Romney's new commercial


I just saw Mitt Romney's new commercial airing here in California. It is a response, I guess, to Clinton's claim of "35 years of experience." In the commercial, Romney is saying that Clinton wants to run the biggest enterprise in the world, but she hasn't even run a corner store. He says he isn't comfortable with her having a Presidential Internship and then he cites the fact that he's run a successful business, a successful Olympics and successfully run a state.

T, you gotta admit, it's a pretty well done commercial!
Romney is no self proclaimed son of a turd miner that worked for every penny of his success. Mitt is the son of the former CEO of American Motor Cars and a former Governor. Both Mitt and his wife are trust fund babies!

I really hope Americans are not naive enough to think that Mitt is some economic savior. If Bill Gates decided to run for President, people would be screaming that he is buying the presidency.

Why should it be any different for Mitt? Does anyone really think Mitt understands struggles of the average American 2 income household? Better yet how can one respect a man whose only claim to fame is being born into American royalty?

When I hear claims of all his economic savvy I just look down and shake my head. Sound bites and pundit poetry has seemed to replace America's desire to research candidate claims.

At least some trust fund babies have a desire to give back by joining the armed forces or the peace corps. Mitt's sons, like their father lead a charmed life without any contribution for the greater good than their own hedonism.

I want a candidate that is self-made, has overcome many a struggle, and truly understands the plight of this country's hard working families.
Spoken like a true foot soldier of the class warfare. Full of hatred and none of it true.
Well, I don't recall that Clinton or Obama have done anything successful in the business arena, ever. Unless you consider trading cattle futures as a client to be conducting business. Oh, and investing in Arkansas land speculation deals. Other than that, I don't know of any business venture that our potential first female president has accomplished.

Romney has at least been very successful in business and managed to be a successful republican governor in a democratic state. Savings the SLC Olympics also was a pretty significant feat.

I'll take his results over hers any day. Don't know of anything Obama has ever done in business, ever.
Relax Oakbuck,

I don't hold the wealthy guilty of the crime of being wealthy. Many Mitt supporters keep referring to Mitt's success stemming from vast business savvy and college pedigree. Nobody mentions that Mitt comes from a very privledged background and has received a lot of wealth derived from inheritance.

Mitt is so wealthy that he and his wife opened blind trust accounts to keep their wealth obscured. Why? As McCain said, "You can spend all of your money if you would like to?"

The personal background of Nixon, Reagan, Clinton, were not ones of priveledge, quite the contrary.

What part of my thread displays hatred and what part of it is untrue?
Bottom line for me on Mitt is this,

Any person willing to finance their own campaign needs an education on business, or they can't raise enough money to play with the big boys.

In Mitt's case, it's both. . .

He's a loser, always has been and he's going to be an even bigger loser if he keeps pouring his money down the drain, both he and Huck need to hang it up already. In fact, a smart business man would have stopped burning his capital long ago. . . Last think I want him to do is spend my money like he spends his own. . . dope. . . .

All I can say is that Mitt is acting more like a communist than an entrepreneur
I wouldnt vote for Romney if he paid me $1000.00


"Live for somethin' or die for nothin'"
All of it.

Forbes says Romney's worth $250 mil. It didn't come from a trust fund. He 'self' made it at Bain Capital. So, if you really like the self made man, you should love Romney.

All wealthy politicians open blind trusts when they run for office so people like you can't whine that they are using thier office to enrich themselves. Even though you will anyway.

Lots of untruths being said about Romney.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-03-08 AT 03:43PM (MST)[p]Am I reading this right? " If you spend your own money on something you want you are a communist?"

I find it very interesting that most of the people suggesting Romney should withdraw, are the same people who are supporting people he'll be running against if he gets the Rep nomination.

Why do you guys really think he should hang it up? So that your preferred candidate won't have to run against him?
More than anyone or anything else, the mainstream media seems to want Romney out of the race, and to me that says very much indeed.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-03-08 AT 06:15PM (MST)[p]for one he should hang it up because he's a flip-flopper of grand canyon proportions . . .

another reason in case you have not seen the polls, he's not got a chance unless he can convince the other religious zealot to quit . . . and even then he'd only show at best. . .
>At least some trust fund babies
>have a desire to give
>back by joining the armed
>forces or the peace corps.
>Mitt's sons, like their father
>lead a charmed life without
>any contribution for the greater
>good than their own hedonism.

For some of us, it is an honorable thing to devote 2 years of your life to the Lord's errand. I guess going on a Church Mission doesnt contribute to the greater good...I guess sharing the Gospel of Christ to other, and providing service and assistance to others, is just a selfish, self centered "hedonistic" thing to do.
>for one he should hang it
>up because he's a flip-flopper
>of grand canyon proportions .

Another untruth.

So now Romney is a religous zealot huh TFinal?

Romney changed his mind on abortion. I say good for him and welcome home. Reagan and lots of other conservative leaders came to the belief that abortion is wrong. Call it a flip if you want to but where's the flop?

You and FTW seem to be the kind of people that are comfortable believing every political BS story you hear without checking for yourself. I guess it's your 'happy place'.
Hey Oak, go look up the word zealot. . .

as for religious service and commitment to your God, more power to you, just dont tell me or try to persuade me to join your "club," or judge me for not following your path. Which, is normally and almost always what happens when you deal with or put in charge religious zealots. . . Look at the christian leadership in the USA - they mostly are authoritarians and today, the church's are paying a dear price for it. . .
zeal?ot /ˈzɛlət/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[zel-uht] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. a person who shows zeal.
2. an excessively zealous person; fanatic.
3. (initial capital letter) a member of a radical, warlike, ardently patriotic group of Jews in Judea, particularly prominent from a.d. 69 to 81, advocating the violent overthrow of Roman rule and vigorously resisting the efforts of the Romans and their supporters to heathenize the Jews.

?Synonyms 2. extremist, crank, bigot. See fanatic.

Assignment done teacher. So now teach me what Romney has done that fits the above.

Oh and btw, I honestly couldn't care less what "club" you join.
Oakbuck here's a couple of links that give my assertions merit.

If you don't like those I will be happy to provide you with dozens more. I don't like to use Wiki, but it does provide an outline on Mitt's revolving door on political issues.

The facts surrounding the Romney Family wealth are well published as the family was catapulted into the top .01% when George Romney became CEO at A.M.C.

Your blanket denial of my assertions only lend more credibilty to my statements. No head to head, no references to dispute, and certainly no merit to counter my points.

Now Mitt wants Huck to drop out in hopes of leveraging a lead over McCain. A technique Mitt mastered at Bain and we will all see who Huck will endorse. Both Huck and Mitt have argued thier backgrounds as Governors make them the most qualified candidates.

If Huck endorses the recently avowed baptist McCain would that outline that bigotry that exists within the GOP?

Do I dislike or even hate Romney? No! I think Mitt served his constituents in Boston well as a very progressive republican and left office with a 43% approval rating. He served well as the CEO of the SLC Olympics, and even contributed close to 2 million of his own money.

Mitt did raise taxes, college tuitions, state gas tax, approved state mandated health coverage, and approved civil unions. He had over 200+ vetoes which were all overturned in the state legislature while in office. This displays an inability to reach out and bring others on board to support his politcal viewpoints. We will see if the Boston voters will support Mitt after his many changes on social issues.

However, in regard to my original thread if Mitt never worked a day in his life after attending Stanford, BYU, and Harvard, he would still be a multi-millionaire today.

I will be the first to admit I was incorrect if you can find a single reference that shows Mitt not having a very privledged background.
Thanks for the reply FTW. All very nice and polished techniques to change the argument and put me on the defensive. Nice try.

But you said Romney is a zealot. I called you on it and you replied to everything but that.

Let me ask again. How is Romney a zealot? Simple question.

As for the other stuff you wrote;

I read the first link, an opinion piece by Cokie Roberts and hubby that said Romney is rich. Big deal. Nothing new there.

Since you bring up bigotry in the GOP. Your absolutely right about that one! And its number one purveyor right now is Huckabee.

Its obvious Huckabee is not running for President anymore but for VP. He's staying in the race to split the conservative vote so Mac can get the nomination (and I believe he will). Then he chooses Huck as veep and its off to the races.

If your fact is true that Romney had 200 vetoes in MA, that is a plus for me because of the hard left legislature he was dealing with. Sounds like he stuck to his conservative guns to me. I applaud that.

As to his family financial background no one really knows how much he stood to inherit if he never held a job and lived his entire life of his dads wealth. But his pops only made $250k a year as leader of AMC which is about $1.5 mil in todays dollars. Sorry but that's not even close to enough to be considered a trust fund baby! The Kennedys would scoff at that kind of money.

He definitely had priviledge as a kid like going to the best schools and all but the Rockefellers they are not.

But back to my question, how is he a zealot?
Oakbuck I think you have my threads confused with TF's, I never brought up anything regarding religion. Perhaps you should review the entire post and redirect your question.

George Romney died in the mid nineties, but had invested his money quite nicely. Those investments were worth multi-millions at the time of his death.

These things happen, I just undeservantly offended our good colleague Nemont on another thread and now I feel ashamed.

No worries.:)
Mitt Romney started Baine Capitol. They invested in Dominoes Pizza, Staples, The Sports Authority, etc. You can take a rich kid and watch him waste a fortune. Well Romney took a chunk of change and turned it into an empire. Not bad for a spoiled rich kid.

Ever heard of Staples? Dominoes Pizza? Burger King? Toys R Us? Yeah, I thought so. Now worth 50 billion dollars, Bain is one of the largest private investment groups in the world.

Producing the first profit out of an Olympics is no small feat. Especially when it starts out so scandelous as the olympics in SLC.

Want to learn more about the spoiled rich kid who turned millions into BILLIONS.

I do wonder, with the dems in the way, if he will be as successful in the presidency. He had complete control as CEO and as president he will be limited by others. But, if America choses McCain, we will have to rely on a man with no real fiscal agenda. But you know, he is a war hero ; )

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
LAST EDITED ON Feb-05-08 AT 07:51AM (MST)[p]he never will be elected. I say that because he's flipped on too many issues and he's not presidential, he caries himself like smug do-gooder and we just had 7 years of that attitude, I think the country is tired of it. right or wrong, qualified or not, Romney has as much chance at the presidency as edwards. . . he should hang it up and quite waisting air time and money. . .

the zealot comment was mine, I meant zealot as a fanatically committed person, both romney and huck both are zealots in my limited use of the word.

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