Roll my eyes...


Very Active Member
I went down to Utah last weekend from Montana for a wedding. The wedding was in a large barn that was made into a reception hall. The owner drew one of the S. Utah units for elk a few years back. I knew that the elk was mounted on one of the walls in the loft area. I got there before the wedding started and was looking the 340 class 6x6 over. In passing I said to myself that I thought it was a "nice bull". There was a group of kids in thier 20's sitting under the elk in chairs. As I was walking away one of the kids said to me...."what did you say". I said, "That's a nice bull." Then he chuckled at me and said, "That's not a bull....that's an elk."
I smiled and bit my tongue as I walked down the stairs to my seat. Holy freakin crap this world never ceases to amaze me. Its been a week and that kid still probably still thinks that I am the idiot :)


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
I picked a archery deer hunter up on the road one day to give him a ride to his truck. On the way there were a handful of deer off the side of the road. I stopped to look at them and they guy argued with me that they were elk.

Not sure if he did any good that season, or what species he killed.

Is that ethical?
Smart move on your part not disagree with the nitwit. I once heard these words of wisdom...."never argue with an idiot, people that don't know you may not be able to tell the difference". I try to live by that motto.
I was in pioche ,NV. a couple years back when we noticed a few folks standing around a truck with Cali plates at the gas station on main street.Heard the guy talking about his cow elk hunt and how his "COW ELK " was the largest he had ever seen ,That it had to weigh over 1000 lbs.When we went over to see this amazing elk ,it was then we seen a wild mustang ,dead ,in the back of his truck.
Many years ago, my first year hunting, I came off the mountain and saw a guy standing by his car looking at his rifle. We exchanged hellos and I asked if he'd seen anything. His reply "No, not yet. I can't seem to get my gun loaded" He held it out like he wanted me to help him. I just held up one hand and said "see ya later".
A couple years ago a local guy told me about the huge whitetail he killed in Nebraska. He told me it was the third biggest buck ever killed in Nebraska and top five from Wyoming. Not sure how that works.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-23-09 AT 09:53AM (MST)[p]Reminds me of a doe mule deer management hunt me and my father drew back in 1977 in Corona, New Mexico. The Game and Fish had a check station set up where every hunter was supposed to stop in with their animals so a bottom jaw could be removed by a biologist.

We were in line at the check point standing outside our truck with our two doe muleys when these two Bozos with out of state plates pull up in a 70s' Bronco all proud with two doe antelope strapped to the roof of it!!

Everyone in line just about fell over in shock and I remember the Game & Fish officers were not amused!! now that is IDIOTIC!
I shot a really nice buck with a bow several years back. My hunting buddy also shot a nice bow buck the same day. We had our bucks in my buddys shop skinning them and the community drunk was driving by and stopped.

He said that our deer were probably "Moose Deer" there wasn't many of them around but it looked to him like we had killed a couple Moose Deer, LOL! we just rolled our eyes at each other.

Success is failure that tried one more time
About 15 years ago i was in the air force stationed in Spokane Wa.And I was in my back yard practicing my bull elk call for my NM hunt, When i see this guy laughing his A$$ off coming from across the street.He says that is the worst moose call that he has ever heard!He says he would help me out if i wanted, and i say that was very nice of him and if i every go moose hunting that i would take up his offer..
This year my buddy and I were in full camo shooting our bows the day before bow season opens....Some guy driving a subaru stopped and asked us, "Are you guys birding?"

"Livin the Dream"
LOL This year on our elk hunt one of the guys that came up with us had a cow tag, a few days into the hunt he downs a cow and when he gets back to camp my uncle was asking him if it was a big cow, and he responded with a "Hell yeah its a big cow dont you know the differnce between a cow and a calf cause I do."

Well they get over to this monster cow to find a calf no bigger than a deer laying there, they ask him where his elk is thinking someone else must have got one in the same area, and he points to the calf.

LOL I dont think the guy will ever live it down.

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.

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