Returned from Zimbabwe Buffalo/Elephant hunt


Long Time Member
We returned 2 weeks ago from our hunt with Chifuti Safaris in the lower Zambezi Valley. Had a great time and got several Cape Buffalo, my tuskless cow elephant, and some bushbuck-impala-waterbuck. Saw 165 eles before I shot mine, and saw 213 total for the 14 days we were there. Used my 416 Ruger on the buff and ele, and the 450/400 Ruger No. 1 on the plains game. My hunting partner shot 2 buff, and the same PG with his Sako 375 H&H. Conditions were pretty warm, and the tsetse flies were bad. He got to go over to a fishing lodge and catch Tiger fish also. All in all, tho, it was the experience of a lifetime for us. Would go back tomorrow if I could! :) The wife says I owe her 3 vacations before I can even consider it, though, so we'll have to work that issue.


Congratulations on what sounds like a great safari. Yes, those damned tsetse's can be a real pain, literally, when they drill into you! Nice, mature buffalo. I have a question about him, did his bosses grow completely togehter, or was there a gap with hair between them? We shot several buffalo west of where you hunted, in Charrara, and none of them had bosses that grew completely togehter, despite being fully mature old bulls. Just curious.

We need more pictures. What did you think of your tuskless hunt?
Congrats Blank,...mighty impressive buff you have there....I do envy you man,...Africa must be something to experience no doubt. Thanks for sharing with us here.
Nice hunt blank. Africa is in my 5 year plan as well as New Zealand. I won't have to take my wife on a trip though cause she says I can't go to either country hunting without her. It will cost me double!

It's always an adventure!!!
Very nice
Can't wait for the whole hunt story and the rest of the pictures.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Here's a couple more, if I figured out how to size them correctly. It was a good trip from start to finish, only one hiccup was they had us set for a 2x1 hunt instead of the correct two 1x1 hunts. They got another great PH in the next day, and all was well. We hunted the Chewore South area, and saw lions, leopards, buff, elephant, lots of PG, and even a roan one day. The jess (brush) was incredibly thick due to the heavy and late rains in March and April, and being only 10-20 yards from cow eles with calves was quite scary when the wind shifted. Had to run from them about 6 times, and from lions on a hyena bait in the dark once. When all you can see is legs coming your way, and they are screaming mad - it is quite unbelievable. I think I wrote terrifying in my journal! Saw some really good hard bossed bulls many times, but it seems something would always screw up the approaches after a while, usually baboons. Most that we saw that were mature still had some separation between bosses, and we would spend 2-3 hours on a herd to get good looks at them all. Paul's bull is a couple inches wider than mine, but doesn't have the deep drop. He calls it a "Betty-Boop" bull, but I think it adds character. You won't find a wider or older cow than his tho.




We both got nice Chobe bushbucks, and an impala apiece. Paul shot a baboon 'cause the fangs in a skull mount are incredible. My wife loves all the colors on the bushbuck and the pattern; she wants it mounted life-size. Gotta love a woman that pays for half your hunt, and lets you have the taxidermy too!





It was a fantastic time, and the only problem is it just ends too soon. We worked hard for what we got, walked long ways in the dry sand rivers, and found out that elephants like tall hills just as much as our elk! It was the peak of fair chase hunting, and there was only the two of us hunting in an area for hundreds of square miles. Great accomodations, catered to your every wish, and met lots of nice people. Several on the planes were in our general area with other outfitters, and they had good hunts also.
not to sound naive but... what do you do with a dead elephant? Do you eat it? Do you give it to the locals? have it taxidermied?
Good question, and I'll be glad to answer. Every last piece of meat is used, whether it is prime muscle, lesser quality tough sinew or even all of the internals. It goes for the camp, the workers, or the village they are from and the people they are supporting. Zimbabwe has the worst economy in the world right now, and we were told that just about every person lucky enough to have a job is supporting his entire family. Hunters dollars provide jobs, and the trophies provide food for all. My cow was about 9 feet tall at the shoulder, and they figured her at about 20 years old and 3 tons. That's a lot of animal. When we were done there was just a wet spot on the ground and all the grass and residue from the paunch. Elephant finger steaks are wonderful, by the way.


I work for hourly wages like most people on here at MM, and will never be able to pay a trophy fee for the ivory on a bull elephant. This type of hunt has been a lifelong dream of mine, however, and it was the only way I could afford to do it. My father passed away always longing to have gone to Austrailia-his health never allowed it after he had the time. He made me promise to not put off things I really had my heart set on. If it does not affect my wife, my children, or grand-childrens lives, I try to do what I know he would approve of. Takes a lot of saving, and driving a 25 year old truck and a work car with a quarter million miles on it, but you can get it done.

Zim is over populated with these great animals, and they are eating themselves out of habitat. Studies figure about 5% of the cows are tuskless. They would just as soon try to cut that gene down some, and offer affordable licenses for them. They are also incredibly aggressive, which makes for an exciting hunt (much more so than hunting single bulls).

It was a CITES animal, and I paid for a permit, so it is exportable. I got the tail to tan and hang in my trophy room, had the entire thing skinned in 4 panels to make leather, and took the ears to have a custom oil painting done on them of the Big Five animals. My 63 year old tracker made me a beautiful elephant hair bracelet. The memories are my trophies, and the other things just adornments for display. I will re-live this adventure for the rest of my days.
nice story and pics, congrats on your hunt. we're going back next summer and your story only fuels the fire.
Those are some great additional photos. Very nice bushbucks. Those bosses are just like the bulls in Chararra, that's what I was wondering. No matter how old they are, they don't seem to grow all the way together, but are definitely not soft bossed bulls.

Isn't elephant hunting great?! I think they're the ultimate game animal on the planet.
"I work for hourly wages like most people on here at MM, and will never be able to pay a trophy fee for the ivory on a bull elephant. This type of hunt has been a lifelong dream of mine, however, and it was the only way I could afford to do it. My father passed away always longing to have gone to Austrailia-his health never allowed it after he had the time. He made me promise to not put off things I really had my heart set on. If it does not affect my wife, my children, or grand-childrens lives, I try to do what I know he would approve of. Takes a lot of saving, and driving a 25 year old truck and a work car with a quarter million miles on it, but you can get it done.

Zim is over populated with these great animals, and they are eating themselves out of habitat. Studies figure about 5% of the cows are tuskless. They would just as soon try to cut that gene down some, and offer affordable licenses for them. They are also incredibly aggressive, which makes for an exciting hunt (much more so than hunting single bulls).

It was a CITES animal, and I paid for a permit, so it is exportable. I got the tail to tan and hang in my trophy room, had the entire thing skinned in 4 panels to make leather, and took the ears to have a custom oil painting done on them of the Big Five animals. My 63 year old tracker made me a beautiful elephant hair bracelet. The memories are my trophies, and the other things just adornments for display. I will re-live this adventure for the rest of my days."

If those words do not inspire one to go to Africa, I don't know
what would. Great pic's and an even better story!!!
Well-said, Big Buddy. I knew you were my friend for a reason, forgot how eloquent you can be. Looks like Gate Gopher had a great time, too. How'd you get him to actually SMILE for a photo??

What a great story to go along with remarkable photos.
The recounting of your adventure makes me want to go to the Dark Continent!
Great looking hunt, Blank.. Gotta love Zim..

I'm headed back to chase buff again next May, but I'll be in Mozambique this time instead of Zim.. I'll be back in Zim in 2011 for leopard and sable.

DRSS Chapuis 470NE
Fantastic. That sounds like a great plan. I also would like to go to Moz - always wanted to hunt Coutada 10 with Bahati, before Johan bought it from Peet and Sue DuPreez. Never got it arranged, but it is still a dream that is on the radar.

Here's a couple pics of some of the hills the eles loved - I said it was like elk hunting! These things do steep in their sleep. Lots of springs and shade in the folds of the hill.


Awesome pictures and wow what an adventure. Sometime we need to sit over a beverage and talk about that hunt. Thanks for posting. I am just a little late and reading it.
thanks for the quote about memories are your trophies...that is classic right there!!!!
Wow, what an awesome experience! Great pictures! Thanks for sharing your fathers wisdom with us and your personal goals to accomplish this dream. I hope to hunt in Africa one day and this is a reminder that it is possible for any one of us.
For those of you who haven't yet hunted Africa, make it a priority. The Dark Continent is changing fast, and most of those changes are not good for hunters. Wyoming and Colorado will always be here, any African opportunities won't be.

Do it while you can, you'll never regret it. You'll also never get Africa out of your blood once you've gone.
Congrats on a True Hunt of a life time!!! My next trip will be for Buff. Maybe 2 or 3 years away? I also have to save to go. The last time I could have bought a new truck or went to Africa? I will get my Trophies back from the Taxi in about a month!!!..........LOL
Slider: Congrats on the trophies, and hope when you get them back you will be able to re-live each and every experience all over again. I just love sitting in front of mine, and daydreaming about the hunts. You will absolutely love buffalo hunting!

Just heard from Andy Hunter in Harare today, and they have all our trophies now and are starting to process them. My elephant panels were sent for tanning today, and should be shipped in 6-8 weeks. That is really quick. The wife is mumbling something about a leather upholstered sofa, but I'm leaning towards guncases and boots! :)
looks like quite the safari i can't wait to go on one myself some day

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LAST EDITED ON Oct-11-09 AT 11:31AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-11-09 AT 11:28?AM (MST)

Nice job Joel! I have pm'ed you several times about Africa and am booked for leopard with dogs in Namibia in 2011. Not sure what will happen with dog hunts there as of yet. Your buff/ele hunt will be next after leopard. Love the deep drop and gray face on the buff. Who were the PHs? Congrats!
loved this post

I think the best thing about the whole post was that big toothy fish.

thanks for sharing


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