Roadside store


Very Active Member
Traveling salesman stopped at a roadside
store/tavern to cool his jets.

He stepped up to the counter/bar and noticed a
sign behind it that said: Cheese sandwiches $1.00,
Ham sandwiches $2.00, Handjobs $5.00

About that time, a smokeing hot chick came out
from a back room, walked up to the counter, and
said, may I help you ??

The man, a tad nervous from what he'd read, tug'd
on his collar and asked the woman, "Are you the one
who gives the handjobs" ??

The woman, sly smile on her face, replied, "Why yes, I

The man looked at her, looked at the sign, then back at
her, and replied "Then why don't you go back there, wash
your hands, and make me two of those cheese sandwiches"
LMMFAO........reminds me of the dumb and dumber scene with the Hawaiin tropic girls...

great post/pic, thanks for sharing


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