Ron Paul For President



After some reading on Ron Paul and watching his interview on Meet The Press I've decided to vote for him in the primary, yes I know he doesn't have a Chinaman's chance. the biggest reservation I have with him is his pro life agenda and the fact he's a Texan. in his defense he does want to make abortion issues a states choice and get the federal government out of it so that seems like a fair solution, the Texan part you just have to forgive him for.

He quoted Sinclair Lewis " When Facism comes to America it will be wrapped in a flag and carrying a cross" , that takes guts for a republican to admit that's the direction his party is headed and he wants to stop it. he wants a more sepratist US and thinks Israel should pay their own way and fight their own battles, he wants more states rights and less government waste and he's a strong supporter of the 2nd amendment. he's a little out there and a little radical for some people but maybe it's time to shake things up a little, he'ld have both parties shook up and that's woth something.

All in all he's not a dream candidate but the best one either party has to offer as I see it. maybe there's something wrong with him I've missed I don't know, since he's not going to win the primary anyway my research hasn't been overwhelming.
I guess when he loses the primary he could go on the Independent Party Ticket and run with Dennis Kucinich as his VP.

Thompson has about the same chance as Paul and he's dork, Giulliani is a crooked clown and Romney and Huckabee are yes men with no ideas of their own. what makes your choice out of this crowd any " sharper" than mine? or do you just mean you like Hillary and Obama better? do tell.
Paul seemed to studder when Russer pressed him all the earmarks that he put in the spending bill. Paul's answer didn't make sense to me.
I thought the same thing myself, like I said he's not a dream candidate but what one is. plus he studders a lot less than Bush and forms complete sentences with actual words found in the dictionary, he's an upgrade from what we have now.
My ONLY issues with the President of the United States are my guns.....gun rights and gasoline. At least this guy loves the Constitution and hates big government.

Ron Paul is not the total answer, but I strongly believe he is the best we are going to get......even though he can't win, he will get my vote. It is my only method of telling all the rest that they stink. They are ALL crooked and morally deficient.

I am sick to death of rectal politicians telling the media that Americans want this and Americans want do these dorks know what Americans want? There ain't one of them that knows the price of a gallon of milk or the cost of a loaf of bread. I'd bet every one of them knows where Exxon closed at on Fri PM.

I hate the Arabs.....all of them. I hate illegal aliens, I think we need prayer in school if you think you need to pray and I like "In God We Trust" on our money. If you want an abortion.....get one, I wouldn't ever presume to tell you what to do with your body.

It would be great if someone showed up who was actually going to do the job, but I don't see that coming.
Dude and Nick, I'm leaning towards Ron Paul myself, but I would rather he run as a Libertarian instead of masquerading as a republican. I like the platform of the Constitutionalists the best. Libertarians are next in line for me, but I don't like the idea of allowing stupid people to murder innocent babies. I believe in consequences for your actions. Think before you climb on, you may be ruining your life, with or without an abortion.
Everyone's against stupid people murdering babies, but many people are OK with a doctor aborting an early pregnancy. there is a clear difference, the Supreme court sees the distinction as well.

Paul says he won't run as anything other than a republican, but he refused to say he's 100% sure he wouldn't. either way his nomination is pretty much conversational because he's not going to make it. the amount of money he raised lately shows there's more support for his thinking than anyone believed, a break from politics as usual might not be that many years away. I'm ready.
In this county where I live here in N. Kali it is a Demo area and always votes that way.
BUT lately I have seen a lot of signs and posters all over this city, Ron Paul in 08....interesting to say the least.

Will see later for sure.

I like Ron Paul but I totally disagree with his forign policy and isolationist views. Other than that I think he would be a nice shake up like Dude said................I can't believe I just typed that.....................

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
You're coming around 202.

What's wrong with his foreign policy? he says never again should the US get into another no win conflict like we're into in Iraq, especially using false information to support it. he's ready to wean Israel off the 9 million dollars a day we give them, he's against the WTO and NAFTA and he says we need good comunication with other nations without our checkbook out at every meeting. it's all good, he won't win but maybe his so called radical thinking is like the boy saying the king has no clothes, bringing some of this out into the open and questioning it is the first step to change.

I've seen the Ron Paul signs around also. Kinda weird around where we live to say the least. Makes you think the Dems aren't real happy with their choices either.

How could they be happy with Hillary or Obama? problem is they can't vote to nominate Paul.
>You're coming around 202.
> What's wrong with his foreign
>policy? he says never again
>should the US get into
>another no win conflict like
>we're into in Iraq, especially
>using false information to support
>it. he's ready to wean
>Israel off the 9 million
>dollars a day we give
>them, he's against the WTO
>and NAFTA and he says
>we need good comunication with
>other nations without our checkbook
>out at every meeting. it's
>all good, he won't win
>but maybe his so called
>radical thinking is like the
>boy saying the king has
>no clothes, bringing some of
>this out into the open
>and questioning it is the
>first step to change.

Well Ron Paul is very Neville Chamberlinesque. He is an apeaser. He believes if we just leave them alone they will leave us alone. That is my problem with him. Our interest and security are a global concern and we need a presence to guard our interest. Bringing all our troops home from around the world would be a disaster of monumental porportion. America is the last best hope for freedom in this world and it must be propagated and protected everywhere. If it is not the dictators will run rampant and put us in even graver danger.

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
LAST EDITED ON Dec-26-07 AT 11:57AM (MST)[p]Yeah, we really have the world under our thumb don't we? just what makes you think have a handle on things? Russia is selling Iran a new anti aircraft missle system, we're whining about it but how much good do you suppose it's going to do? none, our standing in the world today is worse than ever.

Things are looking a little better in Iraq but getting worse in Aghanistan and Pakistan, we didn't eliminate terrorist we just relocated them. as Paul says it's an unwinable situation from a military prospective. I don't think he's advocating drawing ALL troops home from everywhere, just picking our fights and spending less money in a wiser fashion. we know what we're doing isn't working, if his plan doesn't work at least we saved some money. I'm not sure we can borrow enough money to play world cop and world Santa forever.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-26-07 AT 02:11PM (MST)[p]

I want to like Ron Paul, the problem I have is that he is he never finishes an idea or completes a thought. I find his "solutions" overly simplistic and never do I get the sense that he looks too deeply into any issue.


He did state that he want all troops home period. No troops stationed overseas. I can give the clip of his interview with Russert if you don't believe me.

When pressed for details he answers almost every question with, "I don't know".

Also I love you selective hit on Israel yet fail to state his view of the Arabs who to quote Ron Paul get, "Three times the amount of foreign aid as do the Israeli's".

In addition he says that the only reason al Qaeda attacked us just because we had troops stationed in Saudi Arabia, no mention that the Saudi Government invited us there. Therefore 9/11 was our fault. He goes on to state that there is a Moral equivelent between al Qaeda and American Foreign policy.

Also he states that the States that his quip about Sinclair Lewis was a review of the last hundred years of American History and not just the Bush Administration.

He want to eliminate the income tax and not replace that revenue with anything. Eliminate the Dept of education, welfare, remove the authority of CIA to operate oversees, in the end the only functions of the federal government is the military and the Justice dept.

I like his stance on the Constitution but never fleshes out anything approaching a plan to move forward.

dude, I see Ron Paul and his view on foriegn affairs as dangerous and inane, and if we ever take his approach, we are screwed. When he talks I instantly think of anothe rnutjob, Ross Perot.

I do NOT want an American President who blames America first. I'll take Mitt, or Mike over Ron every day of the week. If I was 'forced' to vote for a Dem or Ron Paul, I don't know if I could vote for either.


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-26-07 AT 03:01PM (MST)[p]>So what? you got anyone better?

So What? I just pointed out that he doesn't think things through. You dislike or hate or whatever it is today the current administration because you consider GWB a dunce. Do you think Ron Paul is that much smarter?

I don't like ANY of the current candidates. I believe they all suck.

I like Ron Paul's message but then again any politician has a good message. I really like his constitutional basis the problem is that he does not practice what he preaches.

My point is that you are saying he is your candidate but he is against many of the things you are for and vice versa.

Check out his stance on trade, open borders, welfare, aid to the poor, he does not support the contiued military deployement to Afghanistan either, you said every American supported that.

So what? Yeah it is not any big deal to look a little deeper at a candidate. I want to like Ron Paul and I want want a candidate that has ideas about how to go forward but the guy just doesn't have it. He has been inside the beltway for 18 years and has brought home billions for his district and I believe is an honorable man but he should be able to flesh out a plan even a little or have some basic grasp of facts and figures.

So you are willing to support a guy who you don't even know how he stands on issue you feel are important to you. You might as well vote for Hillary as she said she supports the family farmer.

I give a ##### who support that is your business. Ron Paul won't be president in your lifetime anyway so support whom you wish.

I started this off by saying he's not a dream candidate, TR is the only one who meets that criteria and he's as likely to come back to life as Ron Paul is of getting nominated. the point is he may be a little wacky and he may not cater to other countries as you wish but he's for America first and formost. he suggest we look out for number one by minding our own business and not by funding,paying off or killing anyone. just by being strong and keeping our eye on the ball, and making it clear if you cross us you'll pay and that's not a hollow threat. I'll admit he's a little out there but so what, he's the least lame horse in the barn.

You make is sound as if we've got everything under control and his radical ideas could upset the apple cart, wake up and look at reality. we have nothing under control and we've spent a fortune and burned all our bridges to get there,Russia is gaining strenght at an alarming rate and 99% of the world hates us. what are we going to lose? you guys talk tough but that's all it is, we and snivel whine about Iran and what's it gained us? Russia selling them state of the art weapons and plutonium. if you can't back up your threats then you look stronger not making them. until somebody has a better plan than Paul's don't say he's a wacko, minding our own business just might work. by the way niether of you said how you think we should fund our world cop and Santa program, have you noticed our bank account lately? yeah, not good.
There's no one on this planet that can fix all of the worlds problems, or please everyone with all the different views around. That is the biggest problem we have right now. All of the candidates are trying to say the right things to each demographic to get the votes to get elected. What they will actually be able to accomplish once in office will be determined more by the people and governments with the power and money. Our system is really wacked out and I don't see a way out of this mess. Voting for any candidate outside of the big two parties is a wasted vote, we all know that. But in reality, any vote for democrat or republican is also a wasted vote because it will not fix the problem. It will just keep getting worse. Even our Founding Fathers didn't set up a perfect system of government. It was simpler and, in my eyes, better than what we have now, but it wasn't perfect. It may be a fantasy to want to go back to the way it was, but if my vote won't change anything for the better anyway, I might as well just vote my fantasy.

Please put up a quote where I said everything is under control. You really need to get off the tractor because the diesel fumes have fried your brain.

Also you must not travel outside of your county because 99% of the world doesn't hate us. In fact I just got back from the Orient and they do not hate us. They may hate some of the things we have done but nearly everyone there looks to the U.S. for world leadership. Sorry you cannot believe that we are still a good thing for the world.

Also all I said is that I think it is funny that you support a guy that doesn't even believe in many of the things you believe in. Again support whom ever you wish, just spend more the 30 seconds researching them and declaring your support.

OK if things aren't under control then what can Paul hurt? you're right I don't ever leave North America and I don't ever intend to, but your version of world travel and 99% of the other globe trotters I've talked to differ. many say they're Canadians when traveling because it makes life so much easier, they don't seem to feel the love as you do.

Paul doesn't believe in many of the things I do that's quite true, but he believes in more than anyone else in the running. it took less than 30 seconds to figure that out, until now I just never paid him much attention. one thing I'll agree on you with is Paul isn't going to win the primary, that's unfortunate but he'll get my vote none the less.

You never did say who you thought was the thinking man's candidate? if I'm crazy for supporting Paul you must have a winner picked out of the herd? do tell.
Dude......don't you think it's funny that all these smart guys, totally grasping the political climate, haven't suggested some other candidate than Ron Paul? Cracks me up.

This country is in the worst shape it has been in since the Great Depression.

Our position in the world in in the toilet......which I personnaly could care less about. WE give money and aid to EVERYONE and we are still spit on.....screw them.

Turn Israel loose on the Arabs...all the Arabs and we will not have to invest another serviceman.

Stay home and mind your own business seems like good advice to me. Nothing else is working.

I don't have a candidate. Of the ones running none are worth my vote. Pretty sad really. I am not trying to argue with you but I have traveled, even to France, and not felt uncomfortable being an American. It isn't the American people that other countries dislike or hate.


What happened after the Great Depression when we stayed home and minded our own business? That was the same advice this country got after 1929 also. Didn't turn out so good for alot of people.

I agree that this country needs a change, I would agree that alot of what Ron Paul says is great advice. He just doesn't have any depth to his ideas such as how to actually put them into practice.


I can agree Paul says lots of things I don't believe he can back up or accomplish, but the first step for change is talking about it, I'm not sure now is the time or Paul is the man but America needs a change. as you say all the candidates are duds so why not give a radical like Paul enough support to make the 2012 contenders rethink their platform. for the next 4 years it's going to be more partisan cat fighting with Obama or Hillary at the wheel. nothing against them because they deserve their revenge, right or wrong this is how we play the game because nobody offers anything new. Paul may look better to you in a couple years.
Nemont.........sorry, that statement won't hunt. This ain't 1929 and the existing candidates ain't Patriots.

We need someone who has the interest of the USA first and foremost and to hell with other countries and their problems.

This country is a mess and needs some serious attention. The mantra that it is our "Destiny" to bring Democracy to the world is simply stupid. Who gave us that job? Most of the countries we are trying to reform wouldn't know Democracy from Krispy Kremes'.

The existing politicians only want to install a new govt in these countries that they can leverage into economic gain for themselves.

Just like here at home, they don't give a rat's ass about the people or their problems.

The Russians got to be lovin' this chit right now. Half the people living in THIS country don't care about the Russians or their allies and our military is so weak they only have to wait about 3 more years and they will whip us with a stick. may want to read a little more regarding the current state of affairs and the history of what led up to the crash of 1929.

Russia has huge internal problems just like we do. If you are worried about Russia then you should be shitting your pants about China.

Unfortunately we cannot simply say the hell with everyone else in the world nor can we just walk away from our current situation.

If Ron Paul is your guy then explain what we gain by saying the hell with the rest of the world. Even he does not say that.

I happen to agree with alot of what you are saying but being doom and gloom never got us anywhere. If you believe this country is in such bad condition why don't you run? I agree there are huge problems and they have been made worse in the last 7 years.

I just don't buy into the idea that everything bad in this world is a result of the U.S. and if we just took our ball and went home everything would be fine. History argues just the opposite.


Nick you have a pretty good handle on the situation. too many folks here think we can borrow enough money and hire enough people to force our ways and values down other cultures throats, it's not going to happen.

Paul says pull back and tend to our own needs first, isolationism in todays world may not work long term but we have wounds we need time to lick. it's not like we're succeeding at world order and domination anyway,anyone who thinks we are is an idiot.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-27-07 AT 11:58AM (MST)[p]NeMont......I don't think I said it was all doom and gloom. I simply believe that we need to address the situation here at home, regain the America we use to have and quit trying to buy our way around the rest of the world. The cost in blood alone is nonsensical.

Look what happened in Pakistan just this morning. How are we going to help those retards? The existing government there has serious doubts that they can get a handle on all the factions at play, much less guarantee the safety of their own nukes.....Let's hear who you think we got, that can stick his/her nose in that mess and clean it up?

I guess we could give them some want to go? We have damn few young men left, that we can pack off to some other camelturd country......God help us when we need some soldiers right here at home!

And if you don't believe that Russia is a serious problem, then you need to do some homework. You think their internal problems will stifle their aggressive hasn't stifled ours!

By the way, as a twice bled Vietnam Disabled Veteran, I doubt you'll see me "running" from anyone.
Nemont are you more worried about the future or your ego? I keep hearing this crap about not everything in the world being America's fault, I couldn't agree more but does that mean we have to be the one to fix it? we don't have the money or abilty to make everything peachie in the world, that doesn't mean we're losers it just means we accept it. for every step we take forward we slide back one or two, in the last couple days Russia says it's selling hi tech weapons to Iran, Israel won't back down on it's building so peace talks are off between them and Palistine and Bhutto was killed taking away most hope for a peaceful Pakistan( they have nukes and terrorist by the way) in the near future. again what is it we're accomplishing around the world? are we being pessimistic or realistic? why is Paul crazy to say to hell with them?

You still won't say who you think is a better choice than Paul? does that mean you don't know or like me you just like to argue?

I would vote for Ron Paul if he would put my mind a little at ease and some how show me that he puts at least a little thought to questions prior to answering them. When he is pressed for details he has almost always replied, "I don't know". No plan, no strategy, no follow up.

I won't for any democrat currently running and the Republicans look like train wreck. Mitt is too much blow dried fancy for me, Rudy is a loose cannon, Fred T. is a lazy bastard, McCain is a great guy with a great life story but a little whacky, and Huckabee is too much of a Hillbilly. All of this is solely my own opinion.

I also do not believe that Isolationism is an answer to our problems.

Well, the pickins are slim for pres. on both sides of the aisle. The guys I like are pretty unelectable (Tancredo and Hunter). Paul is a vote stealer; thoroughly enelectable but big enough to cause a problem for the top 3 rep. canditates. Doesn't even need to change his initials to be like Ross Perot.

Nick, I empathize with your isolationist position, and in a perfect world, this would be great, but the America "we used to be" existed before the modem. I don't see how anyone can put the skids on the globalism that is the world we live in now. Businesses being so entertwined as they are via internet, not possible.

The situation in the Middle East is not one that we can just "pack up our bags and leave." How we got there is a moot point now. There are major players over there that transcend terrorism and fundamentalism. Russia and China to name two. If the USA pulls stakes, we'll have lost "the" strategic asset of the planet...oil. Globally, its a non-issue. We must absolutely keep our fingers in it over there. I don't see as we have a choice.

I would like a guy strong on defense, socially conservative and fiscally conservative (as is possible). Also, as repugnant it may be to some, this candidate will need to be muy savvy inre foriegn policy.

I hate to say it, but the canditate the republicans put in the general election will need to beat Clinton or Hussien Obama. (both repulsive in my eyes). I fear that that canditate will be Guiliani. Rudy has some star power and we know he has the executive accumen, but he is a social lib, a negative for me.

Romney may be ok, but I don't like the guy that much, and I can't really put my finger on why. He has executive skills as well, but the fact that none of his five sons ever volunteered to serve in the military kind of chaps my ass for some reason.

McCain could be good, but has legislated on some things I disagree with. I think he has anger issues as well. He could certainly strike fear into the hearts of Iran though. I'm on the fence about that guy still.

It'll be interesting to say the least.
How is anyone going to strike fear into Iran? with Russia and China behind them we're not going to do anything unless they show up on TV fueling up missles carrying nuclear warheads pointed at Israel, and they know it. our only hope is Ahmadinejad gets unpopular enough he's voted out or taken out like Bhutto just was. beyond that we're just puffing up for show.

I don't like any of the candidates either, and I agree Giuliani is the only one who stands a chance against Hillary. that's if he wins the primary and if the trash stops flowing out of his closet.

The way I see it Paul is my pick of a sorry lot, I can't win no matter who gets elected and I can't hurt anything by voting for Paul, he doesn't have a chance anyway. This is the first time since 1952 that a sitting president or a a VP isn't running for office. it's wide open and Hillary is in the lead , if Hillary and Obama team up after the primary you're looking at your new leaders no matter what the republicans do. makes me like Paul even better, at least I can say I tried.
I spotted another sign for Ron Paul here in our area, actually not far from my home and about 15 feet high on a pole.
But this one had something in Spanish on the top and bottom I think written out with Ron Paul 08 in the middle.

It was on a pole next to the soccer field at the local Catholic High School for boys & girls. Wonder if one of them shimmed up the pole to tack it there??


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