Round Valley Apprentice hunt


Active Member
Son drew the Round Valley Apprentice hunt. I picked up some maps to start researching. Any help on where to start would be appreciated. Also is it better to go early or late ? I know a lot depends on the weather. Will be making some scouting trips to check out the lay of the land and then will probably spend a few days at Thanksgiving scouting also. Thanks

Congrats on a great tag for your son. My son and nephew have drawn this tag over the years. I have been going up every year since just to look at the deer. You may want to start out checking the area around the Horton Creek Camp Ground and the town of Rovanna. Weather will help as it pushes the bigger bucks down. Even with some warmer weather years, I have seen some real shooters. I'll PM you with some details soon.
Thanks, I sure appreciate the help. Lived in Nevada for years and done lots of buck hunting, but this is a new area for me. Will start checking it out
That's an awesome tag to draw, lots of good bucks. I'd scout it to get the lay of the land, as the weather will be quite different when you show up to kil Mr Big.
Plan on making a trip soon to get the boundries and lay of the land figured out. Then will probably spend a few days at Thanksgiving seeing where they are hiding at.Just not really sure what to expect even though I heard it's a good chance at a bruiser.
It's going to be a lot different than what you expect. It is such an easy hunt as far as terrain goes if you stay in the valley. If you ascend Mount Tom a little bit, then it can get real steep. Good glasses and a spotting scope will help a lot. When do you plan your first scouting trip?
Trying to go in July to scout, but work has me tied up possibly.Used to glassing and using the spotting scope. Hunted lots of sage and Juniper country in the past.Probably will have to make a trip on last minute in the summer. For sure will have up to 9 days in Nov to scout. Should a guy focus on high or low ? What is a realistic size buck ?

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