RIP stinkystomper and qtpie



I got a call this morning from the airlines that the flights I had scheduled out of roswell NM were canceled.

So I rescheduled to fly out of albuquerque NM. Well the roads were all closed. So then I scheduled to fly out of El paso. Again the roads closed after I booked.

I figured gods trying to tell me something but I guess I'm too stubborn. Soooooooo, I found a single engine sesna flying out of carlsbad NM to Albuquerque so that I can get to salt lake city. My wife and everyone are sure we are gonna die so I'm bidding my farewell.

Hopefully we will be boarding and attending the expo this weekend but if we aren't then I guess all are invited to my funeral.

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
I heard Terra went to a psychic yesterday
Make sure they de-ice the heck out of it, Stinky! Wind's still blowing good here in ABQ, so that Cessna may well live up to it's name if you're not ready....vomit comet. With the cold air, it'll fly great though!
from Roswell you could have flown out of Amarillo....hope everything works out.
Just talked with a close friend of mine that lives up in the hills out of Tijeras east of Albq. and he was under the house trying to thaw out the water lines. Also got heaters around his road grader so he can try to get it started so he can clear the road out of his place as he has a Dr. appt tomorrow and needs to go down to Albq. for that too. His wife has been home for 3 days as she could not get out either due to 2' of snow on the place. Said it was -20 the other morning and had not been that cold since 1990 the year after they bought the place.

F**kin' Global Warming!


Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-02-11 AT 06:58PM (MST)[p] Good Luck in the Cessna Stinky. If you see your tracks in the snow you know your to low.

as bessy would say..... judas friggin priest!

were stuck in el paso until tomorrow evening!

dont even ask!

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
I am leaving munich germany on saturday morning so I can catch the tail end of the expo on sunday. I think I have a better chance of making it than you. Atleast you don't have to sit next to some "stinky" euro for w
10 hours across the pond.

"If God didn't want us to eat animals, then why did He make them out of meat?"
~Ted Nugent
"F**kin' Global Warming!"

Global warming has been a thing of the past ever since Algore fixed it...... Gotta love him and his internet...... Terry

Turn north, man. Your head'n the wrong way. We're in Salt Lake, not El Paso?

Remember, I get the honor of buying the winning Pahvant Bull tag with your name on it. How's that going to work if your having lunch in a bar in Ju?rez on Saturday?

Qtip, time you got involved kid, seems your huckleberry has become lost in America. Re-calibrate Stinky's global positioning quick, times a wast'en.

...wasn't there a thread recently with you crying poverty...and some mm'er kissing up to you wanting to help buy you expo tickets???? you are chartering planes??

:* (couldn't find a sucking up face, JB) But hey, your right, guess I'll have to reconsider.

Aren't you getting old enough for early stages of dementia so the rest of us can get a break once in a while.

Your recall abilities are why these jokers wrote these lyrics.

Ask stinky too with JB keep'en notes on everybody.

heck ya poverty. things is, this trip was bot n paid for months ago. aint no way im letting all that stuff just go for nothin. u figure air fare, rooms for four nights n rental car all paid for in advance. thats a chunk of change!

anyways, my broke arse is here. now if i can just find trevor. if ur reading this trev quit frettin. good ol stinks gonna come through just fine. just remember u asked for all this crap u dumb ass! lol

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
If you ever get in that spot again let me know. I will fly down and get you and we can drop bags of Poo on Bessys house as we fly over! Cant get that with Southwest![/IMG]

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