Right decisions?


Long Time Member
Long story about my 20 year old daughter, her baby and the baby's father.....My 13 year old graduated from 8th grade today with straight A's the entire 8 quarters in junior high. My oldest daughter left our home with our grandaughter after 3 months of living with us and moved about 90 miles away to live with the father of the baby. We were not happy about it as the guys a total douchbag. My wife and I had a big graduation party for her with a DJ and about 100 other kids from her class. My 20 year old daughter, my grandbaby and the father showed up (surprised us) at the party. It was an awesome site seeing my wife walk my granddaughter out to me as I wasn't expecting it. She told me HE was here but it really didn't fase me. I hate the guy with an f'ing passion. The feeling of gratitude for him letting my daughter and my granddaughter come up and see us was so over-whelming that I shook his hand and thanked him for bringing them up to let us see them. Luckily, I had already had about 5 beers so I was feeling pretty good. All my hatred for the arsehole was put aside as I was simpy emersed in the enjoyment of seeing my grandbaby. I thank God for alcohol because if I had been sober it would have surely gone south in a very fast way. The problem with that is that they will be in town for the whole weekend and there is no way I can continue to drink during their visit due to my other daughters softball tournaments. I'm proud of myself for being able to contain myself tonite but the rest of the weekend will be tough. My wife is stressed BIGTIME that I will fly off the handle and let the plick know that HE is not welcome. We don't have a lot of extra money in our savings account. What I am asking is for whoever reads this post, if the issue of bail ever arises, can I borrow some money? I will make good on paying you back! If you don't hear from me in 3 days, please send any donations to "Steve's bail money" to 890 Foxenwood Dr, Santa Maria, Ca 93455!! Thanks in advance......

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
I'll help with a donation to the cause, if it becomes an issue! NO repayment necessary. I've been bailed out before,( bethree, and betwo- hoping never to have befive!)

Ooooooor, just kill the boy, where in bail wouldn't be possible!

Wiz, Great Post! One of the best man, you really put your heart in it.

I'm just now getting back on my feet so might not be able to contribute too much for your bail fund. I probably could though, send in a 10 spot to put on your "books" :)

Serious, It don't take much now days to get charged with a Felony. That means no gun ownership...no hunting. Be careful bud!!

Rugburn has some connections and pull with correctional facilities. Maybe he could get you OR'ed. :) Joey offers some great advice though. If it gets ugly or you think it might, just walk away. You don't even need a felony to get the firearms ban, just a DV assault. I actually doubt the beer had anything to do with it. It was the resolve of being the better man and doing the right thing being civil even though it parted paths with being the easy thing to do.
Although I'm sure the instant Gratification of knocking the Doucher on his rear may be great, but it sounds like it may be best for everyone if you grit you're teeth and let it go...You may be able to see you're daughter and grand daughter more often that way..


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Well Wisz!

I don't have a problem with chippin in on some Bail Money!

But I want ya to hit him for me too,so when you think you're through with him, think of me & give him one extra punch!

Like they say Wisz,you can't pick your Relates,I'd like to smack the Guy that started that Phrase!

I just talked with Ms Wisz,think We've got a Plan,when you think you're out of Cold Ones Wisz just keep looking,there's a few extras just to keep you Cool!:D

Kids Growin Up,GAWD ain't it Fun?

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
Hang in ther Steve----

I am leaving Utah in 5 minutes with a big bottle of 'cough sryup' and will be at your home by this evening!

Together we can beat this demon!

>Although I'm sure the instant Gratification
>of knocking the Doucher on
>his rear may be great,
>but it sounds like it
>may be best for everyone
>if you grit you're teeth
>and let it go...You may
>be able to see you're
>daughter and grand daughter more
>often that way..

>The poster does not take any
>responsibility for any hurt or
>bad feelings. Reading threads poses
>inherent risks. The poster would
>like to remind readers to
>make sure they have a
>functional sense of humor before
>they visit any discussion board.

+1 be nice so you can see your daughter and grandbaby more.. You dont have to like him, ignore him and have fun with the family you do want to see.

choose your battles wisely. it was only a week or so you had a thread on hear about being fat and squishy. stay away from the guy until you watch all the rocky movies,wwf summerslam 1989 and road house multiple times . then drink raw eggs,hit him with a folding chair and rip his throat out.
While it may not appear the case right now, these situations have a natural way of working out. Either the jerk will get it together and do what is right or your daughter will move on with her life and dump his azz.

You will NEVER be able to FORCE your opinion on her until she is willing to get her "vision" of the guy in line.

Concentrate on the rest of your family and let time take it's course.

Most of all, control your temper. Too many people are counting on you and if you are in the can.......then what?

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
"We don't have a lot of extra money in our savings account. What I am asking is for whoever reads this post, if the issue of bail ever arises, can I borrow some money? I will make good on paying you back! If you don't hear from me in 3 days, please send any donations to "Steve's bail money" to 890 Foxenwood Dr, Santa Maria, Ca 93455!! Thanks in advance......"

I get these kinds of emails in my Spam folder all the time.:)

Smacking him will just drive your daughter and granddaughter away, maybe for good. When our adult kids make poor choices there is not much we can do. It's her boat, let her row it. Voice your opinion and let it go.IMO

I would see that my grandaughter was well provided for, but would do nothing to enable the douchebag father.

Thanks for the words of advice, guys. B-BOP....if it ever gets to the point that I'm whoopin' him, I'll throw one for you. Your post was good. :)

Fat and squishy?- I said I was about 10 pounds over weight! Reminds me of that game "telephone". And....that would not have anything to do with how the altercation would go down anyway. The only thing those 10 extra pounds would do is slow that 2nd-4th punch I can throw as he's hitting the ground. :)

I know what the right thing to do is. I enjoy seeing my daughter and grand daughter so as long as they're together, I'll maintain. He's worried about me starting sh!t with him. He wants to stay as far away from any Sheriff station as possible....he was born in Mexico and is not here legally so any domestic violence charge may get him deported. Don't get me started on his legal status....I may start drinking again!

No need for the cough syrup...I bought a 30 pack of Keystone Light and I've still got 20 or so left. :)

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
Wiz, we know you'd whoop his ass man!! Don't mess up a good thing though...it's all about your daughter and grandyoungin so if you gotta deal with douchebag here and there it'll be worth it!! Glad to hear they surprised you with a visit, cool as hell!! As far as the beer drinking...I have no good advice to give cuz chit usually get me in trouble!! :D

http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb37/Feleno/zFix.jpg[/IMG] ~Z~
As far as the
>beer drinking...I have no good
>advice to give cuz chit
>usually get me in trouble!!
>http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb37/Feleno/zFix.jpg[/IMG] ~Z~

Lol ya it does, especially when you send the text to the wrong person. Lmao! Hope she doesn't kick you in the junk!

> As far as the
>>beer drinking...I have no good
>>advice to give cuz chit
>>usually get me in trouble!!
>>http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb37/Feleno/zFix.jpg[/IMG] ~Z~
>Lol ya it does, especially when
>you send the text to
>the wrong person. Lmao! Hope
>she doesn't kick you in
>the junk!

I'm just happy it went to you and not one of the other blondes LMAO!!

http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb37/Feleno/zFix.jpg[/IMG] ~Z~
>Lol, it didn't go to me!
>It went to the brunette!
>Lmao you meant to, but
>then you just told me
>your f up!

Oh crap!!

Sorry Steve, not trying to hijack :D go kick that dude's ass already would ya!! And post pics!!

http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb37/Feleno/zFix.jpg[/IMG] ~Z~
A lot of good advice above.

Here is my suggestion, grit your teeth and keep a bottle handy (or maybe a pot card and a bag?) and take the boy under your wing and teach him the outdoor life (keep your friends close and enemies closer) and one of three things should happen.

1) He will straighten up get his green card and treat your daughter as she should be treated. Although this one is HIGHLY UNLIKELY!

2) Your daughter will see the little scumbag for who he is and realize her and your granddaughter deserve better (just don't expect her to say you were right) and leave his greasy azz. This one is likely because you raised her right and she has seen an example of a good man and how he treats his wife and kids, but it may take time and be based on how long you can hold off on number 3!

3) Once his guard is down and you are convinced 1 and 2 aren't gonna happen you take the punk on either a wilderness hunt in Grizz country or an Ocean fishing trip in White Shark territory and let "Nature take its course". Just be sure it looks like an accident and you are convincing even to your wife that you truly love this little plick sponge on U.S. society.

Voila! Problem solved!

If you can't make this plan work then I will donate to bail money in a heartbeat as long as you are there for me in the future! I also have two daughters.

Just remember if number 3 is required you must have a well thought out plan and flawless delivery. I used to work at a Max security Pen and the one thing all of the dumbchits had in common (other than they didn't do it) was the fact that their plans had flaws or they let their emotions get in the way or told people or some other stupid mistake.

If you get caught (don't get caught) ask to go to Pelican Bay I still have some friends there and can get you an extra food tray or two a day and one of the better paying jobs (probably fifty or sixty cents an hour).

Best advice was probably Nickman and others who said grit your teeth and bear it because she will soon see him for who he is or he will leave for college or the military under the Dream Act.


Look out Forkie, FTW is watching us!
Do ya know what bar he hangs out in, Because if a complete stranger was to walk in that bar and just clean him off the barstool,I'm betting no-one would know who the stranger was and who sent the message. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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