Rock of Love Bus Anyone?

bus load of whores. Even I have my limits as to what I watch. :) Wonder if they have to pass a health exam first.
When I die and am standing in front of ol' St Peter and he says that "according to the books, the biggest waste of your life was the 10 minutes you spent watching Rock of Love Bus", I am going to be real embarrassed.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-13-09 AT 01:03PM (MST)[p]Should be called the rolling seafood buffet. There are more crabs on that bus than in the ocean!!
Kind of a mix between Big Brother, Survivor, and Cat House. Good wholesome family fun on VH1 Sunday.;-)

I had a choice yesterday to waste my time watching Turkey Call or Love Bus.;-)
What happened to the girl that he picked last year? She was an Alabama raised girl and seemed to be pretty decent chick. I guess she wasn't trashy enough for Brett.

Member: RMEF, SCI, and NRA
Brett Michaels is a Douche Bag!! I watched about 5 minutes of that show once. He lost my attention when he was getting all serious and emotional with the girls. Road whores every night... who needs love? I am ready for the beating now:) I know that was vulgar and rude, I tried my best.
I agree with KTC......pure ENTERTAINMENT!!!! While sitting in a hotel with nothing else to do, that is some good old fun watching that show!!! HAHAHAHAA
Bret Michaels gets more pooter than all of us put together. I guess that is the price you pay as a mascara wearing, rich, douche bag!;-)

Sorry guys. Tara I believe, the Penthouse gal looks pretty good in this old farts eyes.

I figured BFE, Feleno, D13er, and NVB would have all seasons on DVD?

I never had any women fight over me so I guess I am living vicariously thru someone who does?;-)

Have you guys seen Brittaney's porno movies? Now I bet some of you have watched those? Personally, that old bag makes me sick. He needs to send her packin'. That, or let the Brazilian kick her ass?;-)
>I figured BFE, Feleno, D13er, and
>NVB would have all seasons
>on DVD?
>I never had any women fight
>over me so I guess
>I am living vicariously thru
>someone who does?;-)

ktc, flattery will get you everywhere.

I have actually watched the show a time or two in the past. Just not with the set of women.
i have watched a few episode in previous seasons but this particular group of women seems even more skankier than usual. although i like my women a little undressed i like them to have some class.

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