Richfield OHV Use

I've spent lots of time in that area astride a quad and have mixed emotions.

That's the area in which my oldest daughter had her desert sheep tag. We were thankful for the roads to access the hunting areas.

A personal observation: when/if they start closing roads in the area, some dudes will continue to use them and others will walk a little farther. It'll be like anywhere else and you're walking in and some jackwagon will come roaring past and think nothing of it.

If/when they're closed, the BLM should actually close the roads to all and not simply rely on a stupid little fiberglass flat pole to keep the asses out!

It's coming whether we like it or not.

I could be completely wrong but I'm guessing this is SUWA's latest tactic at closing the San Rafael to OHV access. Possibly others areas as well.

They've been wanting to close it for many years.

If you haven't seen the San Rafael yet, you should take the opportunity to make a trip out there before the close it. It's a pretty cool visual area, especially the north side of I-70

I agree!
I've been all through the country from the North to the South and back!
It's awesome and the only way most guys will every see it is with motor-power.
It includes a lot of real estate: North and South San Rafael, Dirty Devil and the Henry's.
Yep, Zeke, your right again, as you usually are.

The "Give Me" strategy is: Ask for 5 million acres, then, after fighting and fighting and fighting for the 5 million, you decide you'll settle down, if they'll "Just Give You A measly 750,000 acres.

Then they'll claim we're greedy if we can't give then just 750,000, after all they backed off from the 5 million they originally asked for. "A paltry 750,000 acres is hardly a drop in the bucket." Then they'll plead to the general public, explaining how greedy and mean we are because we "can't even give a tiny little bit, for future generations". When in fact, they had nothing to begin with, no right to anything, no reason for closing access in any way shape or form, and we end up looking like the mean, greedy ones.

They get the 750,000, which was the plan in the beginning. Then, two years later, they start the process all over again. In the end, they nip away everything, until there's nothing of value left.

The tried and true "You've got everything, surely you can spare a dime, in the name of humanity", trick.

It works every time. We know exactly what they're doing and are we too unorganized to do a damn thing about it. And we wonder why we worry about the Feds. managing public lands! :eek:

When it's too F'N Late/Completely Destroyed they Might Close it!

Just like Zeke said:The Legal Guy will get Shafted again when it does Happen because of Law Breakin Bittchhes & No Law Enforcement to Police these JACK-WAGONS!




We laugh, we cry, we love
Go hard when the going's tough
Push back, come push and shove
Knock us down, we'll get back up again and again
We are Members of the Huntin Crowd!
It's kind of like the 3000 cattle guards in Utah. Obama and the Democrats said, Utah being the most Republican state in the union we need to half of them off.

Paul Harvey once said, "Richfield, UT has the highest percentage of government workers in the USA." We need to lay half of them off. Government workers in power seem to make work for themselves and their friends and if there is no work they make up a least a title so they can get paid.

I ask one government worker if he was going to retire at 65 and his response to me was, "Why I don't do anything anyway" and he didn't retire either.

I know another fellow who is triple dipping, all from government jobs, in his eighties.

Is it right - Not in my view. If there is enough of them, they will do study after study, so we need to cut the money strings.

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