


LAST EDITED ON Jul-26-08 AT 08:21PM (MST)[p]Not sure how many of you have bought the game for PS2/3 OR xBOX, but I bought it this afternoon as it was only $115.00 at Target compared to $150.00-199.00 price tag I've seen other times. Well my girls pitched in 69.00 and I paid the rst for them. Now they are in our den with my wife , and O'h my, I wished I could record them and put them on YouTube for you all to see. Holy crap they are awefulllll , I mean they are so damned hard on the ears.They have been at this for 2 hours straight and celabrate like crazy when they get to the next level, my red heeler even looks sad!HELP, WHAT THE HECK DID I DO? AND I'M THE ONE WHO THOUGHT IT WOULD BE FUN FOR THEM....HEEELLLLPPPP!

Did I mention it's hooked up to the soround sound!!!!YEAH I SPELL LIKE CRAP.....BUT MY HEARING IS JUST FINE,,,,FOR NOW.
I love Rockband! Its the most fun game ever. Guitar Hero is making one similar that will come out in October, that I think will be even better. I'll probably end up buying that one as well.
I bought it for my kids this last christmas and holy crap they are actually really good at it. My son always plays the drums and he jams so well that I bought him a full on drum set. You think rockband is loud!!

Piper, how's your period?
I havent tried it yet but want to. My kids got me Guitar Hero last X-Mas and it took a while to get use to it. After playing real guitar and being in several bands for many years, the whole controller thing was way off kilter. I want to see them come out with Rock Band for the Wii.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

>I havent tried it yet but
>want to. My kids
>got me Guitar Hero last
>X-Mas and it took a
>while to get use to
>it. After playing real
>guitar and being in several
>bands for many years, the
>whole controller thing was way
>off kilter. I want
>to see them come out
>with Rock Band for the

> Ultra liberal, wolf loving,
>illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on
>crack piss me off!!!!

I had the same experience with it...timing seemed off ?
You guys still play video games? What are you 12???

yep , I do, and do alot more fun kid type stuff, Disney Land is my favorite place with Universal Studios a close second. I love doing things with my kids , my wife says I'm a big kid. After last night watching her , I'd say she's a big kid too....
Big kid here. Be 41 this year and my teenage son and his friend want a game beat they bring it to me.
Havent tried the rockband game though.
Rockband is awesome!

I have beat the guitar on expert, but the drums... wow. Now that is difficult.
I love Rockband....

P-bear - They do have it for the Wii too. I saw it at Sam's Club this weekend.
>You guys still play video games?

I actually do it for a living (game programmer).


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