Road cycling gripe


Very Active Member
With the nicer weather I'm seeing more bicycling going on the roadways . What is up with these people that want to ride side by side , and block the roadway for the motoring public . In Utah we are suppossed to give bicycles 3 feet when we pass , but when they are riding side by side it's pretty dang hard to give 3 feet with out being totally in the opposite lane on a two lane road .

Any people on here do the whole road cycling thing ?
I've riden dirt bikes 80 mph down trails in the desert that were a foot wide for over 20 years ... But I ain't got the grit to ride a bicycle that close to anyone whizzing by me at 60+ MPH...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
I'm with you bucksnort . Seems pretty crazy to me with all the crazy drivers around now adays . Seems like its a good workout for them , but not very safe . Then when you add in the fact some of them act like they own the road , and just do stupid stuff that is going to get them hurt .

They where just trying to make it a law that biycles didnt have to stop for stop signs in Utah . It was shot down though .
A few years ago down near the 'GREEN' town of Moab TARDville I came up behind a Biker/Joker that coulda moved over but decided it was his God Given Right to stay far left in the lane!

With heavy Summer Traffic I just couldn't get around him for quite some time!

So I decided I'd try 'Draftin' & got right up on him in hopes he'd move it over!

Well,He didn't like that at all & flew me the Birdie!

What He didn't know was what was gonna happen next!

I finally gets around him & I slows down & drops her down in to 6th gear at 20 MPH!

That Poor Bastard Inhaled,I'll bet he's still coughing!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
I ride road and MTB. It's great exercise but I never ride side by side with anyone. I pick with great care where I will ride, some roads just aren't safe. There are stupid people involved in all activities. One thing to keep in mind is that if a car hits a bike the bicyclist is going to loose big time.
I have done a lot of road biking over the past many years, including some 100 milers. Like everything else there are people that ride bikes that don't get it and people that drive cars by them that don't get it. I never ride two across but several times drivers of cars and trucks see how close they can get to you. Their vehicle creates a vacuum when they get too close, can be pretty scary. I have almost gone down 3 times because of this and one time was almost sucked under a semi trailer.
Don't demonize the bike too much......with gas prices doing what they are, a WHOLE lot more people are going to be on them sooner than you think.

How long does it take to ride a bike from Ca to Co for elk season?

I am looking at a sporty model 3 wheeler, with a basket and a cool antenna with a flag on it.
It has a drink holder for Geritol!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
Do you know what is the hardest part of wearing bicycle street riding gear........ Telling your parents that you are gay.

Hey larrbo!

I like Drafting!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
I had to deal with that today in Orcutt. Guys riding side by side...sometimes 3 wide! Pisses me off. I give them a honk 50-60 yards behind them at least to give them the heads up I'm coming up on them and that gives them the option to fall in line (single file). If they don't, I get a little closer than I should. They think they are entitled to be in the traffic lane even though theres a 3 foot wide bike lane for them.

I'd never shave my legs for the sport I partake in....especially if I was not getting paid to win.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
I'm guessing its a small percentage of them that give their sport a bad name . Its that 10% jackazz factor , but they seem to be the ones that are the most visible .

In my neck of the woods we have narrow canyons with no or very little shoulder . The bicycle folks will ride 2 or 3 wide , and if your going up hill following them you have to slow to the point where you lose momentum if your pulling a trailer . By the time they get over single file or you can find a place to pass them , it creates a real safety factor for what ever traffic might be coming the other way .

After be bop mentioned it , I'm kind of liking the idea of chippin my truck an givin them the black cloud when they can't play by the rules .
I was sitting at the entrance of a national monument today when one came flying off the hill in front of me and went ass over teakettle into a greasewood bush. Don't know what caused the wreck but it was very gratifying to watch
WTF is up with the 2 & 3 Wide BS?

They think they're runnin some kind of NASCAR Bike Race?:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
>With heavy Summer Traffic I just
>couldn't get around him for
>quite some time!

>I finally gets around him &
>I slows down & drops
>her down in to 6th
>gear at 20 MPH!
>That Poor Bastard Inhaled,I'll bet he's
>still coughing!:D

Seen that done last summer.
I wanted to hug the guy.
It was freakin great.....


They won't learn till you scrape them off the road with a spatula.
It's hard to take this thread seriously when you realize that this is what foundation looks like on his bike.


And then theres Beanman doing a little road work getting in shape.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-13-11 AT 09:37AM (MST)[p]Another nature loving outdoorsman from Fallon.


Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
NVbighorn that is clearly a old picture of me . When the bank took my Hawg away , I was heart broken and had to look high and low to find a replacement bike . Since that pic. I have pimped her up some , with big ol ape hanger handle bars ,some more chrome , an of course longer pink tassles .

Also I was gettin a lot of grief for not wearin my leathers and colors from the outlaw biker gangs . The local Sundowner chapter flat out told me I needed to wear my colors or there would be trouble . I was also catchin flack from the road bicylin tough guy thugs . They where pickin on me for not wearin fancy pants , spandex , sponsor type racin jerseys .

So I have never been good with peer pressure , but I found a way to please booth groups . Now I have the spandex racin jersey with my outlaw biker logo on it , and the colors . Everybody seems to be happy .

I can also tell thats a old pic based on the fact my tattoos aint showin . On my left arm I have " Huffy , born free " an on the right arm I have " flower power " course booth tats are in vibrant pink .

I'm callin B.S. on beanman's bike . That looks like it has a little motor , and that's cheatin .

One other thing from my pic you can see I ride on the sidewalk , and dont ever ride 2 across or interfer with the normal flow of traffic .

That's my mountain bike. It's not a motor, see those springs? That's part of the rear suspension system, it's actually quite costly. To get a very light weight bike you have to spend a lot. I'm thinking of upgrading to 29" wheels but they need to be able to take the weight since they aren't as strong as the 26" wheels are.

A RIP Nine is my next bike, I hope. I'm currently riding a Stumpjumper Expert with a Fox Brain.
Sweet, I haven't had a mtb in a few years, but I currently rock a Felt F-25 road bike. A new mtb is on the list in the next year or two. Those niners are sweet.
My Orbea Dama is like driving an F-16. It just makes me smile!

Which is why I find myself wanting to push the button for RPG's when cars buzz me.....A small SS missile launcher on the drops would be handy, as well, but I worry about the aerodynamics.

Maybe I should just put my baby Glock in a jersey pocket. Bet the profile outline would make the drivers who think it is funny to play chicken think twice.

Geez Pred.....wear tighter Spandex, they'll slow down!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
I tried the 'BUMP DRAFT' once!

That wasn't Perty!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-15-11 AT 06:07PM (MST)[p]
Heres my bitchhhhh.

I live on a winding mountain road.
There is NO shoulder at all for many miles.
There is a popular lake at the top of the road and all summer long people pull their ski and wakeboarding boats up to the lake.
In September they harvest the grapes and 18 wheelers pull up & down the road with heavy loads of grapes.

This road seems to be a favorite of bikers.
They ride in packs, and seem to think they are invincible.
They ride two & three wide on blind turns.
You come around a turn and BAM there they are.

When a big 4x4 pickup or 18 wheel big rig or the county school bus is in the other lane there is absolutely no room for everyone.
If my options are to go head on with a one ton truck pulling a big boat, or an 18 wheeler pulling full gondolas of grapes or the bus, vs. an arrogant biker in spandex in the middle of the road, guess which one I'm slamming into?

Ain't gonna be good for anyone, but I ain't dieing over it that's for damn sure.

I hear ya Hunterharry , and thats what I put up with all the time .

I have no issues with the ones that stay to the far right and don't cause traffic problems . I think its great they want to get out and get some excerise , and if they can do it with out causing a potential traffic accident thats even better .

It just seems like its more of a social / BSin session where they ride side by side and talk . Good heck , go to the gym , there is like 20 of those stationary bikes all side by side that they can chit chat all they want .

I have seen some areas in Wyoming where they have dedicated bicyle lanes that are slightly off the highway , and I think thats a good way to keep the bicycles off the road and avoid the potential for a accident .

Maybe if they where forced to register their bicycles there would be more money for bicycle lanes . It rubs me wrong that they dont have to register their bikes or carry insurance , but yet they want all the rights to the road .

I have seen a few accidents where the bicyclist was at fault and yet they did over a thousand dollars damage and they dont have to have insurance . I actually had a similar deal happen when I was younger . I get a knock on the door and a cop explains to me that a bicyclist ran in to the back of my legally parked and unoccupied truck . I look at the damage where the bicyclist hit my back fender of the stepside and then was thrown in to the side of the truck . The Officer tells me he needs all my information and insurnace so he can do the report . I was young and didn't know enough to question the deal . Well a few days later my insurance agent calls and tells me a claim had been filled by the bicyslist . My rates went up and it was just a learning lesson . If that happened now I can tell you that would be handled differently and we would be spending some time in small claims court .

Now before I ruffle feathers , like I said before I know its a small group that gives the sport a bad name . It just seems like more and more bicyclists have this elitist attitude where stop signs or traffic lights don't apply to them , and that they can just do what ever they dang well please and the rest of traffic can just wait until they are done .
So if you pass a slow moving car and have an accident, whose fault is it?

What is the difference between passing a truck/trailer on a windy road and a cyclist?

How many cyclists don't also own cars? It is an extremely small majority, truth be told, so they do pay for road maintenance.

I find that most cyclists giving other cyclists a bad name tend to forget hey need to act like a driver when they ride a bike. I always ask them if they would have run the light or stop sign if they were in a car. They always say no. Then I ask them if they wouldn't do it in 3000 lbs of metal, why do it with nothing? I usually get a puzzled look in return, because they really don't know why.

Not to pick a fight, just trying to give a different perspective.

I appreciate being curbed on a bike by a bus about as much as I appreciate being buzzed on the freeway during a traffic stop by drivers who won't follow the move-over law.

I think we all tend to forget that these are PEOPLE. And it is so much easier to point the finger elsewhere than to poke oneself in the chest.

Oh, and I agree in that I think if a cyclist screws up and damages a car, it should come out of their auto insurance. Just like I believe that violations should impact their drivers license.

Bet that would do more to curb stupid behavior than any ticket I write!
Pred, you sound like a very considerate bike rider.. I live in Washington state and we have a ton of bike riders. It pisses me off no end when they are riding on a two lane road that has no shoulder and can't even come close to doing the speed limit. They back up traffic and create a very dangerous situation and don't give a crap. If you can't flow with traffic at the speed limit you shouldn't be on the road. If I own a car I pay road taxes, If I own a motorcycle I pay road taxes, If I own a travel trailer / motorhome I pay road taxes it should be no different for a bike rider that is using public roads. Sorry, but it's a big problem here in Washington.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-15-11 AT 07:44PM (MST)[p]I take sharing the road seriously, so seriously in fact that I began an educational campaign last year called "Respect-it's a two-way street". To gain respect, you need to show some by working together. I consider myself as much an ambassador for cycling as I do for hunting, or law enforcement for that matter.

I have heard the complaint about keeping up in traffic, but not even a Pro Rider can maintain 25 mph for very long! Boy I wish I had that kind of power!! Keep in mind, the speed limit is just that-a limit at the high end for optimal conditions. So what's the answer then? Riding on the sidewalk is even more hazardous for all involved.

The really ironic thing is that if I commute on my bike, it takes me a whole 10 minutes longer. I believe I probably lose more at a traffic light than waiting to pass a cyclist.

But I hear the frustration. I am a cyclist and a motorist, as most are. What I do not for the life of me understand is when drivers feel justified in using their car as a weapon against me out of anger at something someone else did when all I am doing is using a different mode of transportation, legally.
Not mad at people like you at all Preddy!

But when the guy coulda(for 35 minutes!) moved over on the right side of the white line but didn't,He thought giving me the Birdie was a wise choice!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Pred, the frustration isnt because of the time delay, its because you may kill one of the dummies with your car some day..

Logan canyon is a hot spot for cyclists, and its a damn good canyon for them to get killed in the way they ride it..I came around one of the corners one day, a rider was STOPPED right in the middle of the lane, had his headphones on, and was getting something out of his little pack that was strapped on the back..Seriously, do these folks want to die? I wonder sometimes.The speed limit is 35 to 55 in that canyon.
predator I agree that education and respect are the key elements . I also think there is a big difference between comutting and recreation riding . I also think there is a big difference between riding for a commute verus recreation or training rides .
Where we live the various cities have done a good job with dedicated bicyle lanes , and I think its great that people use those lanes .

Where I work in the canyons and also do my recreation in the canyons its a little different . You know the canyons have very limited shoulder , but yet that is where I see the biggest problems . You had mentioned before the question about passing another slow moving vehicle . Well , I have never seen a motor vehicle doing 5-6 mphs in Big or Little Cottonwood . The bicyclists riding the canyons are for the most part just doing it for recreation .

As far as the education I have found most cyclists finally get it when you explain the whole problem of them riding two a breast or more . When its explained how wide a traffic lane is , and how wide a vehicle is and how the whole thing doesnt add up to give them the three feet when passing , it seems to finally click . I also dont think most of them understand the dynamics involved of pulling a trailer . I'll bring up East Canyon which is popular with the bikes and also popular with the motoring public pulling big heavy trailers . Try pulling that canyon with a 12,000 pound trailer , and having to keep slowing down to the point where you lose momentum because there are bicycles driving 5 miles per hour , and there is no safe way to pass .

I was also on a bicycle advisory board , however I was invited to leave because my thinking didn't fall in line with their views .

I also understand the comment on some very ignorant people using motor vehicles as weapons against bikes . Totally out of line , and unfourtanly there are some hot heads behind the wheel . I know in the city you guys had some serious issues with that last year , and those motorists that commit that kind of crime deserve the book thrown against them .

Last year all the bicycle crashes we had in the canyon where all to blame on the cyclist either from losing control , hitting deer , or breaking the law and crashing like passing down hill .

What is the answer ? I don't know , but I can say there are problems on booth sides with the cycling community and again on the motorist side .
Foundation, well said. There are activists on both sides that do more harm to the conversation than good. Just look at what the proposed 'stop as yield' law did-I was really amazed at the hate being spewed within both communities at each other, and at their own members.

I am sorry to hear you were asked to leave the committee, I strongly believe everyone needs to have a voice for the conflicts to be resolved.

Okay, my turn here.

For those complaining about them not having a right to be there because they don't pay their dues (registrations etc) you are wrong, they have every right and are perfectly legal to be riding those roads....even the windy mountain roads with little shoulder. They don't have the right to be stupid, but neither do you!

If you know it's a popular area for cyclist then be aware and prepared. One of my favorite rides is the Alpine loop and nebo loop here in utah. Both roads don't have much of a shoulder and are narrow. I choose to ride them early in the day and never on a Saturday or holiday to avoid heavy traffic. I actually usually only see a few cars.

Occasionally we will ride side by side until we hear a car coming then fall into single file and move over to the right. We try to be courteous, but again so should you. Some cyclist don't try as hard as others, but just as many redneck jackasses buzz the cyclist and or throw objects at them or slap them on the back as the buzz them. It happens. So try to see the picture a little more clearly and understand that there are jackasses on both sides here.

And bess, maybe your buddy hung you the bird because he thought you were the same guy who ran him off the road the week before. ;)

Lastly try to remember one thing. You and your vehicle weigh thousands of pounds and they weigh a couple hundred. You will win every time. Personally I don't want to be responsible for killing someone. But that happens too.

Oh and BTW, for those complaining about the people not "paying" for road maintenance. I easily spend more on registrations per year than each of you complaining combined! We do pay our part, maybe in different ways, but it's paid and it's a right. Just as much a right as you have to be there.
Easy Alp!

They (Bikers!) got Rights but let's use something more than Spandex to prove Our Intelligence!

I've seen Bikers Drafting behind Big Semi Rigs at high speeds(not often,but have seen it!)what kind of Pea Brain would do that?

The Biker that scared me the worst was the JOKER riding in the middle of the night with clothing the same color as the dark Grey Pavement with no lights,no reflectors,no reflective clothing,I f'n near hit him & yes He was riding right in the middle of the Lane,how He could see anything is beyond me?

I know alot of these are isolated cases but don't you think they should at least have a Cracker Jacks License before pulling stupid sshit off?

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Alp , sounds like we ride in the same places . I like the Alpine Loop area , only I'm riding my horses up there , hopefully I have given you plenty of space when I have passed you up there . I'm glad to hear that you pull off the far right when you hear cars coming up behind .

So you are familar with American Fork and I'm wondering if you remember the deal that happened last year when they had the down hill section of a road race . There where no pace cars , and very poor planning from what I have gathered . There was a mini van driving down the canyon , and a group of bicycles behind or drafting the mini van . A bicycle slammed in to the back of the mini van . Broke out the window , and did a lot of damage to the lift gate . I happened to be driving down when that happened . The cyclist was hurt bad . I also remember the children in that van where very emotionally upset .

After the fact it struck me that the vehicle owner was going to be stuck with thousands of dollors in repairs , and worse he was going to have children that may some emotional scarring from that incident .

From your comment that you pay more in vehicle registration than all of us combined , I'm guessing a couple grand to you is no big deal , but to a poor boy like me a couple of grand is some thing to think about .

My dad taught me some thing when I was growing up and learning about crossing the road , and cross walks . I was told that I had the RIGHT a way , but he quickly followed it up with pay attention and keep your eyes open because if you get hit by a car and killed you will still be RIGHT , only you will be dead right .

I agree with you that you have a right to use the road , and it sounds like you are a responsible rider . It's the other guys I have a bone to pick with .
A couple thousand IS a lot of money. That's my point. I spend about 4k a year on registrations. All I'm saying is that we all pay into the system and the argument of they don't pay they shouldn't play is a little inappropriate.

Bess, the wink means I'm toying with you. Maybe the guy in all black was a little suicidal???

Lastly if we complaining are about riders on steep mountain roads riding side by side chatting it up then they must be in much, much better shape than I. Because when it gets steep most the guys in my group stop talking and start sucking air. Chatting is much better for the flats.

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