Round 2

>AT 11:12?PM (MST)

>Jazz @ Lakers Sunday 3:30 PM
>ET on ABC...

Sorry bro gloves are off now!!!!!!! lol
"Go Kobe, Go!" That's what Kate Faber said!

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

Thunder has some good looking players and they matched up great against the Fakers, Now I'm rooting for the Jazz to upset the apple cart. GO JAZZ

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Maybe we'll all get lucky and Go Kobe Go will go right off a cliff somewhere! Nothing terminal just a little broken leg would be fine. And while he's healing maybe Go Manny R. Go will OD on steriods and the Dodgers will fade away as well.
LAST EDITED ON May-01-10 AT 07:56AM (MST)[p]Jazz your true colors continue to shine through. Why you would wish that on anyone is beyond me?
I hope I have to eat a straw hat! I think the Lakers will have their hands full.


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Roy if ya have to eat your hat. I will bring frosting and a squad of cheerleaders for ya. !! Jazz don't match up well but have heart! Go Jazz. Rutnbuck
LAST EDITED ON May-01-10 AT 11:52AM (MST)[p]I agree with Rut they do have heart, and if they play smart they could take it. GO JAZZ

(If the refs can keep the fouls under 100 ):)
The Jazz need to spend a lot of time on the free throw line practicing. I think some of these games may just come down to who made their free throws.
>AT 07:56?AM (MST)

>Jazz your true colors continue to
>shine through. Why you would
>wish that on anyone is
>beyond me?

My true colors! Kobe is a complete thug and he should have had his knee caps broke when he raped and assaulted some poor girl in Colorado. The true colors are shown by any idiot that would support him, Arenas, Big Ben, Manny Steriod, Barry Steriod or any of the other fine role models we support by watching them on TV or by going to a game. I enjoy all of the sports (except hockey) but these overpaid arrogant idiots shouldn't be allowed to even be on a team after the crap they pull.
Jizz I would suggest looking for a role model within your family. Why you refer to pro athletes as role models is beyond me?
Pro athletes are not role models, nor should they be. Role models should be people you deal with on an everyday basis so that you ACTUALLY know what kind of people they are, not just how they're portrayed on tv. Almost everyone in professional sports are thugs, and probably not the greatest people to be around, however, they do entertain me and that is all I require them to do. I don't really think it's they're job to be great people and have people pattern their life after them. They're job is to entertain and use their physical ability. It really is to bad that people pattern their lives after these kinds of people.

Did Kobe Bryant rape the girl? Probably, however no conviction
Did Big Ben rape the girl? Probably, however no conviction

Even putting yourselves in situations where accusations like this can happen says something about your character. IMO
Even putting yourselves in situations where accusations like this can happen says something about your character. IMO


I don't like Kobe at all. There are a lot better players that keep themselves out of trouble a lot better than him.


So back on topic ok.

You want a thread about the character of Kobe go start one. Some people can respect a great athlete without confusing their moral character with their professional character.

Kobe is an incredible ball player. I wouldn't care to hang out with him, but man can he play hoops.

So, back to topic. Round 2 is going to be great. I think the Lakers will take it, but if the Jazz can play consistent, score in the paint and hit their free throws I think they have a chance. Boozer really needs to step it up. He's had a tough time against the size of the lakers. I'm not to worried about Kobe. He will have some great shots, but if they can control the rest of the team (kinda like what needed to be done with anthony and the nuggets)and limit their points the Jazz will win.
>I don't like Kobe at all.
>There are a lot better
>players that keep themselves out
>of trouble a lot better
>than him.

A lot of better players? NO. A lot of great players that keep themselves out of trouble? Sure.
>So back on topic ok.
>You want a thread about the
>character of Kobe go start
>one. Some people can
>respect a great athlete without
>confusing their moral character with
>their professional character.
>Kobe is an incredible ball player.
> I wouldn't care to
>hang out with him, but
>man can he play hoops.
>So, back to topic. Round
>2 is going to be
>great. I think the
>Lakers will take it, but
>if the Jazz can play
>consistent, score in the paint
>and hit their free throws
>I think they have a
>chance. Boozer really needs
>to step it up.
>He's had a tough time
>against the size of the
>lakers. I'm not to
>worried about Kobe. He
>will have some great shots,
>but if they can control
>the rest of the team
>(kinda like what needed to
>be done with anthony and
>the nuggets)and limit their points
>the Jazz will win.

Oh perfect another "thread" police weenie. You guys crack me up with that crap. There isn't 5% of the threads on this site that stay "on topic". Go scold somebody who cares what you think!
>Jizz I would suggest looking for
>a role model within your
>family. Why you refer to
>pro athletes as role models
>is beyond me?

First of all your no better because all you can do is change my name on here to make yourself sound cool. Secondly your ignorant if you don't think there are a few hundred thousand or million kids out there that don't look at professional athletes as role models. What an ignorant thing to suggest that they don't. I didn't make that rule it's just a fact and the less the parents or other relatives can be in that role the more they look at the athletes. So in your case why don't you answer with something intelligent instead of "Jizz" or are you another poor role model?
>Rug are we betting a breakfast
>per game or on the
>series?? Either is fine with
>me buddy :)

I was thinking on the series. So after game 7 you should be buying? lol
LAST EDITED ON May-01-10 AT 06:22PM (MST)[p]Look Jazz, you are the one who jumps into dozens of threads and make personal morality issues out of the topics. It gets real old. I have my personal moral standards that I believe are quite high, I just don't feel it's my duty to force them upon everybody else. Maybe founder can set up a Morals and ethics section and you and your buddies can hang out there and tell each other what is wrong with the world and then pat each other on the back because you are "contributing" to the good of the world.

Edit: BTW, you may notice that my first post you mocked contained content relative to the thread. I don't see one of yours on here that does. Plus, how often is Kobe actually in the spotlight for doing "thug" things? People can only point out one incident that he was never convicted of. Additionally it wouldn't surprise me one bit if the whole thing was consensual and simply a ploy to get some money by a gold digger. That has as much credibility as suggestion he is a rapist. But I guess that is moral right? Both are assumptions and YOU don't know if either is actually true. So get off your moral high horse, you just make yourself look stupid.
The biggest issues IMO the Jazz will have is not Kobe Bryant, but Lamar Odom. Bryant will get his 30 points. Odom is a match up nightmare for the Jazz. Gasol is also a great player.

I hope Bryant shoots 8-26 and scores his points. If the others (Odom and Gasol) start going, the series will be over in 5 or 6 games.

I just hope the Jazz can figure it out. Fortunately, Wes Matthews has exceeded EVERYONES expectations and hopefully, he can keep playing good defense..... The Jazz do have a chance in this series....
>AT 06:22?PM (MST)

>Look Jazz, you are the one
>who jumps into dozens of
>threads and make personal morality
>issues out of the topics.
> It gets real old.
> I have my personal
>moral standards that I believe
>are quite high, I just
>don't feel it's my duty
>to force them upon everybody
>else. Maybe founder can
>set up a Morals and
>ethics section and you and
>your buddies can hang out
>there and tell each other
>what is wrong with the
>world and then pat each
>other on the back because
>you are "contributing" to the
>good of the world.
>Edit: BTW, you may notice that
>my first post you mocked
>contained content relative to the
>thread. I don't see
>one of yours on here
>that does. Plus, how
>often is Kobe actually in
>the spotlight for doing "thug"
>things? People can only
>point out one incident that
>he was never convicted of.
> Additionally it wouldn't surprise
>me one bit if the
>whole thing was consensual and
>simply a ploy to get
>some money by a gold
>digger. That has as
>much credibility as suggestion he
>is a rapist. But
>I guess that is moral
>right? Both are assumptions
>and YOU don't know if
>either is actually true.
>So get off your moral
>high horse, you just make
>yourself look stupid.

Dozens no a few yes just like many others on here. So I don't like Kobe and my morals don't suggest supporting an idiot like him. Why does that bother you so much? Maybe your just so insecure that you relate to a woman basher like him. Difference is you don't have the pocket book to cover your mess up afterwards. Additionally by your grammar and spelling are you like maybe an 8th grade graduate? You think this thread means diddly to me? There's about 10 people on here that ever make any sense about hunting and your not one of them!
So when you get backed into a corner you start attacking peoples character huh. Your true "moral" character shining through. Unlike you though, your comments and cheap shots don't really hurt me buddy. Personally I think you just like to stir the pot. I also think it gets old. But whatever, keep strutting your stuff.
Alp75 you can not reason with senseless people. Jizz is a re-birth of hunt_rez. Both would come on here just to spout off and stir stuff up. No real contribution just here for fun while there parents are out of town. Just know this when her mom and dad get home she will get her A kicked !!!

Jazz in seven. Andrew B is out with a sore knee.
You two boys are real smart aren't you? Can you put your two IQ's together and make 100? So why are you on here at 2:44AM? I know it's becuase you just got done with yourself.
>Well Jizzer...NONE of us give a
>rats ass what you think
>in case you're wondering...

Now there's another brilliant reply. Maybe your just jealous you didn't get to be the one that spent the night with Kobe!
Hahaha. I'm the one with 8th grade grammar, but Jazz keeps jumping on here with the 8th grade comebacks. Hahaha. Hey Jazz, "I know you are, but what am I? Nanannanna."
Hey AyA, I don't think Jazz ever put eggs into his radiator. Sounds like a brilliant thing to do. Pretty hypocritical to call him out on being stupid. I guess SW was right about you
This BS is funny. I think it would be a cool experiment if we got you all together for a little round table session. In a padded room of course with boxing gloves on. Personally I know that people's mouths are much more brazen in a forum atmosphere than if the people were talking face to face.

I frequent several hunting forums and not one of them is as vicious as MM. This place is like a UFC match with words.

I can't stand a cry baby.

Go Suns & Jazz.

"Vegetarians are cool. All I eat are vegetarians - except for the occasional mountain lion steak."
-Ted Nugent-
LAST EDITED ON May-02-10 AT 04:46PM (MST)[p]It's gonna be a tough series. i bet Odum falls apart before it's over.[/img][/url]
>Hahaha. I'm the one with
>8th grade grammar, but Jazz
>keeps jumping on here with
>the 8th grade comebacks. Hahaha.
>Hey Jazz, "I know you
>are, but what am I?
> Nanannanna."

Just a complete idiot. Other than that your fine. LOL
LAST EDITED ON May-02-10 AT 11:52PM (MST)[p]J-Douche quit sending me PM's...No I don't wanna be your friend and I'm DEFINITELY NOT into gay porn!!


Now I get the connection you have with Kobe. He wanted it that way to! Maybe you could get a few million for spending a night with him. LOL
>Maybe we'll all get lucky and
>Go Kobe Go will go
>right off a cliff somewhere!
> Nothing terminal just a
>little broken leg would be
>fine. And while he's
>healing maybe Go Manny R.
>Go will OD on steriods
>and the Dodgers will fade
>away as well.

So I reread this thread. As I thought my "original" post opinion was not personal to anyone on this site. It was a bash on Kobe - Manny and other professional athletes that downgrade their sports by being idiots off the court or field. My opinion just as EVERYONE else on here has there's. The difference is then several want to personally "bash" back and I am not of the personality to just sit back and take that crap. So if you don't want the battle don't bash me personally with your name calling. You have, as I do, the right to any opinion you want. This is a PUBLIC site and forum and there are "rules" that I try to live within but one of those rules is not that I or anyone else can't express their opinion. As far as the original post goes I like athletics in general. I am building a complete disdain for the obuse factor though. Kobe is only one of numerous idiots that continue to get supported for their athletic prowess while being while being poor citizens. So the list is long with the likes of OJ, Arenas, Big Ben, Kobe, Manny, Barry, McGuire and others. Some were athletes that I admired alot until they went off somehow. OJ and Tiger or two examples of this. I was a huge fan of both and while Tiger's issue's aren't the same as OJ's he has still tarnished his image for me, likely forever as I don't buy any of the crap about him changing. I would like it better if he would just go on and be what he is. Another example for me is that I was at one time a Trailblazer fan and they had a heated rivalry with the Jazz for many years. I wasn't a fan of Stockton / Malone but to this day I respect both of them as players and people unless there is something I have missed they have honored their sport and other athletes by competing fiercly but also by being good citizens, again unless there is something I don't know about. Others for me that are currently out there: Tim Duncan, Phil Michelson, Pujols, Manning and manny others. Maybe I don't root for their teams but they are great players without steriods and without bashing other innocent people. So fine you can think what you want it won't change my thoughts one bit. There are a few folks on here that I read carefully and that's good enough.

By the way I believe the Lakers will win the series as well!

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