Ringtail Cats of the Black Canyon


Long Time Member
Here are three photos of Ringtailed Cats from our recent Black Canyon trip. These little beasts are quite the nocturnal pests. They will try anyting to get into your food whether it is hanging from a tree, in a pack, or in a tent. They don't seem to be malicious though as they have yet to destroy any of our gear. All of these photo's were taken by my friend Chris K. The rest of us slept through thier nightime visit.





LAST EDITED ON Oct-01-07 AT 06:15PM (MST)[p]Cute little critter.

How was the fishing?

Never mind I just saw your other posts.

Looks like a fun trip.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-01-07 AT 07:00PM (MST)[p]BeanMan! as I'm sure you know them little suckers stink as bad as skunks. When I used to work in the iron mines (about a hundred years ago) they would show up at lunch time & beg for food, but make a wrong move & WHEEH WEE.

I'm sure they were a pain those are neat pictures of a critter that doesn't get seen much. Sounds like a great trip.
Nice pictures Fred, are they open season on them there? They are protected here in Cali or at least they use to be as a co-worked found a road kill one night going home from work. If the warden had not been a friend of his, he might still be in jail.
This was back in the early 80's.

LAST EDITED ON Oct-01-07 AT 09:25PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-01-07 AT 09:23?PM (MST)


No Season on any critters in the Black Canyon since it is now a National Park. Can't even bring a firearm. I've never seen one of them outside of it but I hear they are some of the canyon country in SW Colorado. Not very common anyways.

That pile of gear in the right background of the first pic is me sleeping through the photo session. I've got a red fleece hat on and am in a bivy bag with my water bottle close at hand.

>Those are cool! I'm glad TripleK
>wasn't there. No tellin' what
>she would have done!

Why, I would've wrestled one down, snuck it in my pack, brought it home and given it to my neighbor as his new pet. How cute are they??? lol
Look at you just a snorin' away, Fred. lol Nuttin' bugging you right then was there?

>got a red fleece hat
>on and am in a
>bivy bag with my water
>bottle close at hand.

I had no idea y'all had ringtails in that country.
When I was a younger man, used to shoot a many of them
for their fur. Good ringtail pelt would bring 15 dollars
in the old days. They were tough to hunt, and would jump
from tree to tree like a squirrel. We usually baged a
few each year, kinda as a bonus, while coon hunting.

I only trapped two in my time. They were usually to
pesky for that.

Cool critters. I dig ringtails.

They're pretty common in SE Arizona. Look up in the rocks at night with a spotlight.

The only place I've seen them is in the BC. I have heard they can be in the river canyons of the Dolores and other parts of SW Colorado. But, the answers is I relly don't know.

Go Rockies!

Used to be a lot of them around Green River and Moab Utah, also around Lake Powell. Don't see to many anymore.

Very cool. There are some around where I work, but I have yet to see one. Haven't heard really heard of them around anywhere else in Lake County.

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