Resigned Did Mr. Sloan


Long Time Member
Had to put another one out there!! I guess Derron Williams was too much to handle. Sloans a class act knowing when to hang it up.

I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...
Wisz, when do you get let out of timeout for your bad signature??

I don't think Utah will make the playoffs without Sloan. Plus, how can they do it without Boozer! LOL!

Justr- I thought about that the other day and I will unveil my new signature sometime today. On pins and needles?

I got put in time out for a bad signature! Sorry Founder...
Lol no, just figured you had been in timeout long enough to think up the next thing your going to do to get put in timeout.

I was OK when Stockton retired and when Malone left for LA I really didn't care much. I was sad when Elway retired and a little bugged that Shannahan was fired but I am downright heartbroken over the departure of Jerry Sloan. I am excited for Corbin but am fearful that without Sloan's leadership the Jazz are in for one rough ride.

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