
Long Time Member
WARNING...........So, I was casually looking at my on line bank statement last night and found a couple of charges on it that I did not recognize.

I hit the bank at 9AM today and after an hour there, 2 sheets of paperwork and getting my credit/debit card shredded, I may be off the hook. Problem is, I'll be 2 weeks getting all my chit back in one sack!

I had a charge for just under $200 and a fee charge for funds transfer to Europe. I never bought anything online from anyone in Europe.

Bank manager says that this is common practice this time of year and although it was under $200, if they hit 1000 people at $200 each, it's a pretty good days work.

According to the manager, most people do not monitor their online statement very regularly and if it goes past 60 days, you are on your own.

I personnaly have given my last card number online or over the phone.

Anyway, just a heads up......Happy New Year!
Good advice! I quit using my debit card at sit down restaraunts. I've had a server take my card only to coppy down all the card info and sell it or use it later. This has also happened to a few friends so be careful.

"You only live once,but if you work it right, once is enough" -Joe E. Lewis
Same thing happened to me with my Cabelas Visa, some guy got 160 dollars worth of crap from Man it chapped my arse

Aim Center Mass
I got dinged for about 34,000, not a typo, when my credit info was stolen by some guy in New Hampshire that went to North Carolina and opened nine accounts and bought everything he wanted. He opened three accounts at Lowe's in different North Carolina cities on the same day. Needless to say, it took me over 6 months to get sorted out. While working through it I found out that a jewelry company had a video of the guy and the cops nor credit people even cared. They just said they write it off and charge a higher interest rate to all the people that pay. I personally think it was BS that it was not pursued other by anyone so the guy I am sure is a career criminal and would only have to do this a couple of times a year to live like a king.

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