Ron Paul Dominates


Long Time Member
I know this is opening up a can of worms but I finally saw a Republican I remember from my youth. Ron Paul a fiscal conservative who in my opinion revealed with the debates that he is the only Republican who has a chance of winning in the general election. Most of the early results show that 35 % thought he won. He looked presidential to me. Ok I'm ready for all heck to break loose but he was good in my opinion. It might be because I got rained on so hard in California that it soaked through to my brain.
No argument out of me, Ron Paul is my first pick and Richardson was my second, guess I'm down to Paul now. he scares the status quo republicans and they'd rather lose than change. he'll drop out of the running before I get a chance to vote for him in May.

Thats funny, I thought he did the worst, out of all of them, although I do think he had some interesting points, mainly about what we are doing with China by borrowing alot of money, I found him to be a bit of a lunitic. He brought up somethings that were interesting but he did not look presidental to me at all. Like I said some interesting points, just the wrong person bringing them up.

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
Dumba@@ comment. But officially The call in poll of people of America just made it final 32% for Paul. In spite of those morons on Fox who sounded like idiots in their analysis who said he wasn't a viable candidate. The American people that voted said Paul won. I really hate the talking heads of Fox News.
Man you are funny, do you really think that poll is acurate, is all that shows is that more Paul supporters actually called in, or that more dems cared about calling in than the reps did, I didnt text my vote did you? I thought they all did well, but thought Rom, Huck, and Mac did the best.

I will agree that it was a low blow for that Question to have been asked.

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
cornhusker and dude, what percentage did Ron Paul get in N.H.? Don't blame it on "republicans being scared", independants could vote in the republican primary. Ron Paul is a nutbag and will NEVER get 35% of the votes in ANY caucus/primary, regardless of whether independants can vote for him or not. McCain has little/no chance of getting the nomination, but he carried N.H. because of the independant voters, where were all the Ron Paul supporterd? I am guessing they were busy casting a vote for that other 'presidental' canidate Bill Richardson, oops my bad he is gone, and soon so will Ron 'nutbag' Paul!


Define, develop, and sustain BOTH trophy and opportunity hunts throughout the state of Utah.
Go ahead and have your fun, you're going to nominate a loser like Huckleberry or Rudy that either Hillary or Obama will beat. we'll see if you're still as giddy at that time.
If it was all about looks Mitt Romney would win hands down. Romney knows what he's talking about when he's talking and you can see the passion in his eyes. McCain is a joke period. Huckabee is a great guy and very likeable, needs some dental work, but not a President. Thompson is a stud ,but shows to many signs of getting old and possibly losing his mind during his term. Ron Paul has the passion and some great food for thought, makes me laugh, but the senate and congress would drive him to drink. I think he would ring their necks. None of them are perfect. My main concern is the economy. It needs to be fixed first then everything else will follow suite. Romey knows money and how it works better than any other canidate. That is why he gets my vote. Just my observatoin and opinion.
Had some buddies come over to watch the debate tonight. As always we took out our pens and pad, threw 2 cases of Fat Tire in the cooler and broke out the shot glasses. Tonight's drink word was "Reagan". 20 minutes in we had 20 shots, at the 30 minute mark we all had knocked down 35 shots. The final came at the 47th minute for a total of 36 shots each. Yes, I'm a little buzzed right now.

Is it me or does Carl Cameron look like the Santa's main elf from Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer? Cameron personifies a uncleaned rectal thermometer with teeth. I digress

So Carl asks Huck, Rudy, and McCain about the Reagan coalition (the drinking begins). Then Carl pulls a 180 and addresses Paul about 9/11 conspiracy theories...amazing, but Paul didn't fall for it. He put ol Carl in his place quickly and redirected his response to the Reagan coalition like the other candidates.

Of all these guys Paul does appear closest to the core of the old GOP, my GOP. When Hume asked about the recent speed boat incidents he addressed Huckabee first. Huck responded with giving the commanders the choice to fire first, then went on to speak of the "Gates of Hell"..what a surprise there. Then Thompson, who agreed with Huck but had to add aiding "them" to meet their Virgins. Then Rudy who blah blahed about the NIE, then tried to corellate speed boats with nuclear weapons programs. Ya Rudy, their navy is made of speed boats, one could only imagine the sophistication of their missle guidance systems.

Hume then went to Paul without restating the question. I found Paul's response to the other candidates comments spot on target. Of course, Hume who could not resist his FAUX moment laughed at Paul, then re-stated the question as they panned onto Romney and McCain reactions as the audience chuckled. Paul was pissed for the disrespect and murmered "making fun of me", I felt bad for the guy.

I certainly understood and I think the educated American viewing audience understood what Paul was saying. I thought his illustration that a couple of speed boats is no match for one of our destroyers and more importantly not a reason for so much chicken-hawking. Paul knew he was being mocked by Hume and knows Faux has a bead on him for not aligning with neo-con party line politics.

Romney could not resist being the Ivy league spoiled turd that he is to take his stab telling Paul that he listens to too many Ahmanididijad's press conferences. The audience responded appropriately with boos and hisses. I think Romney lost his few stature points with that comment. Good Job Mitt your really bringing the sheep into the flock.

I'll bet Mitt chickened out of every school yard fight as a kid and ran to the principal's office screaming. Mitt started out pety with a beotch crack a McCain so it was no surprise...he's done.

I also thought Paul's responses to the Palestinian issue and our over-involvement, big-brothering was on the money. He mentioned how our past relationships with Saddam and Bin Laden had come back to bite us. He also mentioned that we could get the same results with trade policies. McCain then fired a servo at Paul that he doesn't want to trade with Al Queda they only have Burkas and One-way tickets...way to embrace the American/World Muslims community John..good job.

Paul was talking about Muslim nations not terrorist groups, but I guess to McCain they are all the same. McCain's last shot at Paul was to infer that Paul's power through trade policy was somehow condemning our soldiers???

Just when I was thinking how Huckabee was making a fair showing tonight outside of the "Gates of Hell" comment, he went after Paul over Israel (florida is around the corner).

Paul stopped Huck cold in his tracks when he mentioned the 3-1 financial /military aid to the arab countries that surround Israel.

One last thing, Mitt's response to Musharoff/Pakistan was hilarious. International politics is like a 3 dimesional chess insightful. Then he went on to say we have to get the Pakistani's to shut down the madrassas and change Islam. Good luck with that Mitt, I guess converting others religious beliefs is second nature for you...shocking!

I thought McCain's response to the Reagan Coalition question was his shining moment. He was candid, honest, and objective like the John McCain of old.

I drank too much, damn I type too much, I'm going to stop now.

O.K. I'm done.

Drinking words at the next Dem Debate "FDR" and "Kennedy"
I went to high school girls basketball game and watched my niece play and missed the debates. Your take on this is the funnest reading I've had all day.
If space aliens hit earth last night and caught that debate, they would, this morning, still be searching this planet for "intelligent life forms".

Amazing.........the most advanced culture in the world and this is the best we can come up with?

I am registered non-partisan....I'm staying home!
>Had some buddies come over to
>watch the debate tonight. As
>always we took out our
>pens and pad, threw 2
>cases of Fat Tire in
>the cooler and broke out
>the shot glasses. Tonight's drink
>word was "Reagan". 20 minutes
>in we had 20 shots,
>at the 30 minute mark
>we all had knocked down
>35 shots. The final came
>at the 47th minute for
>a total of 36 shots
>each. Yes, I'm a little
>buzzed right now.

That brings back some memories. Many moons ago in college we used to play "High Chaparral". We took a shot whenever someone on the show got shot. Some episodes were brutal. It came on at 4:00 pm Friday afternoons.
FTW I don't know how you can watch FAUX until you're already drunk. I have to down most of a fifth before I can come down to Hume's level, if I had half of my teeth removed maybe I could think on par without the booze.

D13r, you don't still think Thompson is in the game do you? he was never in it, he sounds like Cletus the slack jawed yokel when he wakes up and makes the mistake of speaking.
Good post forthewall, pretty much as I saw it, too...
Too much happy face time and not enough hard facts, like Paul points out with his 3-1 funding of the arab states over the jews. Of course he is made out the clown by all commentators and the other candidates. All the while the candidates are trying to show just how conservative and Reagan like they think they are, when they all have baggage they just can't seem to hide...
Stop Global Whining
FTW As always in my opinion you were right on point. In fact if I had written your post I would be quite proud of it. Catching some of the blogs today your post was a consensus of many people's take on the debate although not as well written as yours. The unfortunate thing is the ignorant, misinformed, and those unable to think all have one vote each in a democratic republic. Mitt will get some for his looks, Huckleberry will get some for his godliness, Rudy will get some because he looks better than the others in a skirt, McCain will get some votes for his war record background. It should be, at the time I thought they were crazy. I was wrong.
Peak your focus on the candidates, looks, teeth and whether their a stud or not makes me a little nervous do you live in the bay area?

"If it was all about looks Mitt Romney would win hands down. Romney knows what he's talking about when he's talking and you can see the passion in his eyes. McCain is a joke period. Huckabee is a great guy and very likeable, needs some dental work, but not a President. Thompson is a stud ",
FRED TOOK HUCKAF*&^% TO THE WOOD SHED BOYS. Fred was on fire. Where has that fire been. We need to see more fire. His virgin comment was AWESOME!

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
Bloomberg watching all the morons and realizing he has a chance. talk is he is getting serious about running, money won't be an issue and his competition are all losers so why not. considering we have a bible thumper dork or a cross dressing mayor who can't order a cheesebuger without saying 9/11 getting the republican nomination, and a couple of not to exciting goofs on the dem ticket to choose from I hope he does. question is which side will he pull the most votes from? the dems probably have the most to lose because as it is they almost have a lock on the whitehouse with Hillary or Obama anyway.
He will pull from the Dems. word I've read is Hagel will be his running mate. I don't know much about Bloomberg but Hagel is a man of his word like him or not. He also answers his own e-mails in person and sends out a pretty nice christmas card. I guarantee he's smarter than all those knuckleheads I watched with possibly the exception of Paul.

Not from the bay area. I do see your point and forgot mine. I guess I was just pointing out they are not good looking men.
Great sense of humor! probably how I would have responded. If this wasn't the net we would probably have a laugh over a beer at the local bar. I agree with the last part. But the real question for some. Is Rudy a good looking women when he's doing his Transvestite routinue?

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