RidgeTops Ram


Long Time Member
After following the cali rams here in UT for a few years, I am amazed at the quality of this ram. I've seen a 1/2 dozen rams that were 10-12 years old that were not close the this ram, yet at 8 1/2 years old it was just huge. If and when this ram gets beaten out of the top spot, It will be an incredible feat. My wifes ram was also 8 1/2, but was 12 inches smaller.


Theres logic, and theres women. They don't go together.

Is that the Colorado River in the background? It has to be since that ram is so huge! LOL

That's the good stuff right there.

Yelum's wife's ram is no slouch though.

Well done all,
LAST EDITED ON Apr-10-13 AT 07:37PM (MST)[p]I have to agree 100% Yelum. I had the privilege of being along on that hunt and when I saw that ram live, my eyes about fell out of their sockets! I immediately knew he was very special and then I was able to sit and watch him through a spotting scope for a couple of hours while Ridgetops stalked in on him. If you go back to his original posts on the HAC you can see the whole hunt and video of the kill. It was one of the most special hunts I have ever been on, and I was only carrying my binos.
Congrats again to Ridgetops. He is a great guy, and a heck of a hunter who put months into finding and taking that giant.
That is one hell of a Cali Ram!

It was one of the most memorable hunt threads on M&M back then.

Reads like they bumped up the tags by 3 more for 2013.....wipe out another unit.....dang it.

Robb, they only added one more tag to the unit this year. There will be a total of three.
I'm guessing there's over 10 rams that are over 9 years old on the unit now.

There's always next year
When I first started scouting that summer, I was convinced that I would not shoot a collared ram because of the possible poor cape condition and hair loss but that day I say him for the first time on Oct. 16th chasing a couple ewes. I completely changed my mind and that was the ram that had set the bar. I couldn't believe how massive it was while I looked straight down on it. I would take it if I had the chance.
But then there was that day I passed on it because I was talked into waiting to get a look at the Solitair ram the next day. I was told it might go 180", so I had to try and see for myself which ram was better. They looked close to the same but the Solitair ram had a beautiful cape.
Also, if it wouldn't have been for me almost falling off that cliff when I tried to shoot at that Solitair ram and then my safty sticking on my rifle. I would have never killed ole "Double D". Who knows, maybe he might have pushed that 180" mark by now.
remember the day before I killed my ram, we must have passed on 3 or 4 155" rams and you kept telling me that I was crazy. Those were some good looking rams. I said, but you just need to see that Doulbe D ram for yourself and you'll understand. Then when you saw it that night, I remember you giggling and saying how huge it was. Those are the good times I was glad to share with others.

There's always next year
Thanks for the update on tag #'s RT.

I added the Expo tag and the bid tag with the 1 increased tag.

Me and my math skills......ha

I do vaguely recall pimping some lesser rams, but you have to remember I had only been on the unit for a few hours. I had no idea a monster was lurking in them thar hills! I also knew you were a "sheep virgin" so your judging skills were in question, til I saw Double D! No doubt you get daily satisfaction gazing at his mount, reliving the magic!
Fun times for sure.
To my knowledge, they did not give an auction tag on that unit.
We should be able to pick up this ram from the dwr in a few weeks, and get it scored. As far as I'm aware, this is the next best UT cali ram.


Theres logic, and theres women. They don't go together.

I think Dave Myrup has shot the biggest Newfy ram so far and it scored about 169" and a friend of mine from Grantsville found a dead ram while hunting bobcats out on the Newfys a couple years ago. he got to keep it and it scored in the upper 160s too. It was very heavy but broomed off a lot.

There's always next year
Picked up the rams today, and scored (unofficial) the large one, on the left. It went 168 6/8. My wifes 158 ram is on the right.


Theres logic, and theres women. They don't go together.

Larry, is that middle one an island ram too?
Also, those scores you gave. Are they ones that the DWR recorded?
or ones you scored yourself?

There's always next year
Ridge, yes, the center ram is known as red tag, one of the original transplants. I had a sheep guide friend score him. I will take him to Rusty to be officially scored next week. Horn lengths were 33 2/8, 33 4/8


Theres logic, and theres women. They don't go together.

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