Rock Springs, WY


Very Active Member
Anybody from, or familiar with, Rock Springs, Wyoming? If so, please send me a PM or e-mail. Thanks.
Rock Springs is commonly known as the crystal meth capital of the US. Sorry, just what I hear. My girly is from there.
What you want know? Elk,Deer,Antelope hunting is great just a few twenty miles south of there!(hard draws though). I don't
know much about the sinful behavior! Had been an name of sin city!
"back in the day"
i lived for 25 years just to the east about one hundred miles of Rock Springs, my good buddy and also my roommate grew up there!
I lived in RS for a few months and now I live about 2 hours away. There are some nice people there but I have absolutely
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Desire to live there again.

I am new at this, this is the first place I found to type something, but how do you create a new topic of discussion. Thanks
Rock Springs is known as the Arm Pit of Wyoming. Drugs and Oil Field trash with I-80 running right through it. I have been there many times, and never meet anyone who liked it. However! I have considered moving there, but would have to get a divorse to do it. If you don't like people and don't want any friends, If you have no kids to worry about becoming drug addicts. If you only have to go to town once in a while to get food its a wonderful place. You are surounded by BLM land and close to Flaming Gorge Res. Big Bulls and Bucks are really close if you can draw and know how to hunt that "Brown" country. Why do you ask?

He probably was thinking of moving or getting transferred there.
I bet your commments really cheered him up. HEHEHE
Born and raised there---not nearly as bad as the people make it sound. Just like any place there is good and bad and if you look for the bad it will find you.


I actually thought that i was from the "armpit" of wyoming, Rawlins! but you heard it here first! Rock Springs is the "armpit"!!!!!!! I must agree with you, every town in wyoming, including LARAMIE or Jackson Hole has been dubbed the "armpit" but i am like you, you get out of it what you put into it. and i guess it is all personal opinion. i personally have spent many years in Laramie and Cheyenne, and now the past year and a half has been spent in Jackson. and i would personally say Laramie is a bigger pit than Rock Springs. although i must say one thing, rock springs is not a super beautiful town, but if you like the sage country, which i do, you would learn to like it.
Glad to see another WY boy here. I went to college at the University. Yeah the sage can get to you and make you do some crazy stuff. It not a pretty town by no means when compared to some other places (Jackson per example), but it is fun to grow up in!!!. I do not live there anymore--I live in SLC, but go there often as that is where all my family is from (actually all over WYO) Just not a lot of jobs unless you work in one of the mines.

So how do you like Jackson to live in? Tough to afford as I hear it. I get up there about once a year. I use to ride sleds up in that area quite a bit and use to hunt close to Jackson--not much anymore. So what do you do up there?

Anyway I did not mean anything about RS except there is not as many drugs and crime as people say as both me and my brother got through highschool and college (also went to WWCC) without going to jail or doing drugs.

My Brother says with all the new gas rigs going up the town is about to its "oil" day boom of 30k people--yeah I think they are closer to about 20k but hey they have a subway!!

Take care
I'm not so fond of Laramie myself, in fact any town along I-80 suck in the same ways. I have never lived in RS, just heard lots of stories. I have been thinking of relocating to Thermopolis, what do you guys think of that town?


Any town in Wyoming is still better any town not in Wyoming.
Thermop is a a pretty nice place. I have not been there in a few years, but it sure is pretty. My cusins owned the hot springs resort there. Much better than RS
Battle Moutain NV is the armpit of the world and the state, they even brag about it, you guys have to go some to beat that town! My pick of towns is Lander cold as hell in the winter but really nice people also. Love the South Pass area the Wind River and that Big Sandy country, besides my mom lives there right on the river, Thermop is nice also!
ROCK SPRINGS is one armpit and Gillette is the other! Hell half the population has an Oklahoma accent! Where is Cantrel when we need him?
Cantrel died just last year. Kind of a big deal to the old timers around the state who know a little bit of recent history. I do belive that his son still lives and works in Rocket City tho.
Man, I never thought I would have heard Laramie referred to as the armpit of wyoming! I guess it all depends on what you're familiar with. I spent quite a few years in Laramie with undergraduate and graduate schools. Like someone else said, any town in Wyoming is great on its own accord. Every place I visited and spent time at had its own qualities. However, if I had to vote for one town not to like, it would be Casper. That vote doesn't count for anything because I didn't spend nearly enough time around there.

In any event, there is much to be had along the I80 corridor in Wyoming. I grew up in Pennsylvania, but was never really home until I lived in Wyoming. Colorado is great, but I liked the slower, layed back style of my freinds in Wyoming. Pennsylvania was awesome for growing up...great public schools, excellent hunting and fishing, and great people, but the wide open spaces and large looming mountains of the west are unbeatable.

Born, breed, and raised wyoming! and DARN proud to admit it, and will have words with anyone that says wyoming sucks. I have spent three years in Laramie, another 21 years in rawlins and now going on 2 years in Jackson. like just about everyone has said and agrees upon, all towns in wyoming have got something, depends on what you consider something. as for rock springs the oil industry is a huge part, everytime i drive through rs i can't believe the progress there. which by the way is about once everyother month or so. as i still travel back to rawlins, my parents, sisters, and friends still live there. if the oil industry is what pays your bills you couldn't ask for a better place than rs.

personally jackson has its problems as well, probably the one that gets me everytime is how people that have been in jackson for years seem to think they are better than everyone else and that jackson is not even a part of wyoming but its own little place. all in all there are good people here, just alot of money and at least for me i can't compete with that. but i live to hunt and fish and to be in the mountains, and what better place than right here in jackson. it has all things i love. plus, i will for no reason leave wyoming. someday i think i would like to be in thermop or possibly cody! right now i work for a architect firm and i am trying to get my feet back on the ground after college grad. and all the loans. i am just trying to build some experience before i move to anyother town. there are more firms in jackson alone than the entire state of wyoming put together. jackson is growing so fast! it is expensive, at least the cost to rent or own your own home, other than that jackson is no different than say cheyenne. i would like to also get my foot in the door with a guide service, what better place than jackson to do that. so bottomline, i love jackson. i am currently trying to get a new truck and sled, both of which i lost this past year. the truck finally lost her transmission and i just didn't want to mess with it anymore and my sled i accedently put her into a tree last spring while looking for lions one day.

i think alot of people take for granted the fact that they have the privelage to live in such a beautiful state, from rock springs to cheyenne to baggs to sheridan! it really doesn't matter to me, i would rather live in rock springs than anywhere else. i tried to live in denver, which is where i went to school after graduation, yeah that lasted about two weeks. sure the job market is alot better there, and since i was top graduating student i could have made alot more money there, the call of wyoming was just to great.
I could so live near Jackson, even put up with the yuppies, how anyone can afford it is beyond me. Sheridan (where I'm from) is being overtaken by the rich too. Gillette has good schools and good hunting (all on private) that's all I can think to say good about it. Cheyenne and Laramie are way to close to Colorado, however I do like Laramie's weather and sports. Casper is in a good location for the outdoorsman and not much traffic, but its full of white trash and drugs. In Riverton you have indians and the res, where a white man can't hunt. Star valley and the basin are almost all LDS so if you ain't your not in. My choices are Thermopolis, Lander, Pindale then Cody. But like I said any Wyoming Town is still better then any town in another state, Montana or Idaho would be my other state choices. Somewhere around the Breaks and Fort Peck in Montana. The Sand Point area in Idaho.


i have been to your website, i was wandering where you found those girls to pose for your ads, impressive!!

I couldn't agree with you more on the line of towns.

i have always liked sheridan and cody. although they both resemble jackson alittle too much.

cheyenne and laramie are not just too close to colorado they are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayy to close to colorado.

i have friends in casper, thought about going there myself because they do have a architecture market there but thought better about it. drugs and pricks run that town.

riverton, you hit that nail right on the head, no more needs to be said about that.

my line up would go like this; jackson, sheridan, cody, thermop., and then lander. i am not super fond of pinedale, small minded folks there with a jackson attitude.

you get use to the jackson attitude pretty fast so sheridan and cody would be a walk in the park for me.

What is this you ran your sled into a tree. You must have been going pretty fast to total it and all of that while looking for a cat. I have done simular things on a sled but never totaled one. I think someone is trying to convince themselve they NEED a new sled.

Did you go to the U Of W? Man I swear that place was built to channel the wind right down to the campus.

I hope to someday call Wyoming my home, but it gets harder and harder as you get older and kids and family and jobs get in the way.

WyomingBen it sounds like you have lived quite a few place in WYo, where do you live now?
I was just trying to find some tracks, and i was heading down this hill and then..............! It really didn't completely total it but beyond the point that i want to mess with it and try to fix it. Both my trailing arms were bent, one completetly ruined the other one just enough to really pis$&# me off. one ski is permenatly bent up into the bumper on the front. the hood and gas tank were cracked. so no, it is not out of commission but yes an excuse to get a new one. this past year seemed to be torture on myself, everytime i felt like i could go buy something new, something else happened. when it rains it pours i guess. it will take well into 06' before i replace both the sled and truck, the truck is priority number one. i have to have a new truck before spring bear season.

i went to the uofwyo for about three years off and on, i could not kick the brown bottle flu and that three years was more of a blur than anything.

Nice story on the sled. You realy know how to hit a tree. Good luck on a better year and getting the new truck.

I remember having the same flu!!! Many a party we shaved off an eyebrow from someone that came univited and drank all the beer and passed out. You had to love the tailgate parties.

Do you get out for the rat race for sheds at the feed grounds. I hear that is something to behold. Not sure I would want to participate, but fun to watch.

>Cantrel died just last year.
>Kind of a big deal
>to the old timers around
>the state who know a
>little bit of recent history.
> I do belive that
>his son still lives and
>works in Rocket City tho.

Man! :-( that guy was a Wyoming legend. I had the privilege to meet him in Saratoga, Wolf Hotel bar.

Like we say in Wyoming,

"We don't give damn how you did it back home"! "Your in Wyoming now"!

At least you Wyoming Boys are'nt doing the Utard whine.

Western Colorado ain't as bad as the east side.

I grew up in Fort Collins, Been on the best slope for 17 years now. Any of you U of W boys remember the football game at Hughes stadium where the fights started before the game?

I hear they grow beans in the Cody area too.

Yeah stay away from Rock Springs, there isn't chit for hunting around there. Try up around Pinedale or Labarge for hunting, but stay away from the rock cuz its chitty hunting. Rock Springs SUCKS! Spread the word!!!
Quote from Wyomingben! "Star valley and the basin are almost all LDS "

LOL! Yeah stay out of the Basin to, to many mormans! And no deer, try Rock Springs and Labarge, many big deer, behind ever tree, saying shoot me, shoot me! :)
Ya, Wyomingben says stay out of the basin, no big Deer there, just mormans!!!! lol :)

As a Wyoming resident, I'm fairly confident in saying that if they were ever going to give the state of Wyoming an enema, they'd insert the tube in either Rawlins or Rock Springs. Ya baby!
I passed through Thermopolis on my way from Gillette to Mountain View in October. I ate in town, visited the dinosaur museaum/digs, and briefly stopped by the hot springs. It seemed like a nice place and friendly people. I wonder if the smell of sulfur permeates the whole town, however, and if there are any drinking water problems?

I went hunting pronghorn antelope near Gillette and went to Mountain View to visit my sister's sister-in-law and her husband.
Wyoming Locals;

I have been reading your posts concerning Rock springs and getting a good chuckle out of your comments. As most of you know I am a CA. native that loves to hunt Wyoming and have been on numerous hunts there for the past 20 years. I have been in Kimmer, labarge, Pinedale, Evanston, Cody, Medicine Bow, Saratoga, Douglas, Lusk, Sundance and even Rock Springs. What I would like to say is that I and my family have always been made welcome by just about every local we met, even in Rock Springs. I guess I am trying to say that the people living in Wyoming have been great and I love their laidback ways and if you meet them halfway, they will go out of their way to make your trip or hunt a pleasent experience. I'm sorry guys, I have no negative comments about your great state. O crap, I take that back, the damn wind, I do get tired of that.

Wyoming residents have a great day;

Yep! That wind! Comes up fast blows seems for days. Puts game to bed just as fast.
Cause Nebraska Sucks!

In Laramie it can blow for a month straight and at 7200 Ft it can get cooollllddddd!!!! But the summers are very nice! 80 Degrees and a breeze. Cheyenne, Casper and Gillette the wind is even worse, but not as cold. Its the only known way to keep yuppies from moving in and air polution is not a problem :)

LAST EDITED ON Jan-16-05 AT 05:37PM (MST)[p]oh ya, when I was in the military I lived 2 1/2 years in Keflavic, Iceland. The windest populated place in the world on record. It was so windy there you literally could not walk upright somedays. I wouldn't know how to act if it wasn't windy. In fact there is a small dog warning right now here in Laramie!

because nebraska and colorado suck, at least that is what i hear.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love Rock Springs!

After spending a month hunting around Dixon, Savery, and Baggs, I love R.S. It's got McD?s and other fancy eateries and diesel is cheap there. I loved every minute I spent in Wyoming ie Lander, Kemmerer, Pinedale, Thermopolis, Jackson, etc.

I would have even considered moving there if the state had some ocean frontage! But then that would probably make it another CA.

I do agree with some of your city rankings. In every state some places are nicer than others. Can?t wait to get back this fall providing I draw tags again.

Another CA Chuckler.

P.S. Longgun! You?re right about LaBarge. I never did see a deer there, but I sure saw speed goats and I got my moose (cow) there.
NO NO NO! You got it wrong, it's cuz Utah blows and Montana sucks!

Wait, is it Montana blows and Colorado sucks!

Well something like that!
I live in Rock Springs and love it. Any direction out of town is public land, hunting is excellent all around, fishing is awesome and good people for the most part. But if people want to think otherwise, thats good. Especially if they have Utah or Colorado plates.

Wait a minute, have things changed in Wyoming. I have never heard any of the locals bitching about NR from Utal or Colorado. Is this a West Wyoming thing, because most of the complaints I heard were about the Texas boys that came up to work the oil-gas fields. I had about a dozen locals complain about that the Texans thought they own the state after being there for 6 months. The second most heard complaint I heard was that they did not know what private property meant and what the "No Trespassing Signs" meant. I would admit that most of these complaints came from locals living on the Eastern side of Wyoming such as Lusk, Douglas, Sundance, and central Medicine Bow.
Before any of you Texas boys yell "Foul", we all know that there are sportsman and slob hunters from all states, including my home state.


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