ROCKETS?... no chance!!


Long Time Member
Well surprise surprise, the "No Chance" Rockets win game 6 forcing a game 7 back in LA.

Pulling for the Rockets, i was very impressed how they came to play, just out hustled and out played the heavily favored Lakers.
How many teams in the NBA can lose their two best players and still take it to a playoff game 7 against the team that many picked to win it all?

No matter what or who wins in this game 7, I take pride and enjoy what i'm seeing in this Houston team with a handful of decent players and a whole lot of heart!

Eel, Thanks Bud! Got a invite to get out and troll Almanor this AM. Still looking for that 15 pounder :)

Fred, Ulterior motives eh? That's Ok, just don't hold your breath or bet the farm. The Rockets have No Chance ;-)

They lost their two best players? I thought they only lost Yao and that other guy that was holding them back?????
I wonder how the Sacramento Kings feel about the job Rick Adelman is doing with the Rockets? After they fired Adelman, the Kings fortunes have gone straight in the dumper.
"that other guy" ?? Granted Tracy Mcgrady has been injured but he's only 30 years old. He was still a very big piece of the Rockets plan this season. his contract is worth a cool 21 million per. I'd say that going into this season, Yes, he was/is one of their two best players!

You point is noted though Tony, as sometimes, like with Artest, when not on his shooting game, the team does seem to do better without him. The difference between the two players though, Artest always brings everything he has to every game.

Tracy McGrady
* 2-time NBA scoring leader: 2003 (32.1), 2004 (28.0)
* 7-time NBA All-Star: 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007
* 7-time All-NBA:

* First Team: 2002, 2003
* Second Team: 2001, 2004, 2007
* Third Team: 2005, 2008

* NBA Most Improved Player Award: 2001

I honestly thought the Rockets were done myself. What they have done is amazing. A game 7 in Staples will be tough. I'll be parked in front of the tube cheering for them. mtmuley
T Mac may be a good player with the stats to back it up, but his teams have gone absolutely nowhere. He has never been out of the first round, and here the Rockets are one game from going to the West Finals!
Yeah, There's more than a few guys like that in all sports. Doesn't mean a heck of a lot, sometimes they sign long term to end up on a team that the owners won't commit the needed money to bring in the supporting players. Other times, there have been teams that were just So dominating, Bulls, Celtic's, Lakers, that a guy could be great and on a really "good" team yet not win the ring. I'm no McGrady fan, not sure where he falls in his teams not winning it all but i doubt that he fails to improve a team or am willing to blame him for that without really digging to see just what he was up against.

It's really too bad the Rockets have to come up against a team like the Lakers in game 7 of the semi's. Kobe simply will not let the Lakers lose. It was a nice run while it lasted, a lesson in a team being the sum of it's players, but it's Ova!! The Lakers are just too good and the Rockets have No Chance! j/k ;-)

Yeah those Rockets surprised the heck out of me. I am glad to see how they have played. Won't get to see the game becaause I will be in the wilds of Northern Canada tomorrow. Go Rockets !
Lakers should be so dominate that this series should have been a joke. they are winning just because of the talent of a few players, not as a team. i think they will take the rockets, go the full 7 with Denver and get RAN OVER by the Cavs.
Congrats to all the Laker fans out there. Steve, Never_c, and the rest. Can't take anything away from them boyz in game 7, they played good "d" and seemed to have their S**t together. Too bad the Rockets had a off night. Stuff wouldn't fall and they weren't able to make any kind of run but that wasn't the Lakers Fault, it was their own.

Houston lost, Yes, but a good run and Congrats are also well deserved to the Rockets!! We'll get ya next year!!

I missed the game! Between poker, golf, and baseball I just spaced that channel out. LOL!

Looks like Orlando is in control of game seven against Boston.

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