
Long Time Member
I have been asked by Founder to post no more pics of scantily clothed women and will no longer do so.

lmmfao.......coulda' told you that was coming.


You finally wore all of Denise Milani's Pics out?}>

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
"Yippeeeee!!! post up some hot guys now !!! I wont complain ;)"

Ever herd of Don't ask don't tell.LOL
>"Yippeeeee!!! post up some hot guys
>now !!! I wont complain
>Ever herd of Don't ask don't

Well Don't ask don't tell, would only be necessary if I looked at the Hookers they keep posting !!! LOL ;-}
NOTE TO SELF Eldorado maybe you should just list what porn sites you frequent, instead of posting the pics.LOL;)
Do not click on the link in post #6...loaded with pop-ups and mallware.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
I guess we better prepare ourselves for a billion more "favorite" threads... :-([/IMG] ~Z~
LAST EDITED ON Mar-27-11 AT 04:50PM (MST)[p]Well what does that leave us with? scriptures?

Uhh..... And you felt the need to post that private message from Founder here in the public forum? Looking for support, or attention?

Maybe the higher road would be to simply honor his wishes. It is, after all, his site. ;)

Oh crap dude you made monster mistake numero uno. Never ever ever post private conversations you had with other members on here. Some members think its sacraligious and will crucify you for it. As you see from above they gang up pretty fast. They are they types where everything in life they do is well..... just better than you, no offense.

Don't worry maybe one day we can round up these self riteous, people who love to force their f'd up opionions on everyone into a nice big group out behind the barn and beat them with a rubber hose.

Don't worry dude I've posted private conversations on here before and got crucified. It happens to us all. and never quit trying. But one day you will realize that everyone on here is just flat out more moral than you and you will develope that "I don't give a crap" philosophy.

I don't know about everyone else but your post was very low key and not offensive. However these selfriteous plicks succeded in really being flat out offensive. Please don't bother posting on my rant in trying to hit me low. because for those of you who have met me in person you will know "I JUST DON'T GIVE A F#%&!" I do however get irritated when you think your view pushin onto someone else may just work.
Most people would think something happened to good ole' Eldo if he stopped posting smutty pictures on here. At least now we know why.
A simple message from Founder that I made public and some here go ape sh#t. Some of you guys need to lighten up.


You've got me figured out all wrong. I put a +1 up for Stanley for respecting Founder. Especially at this point in his life. Nothing more, nothing less.
>You've got me figured out all
>wrong. I put a
>+1 up for Stanley for
>respecting Founder. Especially at
>this point in his life.
> Nothing more, nothing less.

Ditto here, Stinky (and others....). Anyone who knows me, knows that I am absolutely NOT self rightious! I'm a pretty loose hearted guy.... In fact, I greatly enjoyed the pic you posted.... I am, after all, a guy... ;)

For me though, it's simply a matter of respect. It's HIS site. Kind of like a restaurant (or any other private business, IMO......). He has the right to refuse service to anyone. If he doesn't like what Eldorado posted, then tough for Eldorado.

Oh, and Eldorado, I think that you are the one who should lighten-up, my friend. Founder obviously struck a nerve with you regarding this subject. Just dealing with it and honoring his wishes would show that you are not thin skinned, IMO. (of course we all know what opinions are like... lol).

Have fun guys! Keep your fingers crossed for elk & deer tags! :)


For what its worth :) I'll vouch for stanley. He has laughed at my stuff before and even helped out on a manny bash. :)
I looked at the orignal post as just a heads up from eldorado . I have come to expect that there will be some eye candy when I open his threads in the camp fire section .

On the other hand I have never seen any pic's on this site that couldn't be seen on television or that where rated more than PG 13 .

I also agree this site is just like a private business and service could be refused , but lets not get all carried away . This forum is great because of all the like minded people who post and share information here . The campfire section is the light hearted section and where I come to laugh or just waste time . I'm not a big fan of censorship , so there is a fine line in my mind .
LAST EDITED ON Mar-27-11 AT 10:19PM (MST)[p]Just did a Mindy Vega google seach, was not prepared for my computers reaction......
It seems that my search options do not allow promiscuous pictures or videos (porn) and I don't know how to change it. Where is the IT guy when you need em? Then again, stinky, could you post a little more? Founder hasn't had that talk with you yet.
There was nothing personal taken when Founder notified me nor was there ever any implied disrespect of Founder when I made public his message. Nothing in his message implied that I keep it in strict confidence. I simply wanted to inform MM that I would no longer be posting certain types of pics per Founder's wishes. That was my only intent in making public his message.

It's just too much. The pics seem to be getting worse. I actually had three ALERTS in my email today. I was going to take a look at the photos, but my 10 year old daughter was standing here and I was afraid to open them up.
That was a good sign that I have let the lightly dressed girly pics go a little too far.

I typically allow about the same as what can be seen on basic television. But, some of the photos that end up posted on here are too much.

What do ya do????????????

Brian Latturner
Founder, you did what you had to do. You made a judgment call and acted on it. Nothing more. No one can fault you for that.

>Founder, you did what you had
>to do. You made a
>judgment call and acted on
>it. Nothing more. No one
>can fault you for that.

And now you know ;-)[/IMG] ~Z~
"Stinky was right about some of the self-righteous on this site.

So its self righteous to have people have respect for a man who just lost his best friend/wife ...I'm all for having fun but I think this thread was out of line ...then again you got just what you wanted out of it.
the thread started out pretty simple----elderado giving a heads-up he isn't posting any more 50/50% rule babes.....

Then some of the participants got it all out of whack......which in itself is kinda normal.

'stinky's' photo is well with in the 50/50% rule .

Ok ladies, Founder made a request and eldorado was just letting everyone know it and why?? Simple and thanks to you both. Now some of you guys need to have your mangina's removed and lighten up!! It's all good.....
I post a half naked chick up to rock the boat and I'm still married.
On top of that this thread turned hospitable
And everyone is acting very rational. With is going on?
This isn't the mm crowd I know! U people r
Starting to scare me
>My lord!!! pc

I'm thinking that Lord had much less to do with it than her plastic surgeon did!! ;-) Either way, it's fine work!


ROFL, come on stanley her surgeon could have been hispanic and named jesus! Ya never know!
"Thanks Brian", "smutty pictures", Oh brother. I hope none of you self-righteous do gooders never go to Seven Peaks, You know that water park in Provo, because god forbid there might be a women wearing a bathing suit there.

No estas en mexico ahora, entonces escoja tu basura
chancho sucio.
OK Stinky, you got me! That IS a very slight possibility, I suppose..... OK, I'll go with it then; Thank the Lord (or Hey-suess, or whoever....)!!! ;)


LAST EDITED ON Mar-29-11 AT 07:13PM (MST)[p]So much for the campfire....But we can go on posting pics of animals with their guts hanging out and their throats cut right?

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