RMEF Turns Up Heat


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Apr-09-10 AT 08:04AM (MST)[p]
RMEF Turns Up Heat on Pro-Wolf Groups

MISSOULA, Montana-Pro-wolf groups were admittedly "surprised and disappointed" when the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation publicly challenged their mischaracterizations of the real impacts of wolves in the northern Rockies and are feeling even more heat today. Their recent call for a truce has been met with a scathing letter from RMEF President and CEO David Allen, who says Defenders of Wildlife, Western Wildlife Conservancy and others are party to what may become "one of the worst wildlife management disasters since the destruction of bison herds in the 19th Century."

Allen said, "These animal rights groups seem to think that every individual wolf is worth filing another lawsuit to protect, but the decimation of local elk herds is unimportant. What is truly ironic is these folks claim protection of the Canadian gray wolf under the Endangered Species Act. However these wolves are not endangered. There are thousands of them throughout North America. The ESA is being manipulated far beyond its intended purpose." One can find the text of the entire letter on RMEF's website www.RMEF.org.

Factual examples cited in Allen's recent letter:

? The Northern Yellowstone elk herd trend count has dropped from some 19,000 elk in 1995 before the introduction of the Canadian Gray wolf to just over 6,000 elk in 2008. At the same time the wolf numbers in this same area are on a steady increase.

? Yellowstone's Madison Firehole elk herd trend count has fallen from 700 to 108.

? The Gallatin Canyon elk herd trend count between Bozeman and Big Sky, Mont., has declined from 1,048 to 338.

? Wolf numbers in Idaho, Montana and Wyoming have far exceeded the original goals of 30 breeding pairs and 300 total wolves. Population estimates now exceed 1,700 wolves. And yet and others want to push the total up to 2,000 to 5,000 wolves.

? Studies show that wolves kill up to 23 elk per wolf from November through April alone or up to 40,000 elk in just six months. A smaller but still significant number are killed from May through October; with total annual elk kills by wolves just for food potentially greater than 50,000 at the present level of wolf population. This accounts for only the elk needed for food, not surplus killing, which are elk killed by wolves and not eaten, which also occurs. The majority of all these kills are not elk that are sick or old.

? Elk calf survival rates where wolves (and bears) are present are extremely low in specific herds, resulting in a survival rate of 10 percent or less-too low to sustain the herd over the long-term. RMEF points out this is a major issue as elk numbers going into the future, where wolves are concentrated, will suffer even greater losses and replacement becomes out of balance.

"Pro-wolf groups like to cite statewide elk numbers because it glosses over the ongoing annihilation of local elk herds," said Allen. "They like to say that elk and wolves evolved together and would coexist now if man would just leave them alone, which completely ignores the fact that this is no longer the Old West and millions of us live here now. Habitat is shrinking at a rapid pace and the wildlife that lives here must be carefully managed. Man must manage wildlife and we have done so very successfully for over a century. We're long past the day when wolf populations can be left unchecked. Right now this is simply a wolf amnesty program and the results are becoming alarming."

"Managing wildlife in the courts, as opposed to science and the proven expertise of state conservation agencies, is a recipe for continued disaster," stated Allen "These groups do not want states to manage the wolves as they manage other wildlife including predators. Why? It is curious that Defenders of Wildlife and others now boast about the statewide elk management numbers, which are managed by the states; but they do not trust those same states to manage wolves. Again, one should ask why?"

In late February, Allen sent letters to legislators and newspapers across the West calling out Defenders of Wildlife, Western Wildlife Conservancy and others for misleading the public through disingenuous use of current data on wolves and elk. In late March, group representatives accused RMEF of polarizing sportsmen on the wolf issue, and, ironically, to ask for collaboration rather than conflict.

In his letter Allen challenged Defenders of Wildlife and the others to meet face to face. " I invite you to come to my office and let's personally resolve this issue for the sake of those responsible hunters and those responsible non-hunters. Enough of the legal maneuvering and posturing, let's resolve this now," Allen said in his letter.

"We will collaborate with those who believe in sound wildlife management, not promoting one species over others for what we believe are hidden agendas. There is no one proposing annihilation of the wolves, yet Defenders and others like to act as if such a threat exists. It helps their fundraising efforts but does little to solve the issue. Constantly moving the goal line and ignoring the future consequences are just two reasons we do not collaborate with such groups," Allen added.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
A follow-up from Jim Sheperd of the Outdoor Wire:

Wolf Rhetoric Heats Up

For the past few months, I've been watching the battle between wolf-protection groups and wildlife groups move from frosty indifference to semi-nasty rhetoric.

Today, it's safe to say things are -finally some would say- coming to a rolling boil.

After trying to respectfully and factually disagree with the Defenders of Wildlife, the Western Wildlife Conservancy and others, the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation's President and CEO M. David Allen, has pulled off the gloves and fired a broadside at what he calls "cherry picked" data designed to allow the wolf population of the West to continue to ravage the other wildlife.

In fact, Allen's declaration of war is the Top Story in today's edition.

In a letter to Mike Leahy Director of the Rocky Mountain Region of Defenders of Wildlife and Kirk Robinson, Executive Director of the Western Wildlife Conservancy, Allen blasts the groups as being party to what may become "one of the worst wildlife management disasters since the destruction of bison herds in the 19th Century."

In his letter, Allen writes, "These animal rights groups seem to think that every individual wolf is worth filing another lawsuit to protect, but the decimation of local elk herds is unimportant. What is truly ironic is these folks claim protection of the Canadian gray wolf under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). However these wolves are not endangered. There are thousands of them throughout North America. The ESA is being manipulated far beyond its intended purpose."

He then cites example after example where the facts of the matter seem to be irrefutable: wolves are doing what wolves do - hunting and killing - elk and other animals at prodigious rates. Left unchecked, the highly-skilled killing machines have the potential to eliminate herds they have already decimated.

At the heart of the matter is a fundamental difference: pro-wolf groups do not believe the wolves should be harmed; wildlife management groups believe the wolves, as prime predators and wildlife, should be managed with the same scientific methods that are used to control other wildlife populations.

Scientific wildlife management, admittedly a sometimes inexact science, is still a science.

It takes many factors into account, including the fact that the encroachment of man squeezes habitat - meaning animal populations must be "managed" for the good of all the animals.

That's not the goal of the pro-wolf groups.

As Allen wrote of his counterparts at Defenders of Wildlife and Western Wildlife Conservancy:

"They like to say that elk and wolves evolved together and would coexist now if man would just leave them alone, which completely ignores the fact that this is no longer the Old West and millions of us live here now. Habitat is shrinking at a rapid pace and the wildlife that lives here must be carefully managed."

"Man must manage wildlife and we have done so very successfully for over a century. We're long past the day when wolf populations can be left unchecked. Right now this is simply a wolf amnesty program and the results are becoming alarming."

In February, Allen tried to extend an olive branch to the pro-wolf groups, inviting them to meet face to face in order to come to some sort of agreement.

Instead, the pro-wolf groups stepped up their rhetoric.

Now, it seems, Allen has simply had enough of the application of emotion where facts are pretty simple: wolves are wiping out other wildlife.

Unless wolves are managed; there won't be many other species to manage- unless you're monitoring the eating habits of the wolves.

The idea of science-based wildlife management is one that sends many, including PETA, HSUS, and others, into conniption fits.

Their sometimes illogical battles "for the animals" are great vehicles for fundraising, but really do precious little to benefit any animals.

Now, it seems as if one of the "mainstream" groups in the outdoors has had enough of the pro-wolf antics.

Consequently, RMEF has taken on the task of seeing sound practices and not practiced soundbites decide the wolf question.

To accomplish that, they're employing what I consider the nuclear option: facts.

In the court of public opinion, emotion plays well.

In the court of science and wildlife management, not so much.

The facts of the matter will speak plainly for themselves. Everything else is just noise. And those howling the loudest are not the wolves. They're just doing what wolves do.

Looks like a fight worth watching.

--Jim Shepherd


How To Hunt Coues Deer
Utah's biggest fundraiser to support the Elk foundation in this fight, and their mission to ensure the future of elk, other wildlife and their habitat. Is Saturday April 10th at the South Towne Expo Center. We would love your support. We have several firearms, hunts, artwork, and permits to be raffled, auctioned and won in the games. It promises to be a very fun event, while helping the wildlife we all love.

Call Jim @ 801-300-3755 or Ken @ 801-598-2010

Thank you
This is really good news, it's past the time to put up with enviro-nazis and eco-fascists. They need to be pushed back, and pushed back hard, but responsible and ethical conservationists everywhere.
Support the RMEF and go to their banquets, they are the only real group that is fighting for the elk herds...
St. George 5-1-10 Tom Hooker 435-229-3232
Cedar City 5-1-10 Chris Halterman 435-865-0100
Moab 5-8-10 Rich Haycock 801-573-6527

Call to get more info, this is a great charity...
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"I don't miss, I just don't hit him on purpose"
I've been a member and volunteer for the Elk Foundation for about four years now and this is what I appreciate about David Allen's leadership. He's straightforward and I believe that is what all conservation groups need, be it RMEF, MDF, FNAWS, etc.

I'm glad the gloves are off...it's about damn time and I hope the rest of the groups I mentioned get behind it as well!

Raghorn Hunting Services
[email protected]
Where has he been the last 5 years, Mr David Allen hasn't been RMEF president that long, I had the pleasure of meeting him at the Grand Junction, CO RMEF banquet I talked with him about 15-20 minutes and I have to say I was very surprized he is more down to earth and a common hunter like all of us that it is unbelieveable. I will assure everyone there will be more action taken by the RMEF in the future Im really glad to be a part of the organization and I can't wait to see what we can do in the future with a gentleman like this calling the shots and the great thing about it is he has the statistics and paperwork to back it all up so it makes it extremely hard for any organization to discount his ideals.

windage and elevation pilgrim windage and elevation
Where has RMEF been for the last 5 years? Where have they been for the last 15? Fact is RMEF waited too long to get into the fight. They sat back collected money for "habitat" and went on with the business of being a large company making money.
Now that the wolves have wiped out elk hunting as we all knew it. I am betting that some of the members are asking where is the RMEF? I bet that they are also talking with their dollars. If there is No elk to hunt why belong to a ?company? that promotes elk if there is NO hope for a recovery of the population?
RMEF has put MILLIONS of dollars into habitat for the last 15 years. What has it got us?
RMEF waited too long, it is good to see them finally p!ssed off enough to get into the fight but I feel that they are in the fight only because the wolves are hurting their bottom line. Ron
LAST EDITED ON Apr-10-10 AT 08:18AM (MST)[p]Well, Mr Allen has it dead wrong when he calls the situation between elk and wolf as one of the the biggest mismanagements since the buffalo.

I would remind you all. As you sit at your computer completely content with LE cougar hunts. That starting in the 70s cougar populations were allowed to grow and the UT DWR has managed for more cougar. Even if the wolf killed every single elk alive. It would pale in comparison to the reduction in the deer herd.

Mark my words. 20 yrs down the road when Utah only has a elk population of 40,000 due to heavy predation. The propaganda will be habitat. Don't be surprised to hear Utah's habitat is the factor to 40,000 elk. Just as habitat is the popular notion to why deer are declining. And also there will be some guys out there saying elk hunting is still good. You just need to get off the roads.

As big game hunters (predators)there is a direct conflict between us and any predator. Now you aren't willing to share elk with wolf. But why are you willing to share deer with cougar?

Can anyone deny that a doe killed by a cat. Is a doe that will no longer reproduce. A buck killed by a cat. Is a buck that will no longer bread or be harvested by a hunter. A fawn killed by a cat. Is a fawn that will not grow to be a productive part of the herd.
A second +1 for Idahorons comments. I also felt the RMEF was going down the wrong path. They were becoming to Politically Correct and to much Sierra Club like. I am glad to see they are reversing roles at last. Us hunters HAVE to realize that you cannot meet the animal rights group half way. They chip away at hunters rights every chance they get. They are in a war to ultimately outlaw hunting and if you don't accept that fact and realize it is a cultural war and fight it to WIN, then we are ultimately going to loose the war.
+1 for deersman comments also. Coyotes and lions are having the same impact on muledeer throughout the west that wolves are having on elk herds. Every doe they kill is a breeder that will not replenish the current depressed herds next spring. Lions "overgraze" deer herds just like feral horses overgraze the rangeland.

Measure wealth by the things you have,, for which you would not take money.
Actually I think that RMEF broke away from the supposed wrong path some time ago, they changed their motto and went directly away from fully promoting habitat and more into hunting. It may have been a mistake, because the feared anti hunters are a small minority, the vast majority of Americans are non hunters,and thats where the real money and political support lies. I know that I have been with RMEF from the 80s, spent a few bucks along the way, but after finding out that they partnered up with the hunting fool, thats it for me, no more RMEF. There comes a time when you have to quit looking the other way when certain commercial interests have done so much to damage you own passionate interests. Anti hunters have done little to harm my personal enjoyment of hunting, but I can tell you about a few other commercial ventures that have.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-10-10 AT 11:12AM (MST)[p]The RMEF played this game to perfection.

They sat back while the heavy lifting was taking place, let others get wolf management and hunting seasons in place. Didnt spend a whole lot of money or effort to help. There were many smaller,local, organizations out there that did a whole lot more of the work. They were pro-active since day one.

IMO, the RMEF picked the winning team in the last minute of the 4th quarter...played it as safe as they could.

Their stance now is a joke. They had very little to do with getting the current seasons in MT and ID and really have had a "hands off" approach since reintroduction.

I cant fault them for taking the path of least resistance, it makes good business sense. Another classic case of reactive rather than proactive decision making.

All that said, I'm not real sure they should be currently taking the stance they are. Some of the things they stated arent true, for starters. They are a habitat oriented group, that should continue to be their focus, IMO. They have done a wonderful job of securing elk habitat, and they should stick to what they do best.
If there's no elk then there's no need for the RMEF! Plain and simple. It's about time they felt threatened enough to engage.
I was pissed of when RMEF and other organizations took a neutral stance on the USO outfitters war a few years back. I'm glad that they are finally getting into the wolf war but where was thier support 5 years ago like was stated above in earlier posts. I'm sure that they'd like OUR support now. fatrooster.
I agree with most of whats been said, they should have got in this mess earlier, losing members over this issue is probably happening, etc etc. But....

Better late then never guys, better late than never before it is to late.
How about the fact that the Canadian Gray Wolf is not a native species to this area of North America, I know if this was a Northern Pike, or Asian Carp the wild life departments would be having a fit trying to eradicate this non-native species!

Also, what do the Wolf supporters think the wolves are going to eat when there are not enough Elk or Deer left to substain them............... feed them table scrapes when they are looking in the windows of the people that live with the wolves!
I thought the Grey Wolfs historic range encompassed all of North America. Eurasia as well. Please explain.
About flippin time IMO. I think we should put the wolves on the Southern border. They will have plenty of food.

DaleTobiason, after all of the wildlife is eaten up by wolves then the only thing left is wolf lovin' liberals because all of us common sense people will be totin' a gun. fatrooster.
ooooo you mean that a hunting group can get someting done about wolves without whoring hundreds of our LE tags.

Shame on SFW for telling us other wise!


Nets are for fish!!
From what I've been told the wolf that was reintroduced was the "Canadian Gray " wolf that is about 40 to 70 pounds bigger and more aggressive then the original wolf from that area.

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