Returning Soldier


Active Member
My best friend and hunting buddy is returning from Afghanistan after serving this country in the Air Force. I know some of you may have served in the military and know the struggles of acclomating back as a civilian. I am looking for some ideas that I and my family can do for him to make him feel a heros welcome. Any thoughts?

Before he left I bought him a new Zeiss scope for his .270 and now that he is getting close to being home, I'd like to take him on a hunting trip of some kind so he can put the scope to use. Texas hog/deer, NM land owner cow tag, etc. Any thoughts?
ahhhhh come on dude. You know the answer to this one don't you?

Lets see. He's been overseas for how long? he's been without a girl for how long?

If he's married buy his wife some lengerie and pray to god he doesn't take that kind thought the wrong way.

If he's not married get him a $2,000 gift certificate to the bunny ranch in Las Vegas!

Now quit asking stupid questions ROFL!

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)

That is priority #1 for sure! We have offered to watch their 4 kids for a few days so they can reconnect. I'm not that stupid to know what is really needed ;)

It's priority #2, hunting I need ideas on.
If I be your boyfriend will you buy my a Zeiss scope too??

LOL - Just kidding dude! - I hope your buddy comes back in good shape - psychologically. There are many that suffer from PTSD and it takes years to overcome and acclimate back to civilian life. Depending on his duty, he will probably do just fine. A hunt will definitely help too - there are tons of places to hunt in Texas for hogs and deer too, it is not too late really.

Good luck and tell your buddy thanks for his service.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I don't know what your friends duties were "over there", but some of it can be a bit intense.
Maybe a nice relaxing fishing trip, to ease him back into the real world.
Then next fall, put in for an elk hunting trip, in the high country. (he has seen enough desert for now)
Tell him we all said "thanks" for his service.

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