a year, join now and get a free slap on the ass.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Is there a WTTTF hall of fame? And is there a travelling show of tropy mounts?

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
I'll volunteer again this year for the radio collar migration monitoring for the California Desert Tortoises. It was pretty physically demanding last year, but worth the effort.

Last year I was able to locate and radio collar three Tortoises. The migration started Nov. 8 and ended Dec.11. The average distance traveled was 258.65 feet.

This year I'm buying a 4 wheeler.

Dang if the membership fee is only $38.95 a year , I'm all over that . Might even sign up the whole turtle huntin family .

I would also be all over working the migration route . It sounds like a fun and educational event . I would want to be properly equipped though . I'm thinking maybe a brand new Poloris Razor with the long wheel travel kit . Hmmmm , wonder if a turbo charged unit would come in handy .

Wonder if there is a Grand Slam club for harvesting all the different turtles ?

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