
our beloved and hilarious zman was sent to the firing squad with the mods as shooters over a certain pumpkin.... for shame... whays thia world coming to when we cant laugh at pumpkins... rest in peace brotha, you will be missed!!!
Dang what happened? I miss everything!! Kobe got a triple double last night to make never catch feel better for gettin the boot?
Sadly Catchman was banned for posting a couple pumkin carving pictures that really..... well for a lack of a better term, sucked.
~Z~ has always walked the line, but the mods can't get rid of him. Maybe he'll come back as B-Bob-a-Z-Man, or NeverCatch 16.
youd have to convince him to come back... says he doesnt even care and laughed at the whole thing...
They are doing their best to keep this site debating mule deer management aren't they.....

justr.... its more or less and sounds like a bunch of ol betty's arguing the best way to knit a quilt... ;)
oh really now brian??? then why dont you call zac and ask him to get on here and clarify??? i know you have his number!!! did i say it was you thay bannes him? nope i said "mods"....
come on brian enlighten me and tell your side... im more than willing to hear you out...
in all honesty brian i wouldnt blame you if you did ban him cause hes always walkes the line... but dont get on here with a atick up your butt and just say im full of #####... zacs a good guy and you know it. how many years have you know him?
tabby states "

did i say it was you thay bannes him? nope i said "mods"....

When did this happen as there was NO ALERT SENT and so never seen it so don't combine all the MODS into a group slaughter of one person. I have no idea who did the "nuke" and or why.

I seen it early one morning & warned never_catch that we had kids on this sight for GAWDS sake!:D (Some of these kids are between 30 & 50 years old!)

He actually deleted it,and then it showed back up,don't know what's up with that?

See kilo?
You leave for a day or two & you miss all the good stuff?:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
That sucks. -Z- seemed to be a good guy. I wonder what made him post something that would get him banned? He may have been temporarily insane and will pay for his mistakes. BUT...he will get well and prove he is able to come back to MM. That's what I hope anyway. Gonna miss you, never_catch.

Tabbyhntr- tell -Z- to email me the pics that he posted. I never got to see them. [email protected]

T&A Inspector
He wasn't banned. He posted that pumpkin picture that was pretty bad. I texted him and told him he got me in trouble from another user who was afraid his daughter might see it.
That's the last I have talked with Zac.
I'm the only person who can ban users. Mods. can't.

Brian Latturner
Mighta got his feelers hurt huh?

Oh He'll be back!

Probably up huntin somewhere!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
wiszard... ill let him know.

Brian... according to zac ever since you chewed him out in a text over the pumpkin he cant login.. says hes emailed you and you wont respond?

now remember im just passing info on. zacs one of my best friends and one thing he sure the hell isnt is a liar... why dont you call him and straighten this whole thing out???

pretty please Bman???? lol
zac hasnt been hunting since general archery ended. hell be on the dront for sure minute we see the big boys rutting... lol
I talked to ~z~ this morning. I am sure he will return boys and girls!!! We just need to take him to the "Secret club house" and all will be forgiven,,,,, LOL
I knew it was just a matter of time before he was tossed!!! We have to keep this site clean for kids and get rid of all the Laker fans.
Well, he better come back, or I'm going to have to get his cell phone number. I'm going to go through withdrawls if I can't talk crap on the Lakers.
elkantlers... my spellcheck is turned off on my phone and doing all this while working so im not wasting time by spellchecking... but hey glad to know the grammer police are watching...
elkantlers.... better yet how about you just stfu if you dont have anything to say about the point of this thread... hows that for spelling or would you like me to spell out what stfu means?
lmao if i did that then half of the people on MM wouldnt have a clue what i was saying... lol jk
whos this nevercatch guy? and tabbyhunter? they both sound like giant loosers! This site is better off without them and maybe before too long both will be ban.

Lord knows I'd never dream of even conferring with such rif raf!

Just hand me a mod badge there brian. Before too long all the girly pics will be gone and so will all your bothersome posts!

And for a grand finale I will ban bessy and myself! Then your site will be as entertaining as muleymadness!
oh stinky... just for that im gonna text terra something erotic... wont be any of me but just cause.. lol
>And for a grand finale I
>will ban bessy and myself!
>Then your site will be
>as entertaining as muleymadness!

There are other websites other than monster muleys? Say it aint so
tabby.... ur gonna send my wife erotic texts? can u wait a few hrs till i get home. i kinda wanna be there when u get her all turned on

hey tayhot.... yes there is. if u want a good one goto yes theres porn but all the friggin racist cartoons are hilarious. every time i post the good cartoons on here though they get nuked..... imagine that. u live in a small world tay..... u gotta quit drinkin the water in albuquerque lol

now to change brians name from founder to lord farquad....."i will have order. I will have peace! I will have the perfect website!".... or as my four year old pronounces his name.... lord fuc#wad! lol

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)

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