


So I have been looking at some hunting pictures, and i am seeing people sitting on the animal they took, I find it to be very un-respecting and just discriminating to the animal..but yeah, that could just be me!

What are your thoughts???

To each his own...
I dont think you should expect others to adhere to YOUR personal preferences. If you dont like it, dont do it.
May not be the best "quality" photo, but not necessarily a sign of disrespect, IMHO.
"Yeah, I'll shoot him"
It's you.................hehe

I put my arms around my Bull Elk and gave it a big hug I was so excited.

I don't see a problem with it. Personally I wouldn't do it, but I don't think there is an issue with it.
i dont see a problem with it either, ive had people tell me to put the tongue back in the mouth and clean up the blood but it is what it is to me
LAST EDITED ON Mar-02-10 AT 07:53PM (MST)[p]as long as they have a smoke in their mouth and a beer T shirt on, and the gun in the rack, I think its very classy...extra points if its in the back of the truck.
Respect? I see what you're saying and though i used to do things like that myself, because of comments like these, i now try not to do anything like that anymore! It's just not really necessary.

The topic has been discussed in detail and length before, but a reminder once in awhile can't hurt. Thanks!!

I think sitting on the animal and holding the head up gives better perspective of a trophy then sitting 20 feet behind it to make it look big. Its alot better then the tounge hanging out and blood everywhere. Plus with my fat A$$ sitting on it seams to tenderize pretty good.
To each his own. Personally I think it's fine and that people worry too much about what others are doing.
So, let me see if I have this right.

On opening day, hunters scare the crap out of thousands of forms of wildlife, chase things around with trucks, rvs', bullets, arrows, dogs and in-laws.

Ultimately, some deer is blown up by a high speed bullet, that breaks his back, punctures his lungs or whatever.

A hunter walks up, delivers a bullet or 2 to finish him off.........then sits on him during the photo op and YOU are concerned about respect........hmmmm.
Really, is there anything to offer in this conversation after nickman's post? Very well put and I'm still giggling like a pothead 15 year old.
I won't take a picture sitting on any animal I harvest. IMO it just looks bad. It is possible to sit next to the animal and hold his head up to show perspective. Would I say anything to a hunting buddy about it.....maybe not. Will I let my kid do it when he/she shoots thier first deer? Absolutely not.

well last time someone told me i disrespected an animal by taking a picture with a musclemilk on its bak i got offended. so next thing i killed i took the hide off and took a picture with a muscle milk shoved up its arse. i guess i will have to think up a very unique photo op of my next kill just for u. it will be my standard photo of i dont give a $$$$ what anyone thinks. i like to hunt and thats that. u guys kill me sometimes. i will add that stupid comment as mm ethics rule #1389...... dont sit on dead stuff when taking a picture.
That's great! We need a MM ethics rule book. Possible titles?

101 Monster Muleys ethics
Hunting Ethics 101 by MM members
Why I hunt without ethics
Ethics my Ass
When hunting ethics matter

Did I miss any?

Who's keeping track anyways....looks like stinky might be our best resource.

what difference does it make, not your picture.
Enjoy their success and move on. Yes I agree their are ways to have your picture "look" better but that is up to the shooter.


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
Since I'm older than most of you guys, I've been around more kills than most and have LOTS of pictures.

When my son-in-law killed his first 4x4 buck (after several years and LOTS of hiking), he was so happy, he was rode it like a horse....with the biggest and most honest ear-to-ear smile you've ever seen. It's a great picture!

My 4-year-old jumped on the back of a buck I had just killed, while he watched. He's got a whole carrot in his mouth, a smudge of blood on his cheek, is holding the antlers with his arms stretched wide and he looks SO PROUD!

Of course, I've got some "classic" pictures, too. But the spontaneous ones and ECSTATIC shots are the ones that recall the FUN.

(The grandkids think their dad looks pretty funny on that deer....and can see his enthusiasm.)

Within the shadows, go quietly.
It doesn't bother me. As long as they take all the meat out and enjoy it, I could care less what the pics look like. Although, I do find the sitting next to the animal with the legs crossed in a zen-like fashion to be a touch on the gay side.
I think it is OK to sit on a deer or elk for the post kill photo shoot, but it is poor form to sit on small game like pheasants. Even the coyote I sat on for a picture seemed to small.
>Do we really have to criticize
>how we look or pose
>in pictures? Seriously?

Yep, you usually look gay. :)
Thanks for the OPPINIONS!!
i wasnt criticizing, i was just wondering your oppinion!
its one of those things that just makes me wonder what the animal is thinking in heaven!? lol
lol how do u know the animal went to heaven, maybe he raped a animals of a diferent sex or maybe the same sex ha ha ha

>I think it is OK to
>sit on a deer or
>elk for the post kill
>photo shoot, but it is
>poor form to sit on
>small game like pheasants.
>Even the coyote I sat
>on for a picture seemed
>to small.

hahaha good one!

?It takes a genius to whine appealingly.?

I think people can celebrate the hunt and kill how they deam it appropriate. If you look through history there once was honor/tribute to a kill.

What kills me some times is seeing a video where some dude walks up on a monster bull and start talking score and won't smile or show any excitement. When the thrill of the hunt is lost, it's time to stop hunting.

As for Stinky I didn't pass any judgement on the photo's he posted, I was embarassed for him. JB

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