Roll on


Long Time Member
Don't really have a dog in this fight, but I am disappointed McCoy went down. Definitely lopsided game now. I was hoping for a barnburner.
hard to brag on this game, when colt mccoy went down they could have presented the trophy then. once again: we will not know who is the best team in the nation this year. poor true freshman who has to get thrown into the mess this way.
a real letdown for a championship game IMO...........
LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-10 AT 08:32PM (MST)[p]If I say all the things I am thiking and feeling right now, I might have to go see the Bishop so I will just shut up.

Everything bad that can possibly happen just did.

This sucks.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-10 AT 09:07PM (MST)[p]Just looking at this right now, it could easily be 17-13 Texas ball. That UT receiver Williams flat dropped that pass in the end zone, on that kids beautiful pass, and the TD right before the half goes right on the coaching staff of UT, they should have hauled their butts to the locker room, not screwed around with shovel passes with 10 seconds to play.

And why is Alabama throwing the ball?? Sheesh.

Edited, I mean throwing the ball so much at the start. Seemed like they had more sacks than Ingram had rushes.LOL
Well - Bama did what they had to do to win - just enough. Props to them - Ingram and Richardson are definite studs. They impressed for sure. Saban didn't however. With all the bad luck that happened to Texas, this game should have been a blow out and should not have been close with 2 minutes left to play.

But just to let you know Rans - it wasn't the Texas defense that lost this game. Blame Mack Brown for not having a better prepared backup (that's what you get for being a one-trick pony!), Greg Davis for not developing a running game and stupid stupid stupid play calling (REALLY - a shuttle pass with 17 seconds left in the half???), the Big East officials who sat on there hands, and the Bama D who did just enough until the last two minutes that turned into garbage time.

I know it will sound like sour grapes, but that is what it is - if Colt doesn't get hurt the Horns go up 14-0 early and end up hanging 45 on Bama and it looks like what Utah did to them last year.

Watch out for Garrett Gilbert - remember the name. Texas needs to figure out how to run the ball better - they have the personnel , just need to use them correctly and let Gilbert air it out, and will still be a force to be reckoned with.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
It sucks that McCoy got hurt---Very true!

I hate Bama had to win that way, but I'll take it :) I do agree the Texas defense got the wind knocked out of em'!

If it would've been the other way around & Mcelroy got hurt....Alabama would've been better off IMO! Thier backup QB is better, or atleast has more potential!

Texas has a good future!!!! Gilbert was IMPRESSIVE!!!

Bamma Ramma yellow hammer give em' hell ALABAMA!!!

LAST EDITED ON Jan-08-10 AT 07:20AM (MST)[p]Roy, I agree I would have liked to see "Mini horse" play but when you fake an injury and let your team down thats what happens:) JK

It would have been a close game if he would have played though, but I truly think Bama' would have pulled it off.

I am definitely one sided because I had money riding and being a Tech fan makes disliking Texas comes easily:) My father in law kept giving me a hard time asking why I wouldn't root for a Big 12 school to bring the Championship back, I told him it was easy.
Bama was reeling early in the game, until McCoy went out and Texas had to settle for 2 FG's instead of 2 TD's. Anybody that says Bama would have still won with Colt in the game is just lying to themselves....

Congrats to BAMA, they are the best team in the
country, I feel bad for Colt, he is one hell of
a player, but Cudos to BAMA, now we just need to
see B.S.U. ranked #2 end of season!
>Well - Bama did what they
>had to do to win
>- just enough. Props to
>them - Ingram and Richardson
>are definite studs. They impressed
>for sure. Saban didn't however.
>With all the bad luck
>that happened to Texas, this
>game should have been a
>blow out and should not
>have been close with 2
>minutes left to play.
>But just to let you know
>Rans - it wasn't the
>Texas defense that lost this
>game. Blame Mack Brown for
>not having a better prepared
>backup (that's what you get
>for being a one-trick pony!),
>Greg Davis for not developing
>a running game and stupid
>stupid stupid play calling (REALLY
>- a shuttle pass with
>17 seconds left in the
>half???), the Big East officials
>who sat on there hands,
>and the Bama D who
>did just enough until the
>last two minutes that turned
>into garbage time.
>I know it will sound like
>sour grapes, but that is
>what it is - if
>Colt doesn't get hurt the
>Horns go up 14-0 early
>and end up hanging 45
>on Bama and it looks
>like what Utah did to
>them last year.
>Watch out for Garrett Gilbert -
>remember the name. Texas needs
>to figure out how to
>run the ball better -
>they have the personnel ,
>just need to use them
>correctly and let Gilbert air
>it out, and will still
>be a force to be
>reckoned with.
>Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

I agree with this. Texas was just deflated when Colt went down. After that the Bama defense was able to do whatever they wanted against Gilbert.

Gilbert will be a great one, but he clearly wasn't prepared to play. Shame on Mack Brown for that.

Even as bad as it turned out for Texas, a caught pass here or there, no turnover TD to end the half and the late fumble turnover, Texas still had a chance.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-08-10 AT 12:23PM (MST)[p]Garrett's dad Gale was in the same year and high school as me. We won state championships for 3 years, then he went into pro's. I have never seen Garrett but if he is like his dad look out.

1 Corinthians 2:2
LAST EDITED ON Jan-08-10 AT 11:33AM (MST)[p]ANYBODY that says ALABAMA is the best team in the nation is just kidding themselves.

Texas made it a game with an unprepared backup and Alabama did nothing to take control of teh game the way they should have.

Just proved to me what a joke the SEC is, and how overrated ALABAMA was. To be honest, I expected ALABAMA to blow out Texas even with MCCOY. Texas showed up and would have handed ALABAM there butt if MCCOY had not been hurt. You might as well put an asterisk next to the title this year!

Alabama just proved they weren't the best team in the nation!
>Who is then, mister opinion?

I'll let you figure it out, but Bama isn't all that everyone thought they were.
Yes they are, get use to it.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

>Yes they are, get use to

> Ultra liberal, wolf loving,
>illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on
>crack piss me off!!!!

Are you 12 or what?
I agree. No matter what happened during the game the final result was a victory for Bama. You can't take that away from them, they earned the title and we will call them champions, among a few other choice names that would get us booted from MM! ;-)

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

Like I said to you before I have alot of family in Texas. My mothers family was from NE Texas. If Bama wasn't in the game I would have been rooting for Texas.

I'm a UT grad and I'm as sad as anybody the way it went down. But it shouldn't tarnish 'Bama's title because it wasn't their fualt and they won it fair and square. So I say;

Congrats Tide!

P.S. It helps the opponent was a Southern school as I'm a Southern boy-might not feel the same if ND,Penn State,or USC had won it...
Don't have problem with saying congrats to Bama, hey didn't play dirty and they didn't cheat. Congrats Bama.

But that doesn't mean they are the best TEAM all season, you want to evaluate Texas as a Team with Gilbert as quarterback the way it ended the year and I will agree that Bama was a better team, but it wasn't that way all season long.

While one man doesn't make a team, you take away the quarterback and it makes a huge difference on any team.
It was no secret that Bama was going to run the ball. If Texas wanted to be National Champ they needed to stop the run.
>It was no secret that Bama
>was going to run the
>ball. If Texas wanted to
>be National Champ they needed
>to stop the run.

I can understand that, but Texas had more total yards,276 to 263. Texas had 15 first downs to Bama's 16, Texas was 6 of 17 on third down conversions, where Bama was 2 for 12, the biggest difference came in where Texas lost the game and that was turnovers and penalty yards.

If Texas had not turned the ball over 5 times it would have been a Texas blowout. If Colt had not been knocked out they would not have turned it over 5 times, no way.

I really thought Texas defense played great with the exception of 2 plays, if the Texas offense had done their part everything would have been fine. Comes done to losing a quarterback and throwing a rookie to the wolves.....He wasn't ready to play until the second half.

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