RMEF reaffirms position on public lands


Long Time Member
Not wanting to compare who would do the best job on the expo. There are plenty of other threads to do that on. However, I would really like to see an official statement from SFW on their position on public land transfer. To me that's a bigger deal-breaker on who I would support.

The letter below went out to RMEF members recently and here are a couple of other links.


RMEF members,


The sale or transfer of our public lands to state jurisdiction is no longer just water cooler talk. Despite our continuing efforts and those of so many other sportsmen and women to stop it, there are very real debates and proposals taking place in several western state legislatures. There is also some chatter in Washington DC.
As you know, this is an extremely dangerous slope to go down leading to the distinct possibility of the permanent loss of public access for hunters and others. Additionally, this is a shell game that avoids addressing the vital need for active management of our forests.

Please reach out to your state legislators involved in such issues as well as your federal representatives in the U.S. Senate and U.S. House. Urge them to:
? Vote against the sale or transfer of our public lands
? Provide land managers with the tools and direction to carry out active land management
? Create litigation reform so land management work can go forward without obstructionist lawsuits by environmental groups

Thank you for your support of our public lands. We need to act now! And not just for elk, elk country and our ability to hunt, but for our children and grandchildren too.

David Allen
RMEF President & CEO
$FW is to chicken$hit to make a stand one way or the other.

$FW has their lips firmly attached to the Utah legislatures nipple. Anyone with half a brain can see where they stand. Sell sell sell.
Please reach out to your state legislators involved in such issues as well as your federal representatives in the U.S. Senate and U.S. House. Urge them to:
? Vote against the sale or transfer of our public lands
? Provide land managers with the tools and direction to carry out active land management
? Create litigation reform so land management work can go forward without obstructionist lawsuits by environmental groups.

Just do it folks. Make your voices heard. We can't let either side shout us down.
>$FW is to chicken$hit to make
>a stand one way or
>the other.
>$FW has their lips firmly attached
>to the Utah legislatures nipple.
>Anyone with half a brain
>can see where they stand.
>Sell sell sell.

Does that mean I have less than half a brain? :)

I believe I know where they stand. I would just like to give them the benefit of the doubt and hear it from them. To me, any organization that wields as much power as they must should surely have the guts to stand up and be counted, one way or the other. It's not like they can say they don't want to be political. They certainly have a track record to the contrary.
Pheasants Forever, Quail Forever, Boone and Crocket, and Pope and Young have also posted things against it in the last week. At least when you email or contact Mule Deer Foundation they have the balls to say they are opposed to any transfer or sell, even if they don't dare post it publicly. I've emailed SFW and they give the standard BS answer of they are just for what's best for wildlife and have no true position on it. Yeah deflecting. I thing the fact Pheasants Forever stood up is pretty great. They have no where near the interest in federal public lands as other organizations but still had the balls to say this is a terrible idea.
'Backcountry Hunters & Anglers' as well as 'Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership' have also publicly opposed the land grab.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-30-17 AT 02:10PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-30-17 AT 01:55?PM (MST)

SCI has also opposed this when I emailed them. I've contacted KUIU, Sitka, and First Lite. All opposed. Wild sheep foundation has signed letters against it and says they are against it when you contact them. Yes, our friends are becoming clear here and it seems the same enemy of the average sportsmen is the same one that it has always been and it is of course $FW. Eastmans has also posted things in opposition on their site and in their magazine. Their is really not any Sportsmen organization but one, who is a pansy ass pathetic disgrace, and it's the same group it's always been. Don't get me wrong, their volunteers and members are great and do some good work, but the organizations founders and top people are not worth two shits.
This is a response from Senator Mike Lee's office that I received on Friday as a result of correspondence that I sent voicing my opposition to the transfer of public lands. Seemed pretty generic to me in terms of a response, but made it crystal clear that it's definitely a top priority!

January 27, 2017
Dear Matt:

Thank you for contacting Senator Lee regarding the environment and public lands. Senator Lee is very appreciative of your engagement, and he has asked that I reply.

One of Senator Lee's top priorities is returning control over public lands in Utah to the state and the people who live, work, and recreate on those lands. He is working closely with the other members of Utah's congressional delegation on the Public Lands Initiative, which will give Utahns more control over their lands and protect farmers and ranchers from federal mismanagement. Senator Lee also recognizes the importance of maintaining natural resources. Seeing how the government has proven to be a poor steward of public lands, Senator Lee believes these issues are best handled at a local and state level to provide specific, individualized, and effective solutions to local problems. I have shared your thoughts with the Senator, and he will keep them in mind as he continues to address this issue.

As we enter a new year, our nation is simultaneously faced with many hopes and challenges. Senator Lee looks forward to working with citizens and colleagues on both sides of the aisle to secure a safer, freer, and more prosperous America for all.

As always, your feedback and engagement is critical to this undertaking. Please don't hesitate to continue writing and calling in to our office. You can also stay engaged by learning more about Senator Lee's Article 1 Project, subscribing to Senator Lee?s newsletter, following the Senator on social media, and by signing up for his tele-townhalls at this link or by texting ?senmikelee? to 828282.

All the best,

Pete Blair

Office of Senator Michael S. Lee
(202) 224-5444

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