Retirement training


Long Time Member
My wonderful wife surprised me with salmon fishing trip on one of our local charter boats. Good for anytime this summer. The ocean forecast was for 2' swells every 11 seconds yesterday and they had an open seat, so I jumped on it.

There was four of us and we had our fish by 10am. It was so calm we could hear whales sounding all morning. Pretty neat. Time to fire up the smoker!

We limited early so we tried for halibut, but only managed a couple bat rays.

Great fish that your grampa holding your fish????

When you go swimming in the ocean, it is very cold, and it makes my willy small
Nice fish Steve, Congrats and good on the little lady for the gift!!

2' swells, i might even be able to handle that. lol Been out there a couple times that i wish i weren't!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Great fish Steve. Now you owe that great lady a dinner out. Take her to the seafood restraunt down by the marina near the bridge that goes over to the Somoa cook House.

Nice fishing Steve. Salmon bite has been on and off so far this season, you picked a good day. Where did you go out of?
Mike, this is out of Eureka. About 30 miles south of where I killed my Giant Redwood Turtle in Redwood National Park.

RELH, the building in the background, on the left, is in fact the Woodley Island Marina. When my Dad was alive I used to take him there for breakfast about once a month.

Had lunch one time in that very same restaurant there in the background Eel when I came to Eureka to deliever some equipment to PG&E back in the early 90's.

Hey eel,
Is that with "reel steel"?
If so I was curious about going with that boat... Usually I go with Phil on the shellback, but it looked like reel steel has been really on the fish!

Also looks like the boat may be pretty fast. Those long drone trips to the cape make for less fishing time.

Nice work & congrats on retiring.
Yes, the boat is Reel Steel. Sweet boat for sure. Twin 225hp Honda's. Tim runs a first class operation. I was very impressed.


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