Rowdy Campfire


Long Time Member
Every time I go to the main page I can't help but laugh at the number of mods it takes to police this joint. Just too funny. Bunch of bullies.

I find it ironic that the mods are the biggest trouble makers around here.

--I'm looking for a man... who calls himself Bucho! That's all! And you had to do it, the hard way!--
by my count thats about 2 moderators for each of the biggest pot stirrers/trouble makers on this forum :)
"by my count thats about 2 moderators for each of the biggest pot stirrers/trouble makers on this forum "

C'mon F-dude share your "Dirty Dozen" list.... :) Terry
you might not make the starting team but at the rate you are going you won't be riding the pine much longer :)
"wonder if they were issued a tazer?"

Nah.... They've got Nukes.... :) Seriously my hats off to the mods.... Having been one on another site for 6 years I have an idea what they go through behind the scenes and you couldn't pay me to go there again.... Terry
this is what the party looks like while a "rowdy" Post is in session

this is what "camp" looks like after a Nuke:(
I wouldn't play in this place if it weren't for them. Or i wouldn't be allowed to play...i dont know which.


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