Road construction...


Long Time Member
I'm curious as to what the road construction situation is like where you guys live?? And does it effect how you drive?? How long have you lived there??

Welcome to West Jordan, Utah...where the road construction NEVER ENDS!! EVER!!!! NEVER NEVER EVER!!!!!! I'm 27 and I'm pretty sure every single time I've ever riden or drove through ANY part of West Jordan that I've had to deal with a road or ten or twenty being tore up. IT NEVER ENDS!! EVER!!!! I get road rage bad on top of that...constantly yelling, honking, using my brights intentionally at night, and break checkin's bad.

My little dude told me tonight the only time I ever yell or get mad is while driving and when he's a dad and is able to drive he'll drive me around so I'm happy all the time lol!!

...and if I ever break checked any of you in West Jordan...learn how to drive #### ###### ##### ############## ######!!

...and cuz that's how I roll...

Hey never_catch,
Don't think I've seen any Flaggers like her,lol!
I got the brake check the other day but then that JACKASS learned how to Inhale!

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-30-10 AT 10:04AM (MST)[p]Talk to Kilo and Overton.....Santa Rosa is the hiway const. capitol of Ca :)

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
Yea B-BOP, I've never seen a flagger like her either but I'd definitely stop to tip her if I ever did :)

Glad you taught that JACKASS a lesson though, that's why I don't mess with cats!! lol

no rugster,
1911 won't be bringing her in anytime soon for a cavity check
in fact,when 1911 told her he was going to have to do a cavity check she said:she opened her mouth wide & said I don't have any cavities that need checked

nice post/thanks for sharring

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