riding with Grandpa



Grandpa and his lovely little, five year old, grand daughter had developed a Saturday morning tradition when they would go riding around in the old man's truck.

They would stop for some donuts; milk for her, coffee for him. Then they would drive by the high school practice field to see if a groups of kids would be practicing for band, cheer leading, flag twirlers or whatever. Next they drove over by the bus station to se who was a coming and who was a leaving. Yes, it was a treasured time for the two.

Unfortunately, one Saturday morning, Grandpa took sick and wasn't able to get out of bed, in order to drive his Little Missy, in the old truck, on their familiar route. He asked his dear wife to take her for the traditional ride and that Little Missy would show Grandma where to drive.

Grandma and Little Missy came back home about two hours later and the little girl raced up the stairs to share with her beloved Grandpa all about her ride with Grandma.

Grandpa smiled and asked her how the ride was, did they go to all of the same places and so on; while Little Missy waited patiently to tell him about something new that had happened.

Grandpa finally realized she was brimming over with excitement to tell him something.

He asked her if she discovered anything new on the ride with Grandma and she said, all excitedly:

"Grandpa, we didn't see one Dumb Bastard or Stupid Idiot today!!!"
Nice tale and ya just gotta love kids!! Here's a true story of my Grampa

I'll never forget the day my uncle Russ and i really hurt my Grandfathers feeling and we weren't trying. We had just spent the afternoon putting up new "No Trespassing" signs for all those not courteous enough to stop in at the ranch house and ask permission to hunt. Anyway, we was on the drive back to the ranch house, near coming out of the beautiful Oak and Laurel tree shaded canyon, when grandpa pointed off to our side of the county road and said, "there's a good rock to sit on".

Me and Russ about split a gut, we was laughing so hard. To us youngsters so full of energy who regularly could run from top to bottom of the hills in our neck of the the woods, never even ever considered much about any rock, let alone if it was one to sit on or not. Grandpa didn't get mad at us for laughing at his comment, he just got quiet and i noticed how his ear had turned a tad red. I stopped laughing myself and for some reason made note of that moment in time. Something about the way he said what he did and the way we reacted just wasn't right but for the life of me, i couldn't figure what it was at the time.

Now, i'm near a busted down ol Cowboy that weighs too much and don't get around near as well as i once did. I can appreciate a good sitting rock once in awhile. I don't get down in that country of our/my heritage much anymore. The family sold off most of the place after the Grandparents died, kinda fell apart in most respects, and i moved on to new country in search of my own place in this world. But if and when i do get back on that ol windy road leading back or to the old homestead, i'm gonna look for that exact rock Grandpa pointed out to us that day, i'm sure i can find it, and i'm gonna have me a nice sit.


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