Representing America...


Long Time Member
in the upcoming winter Olympics
is Johnny Weir...yes a guy.


Kind of makes you proud to be an American huh?
FOUNDER please please please, reconsider your rule about pictures of "half" women on MM in the Campfire!! Feleno is clearly confused because of your rule...

Feleno, hang in there buddy...:)

Colt McCoy and Shipley are going to be on a "private fishing trip" with each other "dunkin' worms" during the Olympics. LMAO Overton!!
Well they are starting to legalize gay marriage in several states, i guess we are a gay nation.
Sure glad i'm a minority!![/IMG]
>Was it your idea to see
>Blades of Glory or your

I admit, it's all my fault. That show is hilarious... wrong on so many levels, but hilarious none the less.

Nocked N Loaded
LAST EDITED ON Jan-28-10 AT 01:35PM (MST)[p]I like him. He doesn't let PETA or Friends of Animals push him around....

"On January 17 Johnny Weir did his free skate in the U.S. Figure Skating Championships wearing a bodysuit with a hint of fox fur on the shoulder. Animal-rights groups, predictably, are not having it. One such organization, called Friends of Animals, posted an open letter to Weir on their site asking him not to wear fur. They also contacted his costume designer, Stephanie Handler, yesterday. The AP explains:

"I totally get the dirtiness of the fur industry and how terrible it is to animals. But it's not something that's the No. 1 priority in my life," Weir added. He also notes the thousands of people dying in Haiti and said he prefers to focus his energy on causes related to humans. "While that may be callous and bad of me, it's my choice."

Weir said PETA has also contacted him, and some people have sent him videos of animals being skinned, but the most upsetting thing to him personally is that his costume designer is under attack. He asked her to add the furry shoulder, after all. "At least directly come to me and yell at me," he challenges the haters. "Don't attack my peeps." And in his final defense:

"Every skater is wearing skates made out of cow," Weir said. "Maybe I'm wearing a cute little fox while everyone else is wearing cow, but we're all still wearing animals."

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