rodents gone

That's nothing new-Bill Murray was using that technique over 20 years ago as a golf course groundskeeper.

LAST EDITED ON May-01-09 AT 06:02PM (MST)[p]Yes - but Bill Murray wasn't using a "controlled mixture of propane and oxygen" - he was using C4!

I think Kilowatt or Eelgrass used something similar to this on their garden. Of course, I wouldn't doubt that Eel has used if for turtle "hunting" - yeah - real ethical! Would you call that fair chase?

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I seriously looked into the propane cannon for a mole problem at my parents, but it seemed pretty expensive at the time.(little did I know).

Don't listen to Roy. The only time I've EVER used explosives on a turtle was Roys fault to begin with. He suggested getting a turtle to kill the moles. I got one, and sure enough, within a week the moles were history. Roy neglected to tell me what happens after that. I normally would never even think of using explosives but this was at my 85 year old mothers house, and I needed something QUICK! She is fragile enough without a long drawn out turtle war. So Roy lied. I NEVER "hunted" turtles with explosives.


LAST EDITED ON May-02-09 AT 05:30AM (MST)[p]Can we use that on Rush and call it the Rushenator? Amazing how much a buck toothed varmint looks like RL.
LAST EDITED ON May-02-09 AT 08:33AM (MST)[p]Zigga, I'm pretty sure you're not the first Marxist to think about that. You're the only person on this site who advocates killing people and then gets upset if a dead sheep rolls down a hill. You're ###### up Bud.


>Zigga, I'm pretty sure you're not
>the first Marxist to think
>about that. You're the only
>person on this site who
>advocates killing people and then
>gets upset if a dead
>sheep rolls down a hill.
>You're ###### up Bud.

Please tell me a sheep didn't roll down a hill! I want names and numbers and REVENGE for that sheep!

I forgot to add sarcasm Eel. Did the wife make you sleep outside last night? Kind of grumpy today aren't you? I'm always interested in exterminating rodents because I've got some and when I saw Rush's endorsement I couldn't help but laugh. Am I the only one that thinks he looks like a chipmunk with nuts in his cheeks? I'll lay off the kool-aid.
"Am I the only one that thinks he looks like a chipmunk with nuts in his cheeks? "

Careful Zigga I have that picture of you at the Obama rally that fits your description above..... Terry
Does anyone know how much that set up costs? I have a green belt behind my house that has them all over. They climb my fence and eat my daughters garden. I would shoot them with my air rifle but they are too quick.
AZbowhunter, if you check out their website on the Products Buy Now tab it shows two models at relatively high prices. However, if you look closer, they have a scrolling message that says something like call the 800 number for special pricing. I did and saved about 20%. is the official site.

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