
Long Time Member
UUUHHHHH-OOOOHHHH HKShooter that opening drive did not look to good.

Hoping the buckeyes take it so we don't have to hear the ducks song again.

Why cant 2 good teams play today man these games are boring.
Great game!!! Ducks are down bt 2 in the forth. Go Ducks!!

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
It looks like the duck hunting was good in So. Cal today. Ducks go from supposed #2 ranking to most likely outside the top 10 where they should have been all along.
"I smell roses..."


Sorry HK - guess it wasn't meant to be!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

Ohio cheated. Pryor is not a human.

Two plays stick out to me. The fumble on the 20. The feild goal attempt. Those two plays back and Ducks win.

Good game though. At least the Ducks showed up unlike AZ and ORST.

The bad news for you homers is the Ducks only lost 2 on offense and 4 on defense.

Not the 2nd best team today, but a month ago I still believe they were. If Ducks played the Dec 1st Pryor wouldn't have passed the ball at all. Ole sweater vest did a good job with Pryor in a month. Too bad Pryor will take a big contract after next year.

I know Jakeypoo wants to watch The Best Video ever made, but I told him he's going to have to watch it on his own now. Next year I'll torcher him with another excellent video. Got to go take a deuce now.

No way I thought Ohio State was going to be able to hang in that game. Another example of why the games need to be played on the field, rather than voted on by "experts" to determine who is the best...
That game went exactly as I expected it would. Ohio St. defense is just too good for Oregon.

I think its time all the PAC 10 homers man up and admit their conference was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay over rated this year. Face it, when USC has a down year, the PAC 1+9 turns into the PAC 0+10.


BIG 12>PAC10


+1 257Tony

The pack 10 isnt any better than the MWC and there should be a playoff, not this stupid BCS crap.

HKShooter, I will admit I kind of liked the video, but since you were the ass you was leading up to this game I had to give you crap. :) I really wouldnt have cared less if it wasnt for you buddy. (other than I wanted to see another pac 10 team lose):)

Good luck next year and you have to addmit a Playoff is the only true way we will ever find out what team is better in all the confrances.

For some reason, i just don't watch much football. Maybe it's because i played big time stuff but also because i seen in depth how they treat the players that won't give up their body's to the program.

Anyway, i never thought the Pac-10 had a lot going for it this year. I mean, my Alma mater, Arizona, almost won the league if not for a last minute bad beat and a overtime loss to Oregon. And, they were never all that IMO. The Pac 10 had a bad year and they might continue to do so until all the eastern, heck, the whole nation doesn't decent on Kali High schools to try and recruit the bench boys to come back East and play for them. Too many top collages want all the best players.

For those i see here gloating of Pac-10 losses this year, Big Deal, Who cares, you waited a long time, have fun with it!

HKShooter, I think you started it with MWC homer bashing now when the shoe is on the other foot you disapear. I have to agree with both Tony and Jake, well said guys. What was with that video anyway?
Disappear? Ass? Just having fun. Don't take yourself so seriously.
Last year the Pac10 won all 5 bowl games. Does that make them the best conference last year. Not quite.
No doubt we need a playoff system and I think these blow out bowl games will help us get there. I believe the contracts run through 2013? It felt like to me that if these teams weren't playing in a "big bowl" they just didn't show up and maybe that will help too.

Go Boise
Go Bama


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