RIP Fat Boy


Long Time Member
My buddy Fat Boy died a couple of weeks ago. He lost his leg I assume from his knee down. It would take him 45 minutes to get out of bed in his wheel chair just to get a simple drink of water it got so bad that he was going to end the problem himself but luckily he finally found peace a couple of days later. He and I had a falling out along with another friend about the same time so I couldn’t be there for him to help in anyway I could and thats what bothers me the most. Ours friends would say we fought like an old married couple and we both took pride in that, we would argue all the time but neither one would be upset with the other. Dave had a problem with taking blame for his own actions and he liked to blame others for his failures, it did help when i spoke with his ex and she told me that before the end he told her that he loved me but didn’t want me to see him in the condition he was in so maybe he was the friend of old and was protecting me in a weird way.
Anyway if this reads ut of sorts sorryl

Here is a picture of Dave and I on my 33rd B Day at Ramon’s what a great day!

I’m so sorry for your loss... Try to find peace in knowing that he’s no longer struggling with surviving in this world. Try to remember all of the good in your friendship. God rest his soul.
So sorry for the loss of a friend. It's unfortunate you had the falling out, but it obviously still did not eclipse your friendship, which was most important, and what he remembered.
It sounds to me that he knew you were right but just couldn't or wouldn't admit it. He was probably embarrassed and prideful toward the end. Take comfort that you tried to help him and meant the best for him. Life happens that way some times. Sorry it went that way.
Sorry for your loss Joe. It is too bad you guys could not make amends but it sounds like you were true friends and that happens sometimes. Guys don't want to have hard conversations and take responsibility for hurting friends' feelings or whatever went on between you guys. I am glad you took some solace from talking to his ex. He obviously still cared for your friendship!
My buddy Fat Boy died a couple of weeks ago. He lost his leg I assume from his knee down. It would take him 45 minutes to get out of bed in his wheel chair just to get a simple drink of water it got so bad that he was going to end the problem himself but luckily he finally found peace a couple of days later. He and I had a falling out along with another friend about the same time so I couldn’t be there for him to help in anyway I could and thats what bothers me the most. Ours friends would say we fought like an old married couple and we both took pride in that, we would argue all the time but neither one would be upset with the other. Dave had a problem with taking blame for his own actions and he liked to blame others for his failures, it did help when i spoke with his ex and she told me that before the end he told her that he loved me but didn’t want me to see him in the condition he was in so maybe he was the friend of old and was protecting me in a weird way.
Anyway if this reads ut of sorts sorryl

Here is a picture of Dave and I on my 33rd B Day at Ramon’s what a great day!

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Hang in there Joe, I just found out that my best friend from high school passed away last fall. He wanted to go hunting so bad, be he was a city kid with no Dad. I took him with me, I killed a buck opening morning. He was so excited, told the whole school a bbn out it. RIP Kootz and Fat boy.

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