Rep. Matheson & Wolves


Very Active Member
Got this email from Rep. Jim Matheson (Democrat: Utah) about his position on wolf legislation.

I've been emailing representatives through the campaign and it is really easy. Big Game Forever seems to be really pushing this issue.


Thank you for sharing your concerns on the gray wolf's status on the endangered species list. I appreciate your interest in the issues facing our country and state, and I am glad for the opportunity to respond to your inquiry. By contacting me on issues important to you, I am better able to represent Utah in Congress.

As you may know, the Endangered Species Act (ESA)?adopted in 1973?was created to increase protection for, and provide for the recovery of, vanishing wildlife and plants. In 1978, the gray wolf was listed as endangered in all of the continental 48 states except Minnesota, where it was listed as threatened.

In March 1995, 14 wolves were reintroduced in Yellowstone National Park; another 35 were released into central Idaho by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS). The original recovery goals established by the agency were 30 breeding pairs and 300 total wolves. Today, federal wolf recovery experts agree that the re-introduction of the species is a resounding success. Wolf population numbers are conservatively estimated to be 1,700. For more than 15 years, the USFWS, state wildlife agencies, Indian tribes, conservation organizations, ranchers, and other landowners have worked diligently on wolf recovery.

A diverse group of scientists and sportsmen's groups have completed studies documenting that not only have gray wolves recovered, their numbers are contributing to a dramatic drop in elk, deer, and moose populations. This is hurting hunting opportunities and?as a result?harming rural economies that rely on money spent by sportsmen and sportswomen in the West.

I am a cosponsor of H.R. 509?a bipartisan bill to provide that the ESA shall not apply to the gray wolf. This allows the professionals in the state wildlife agencies to take over management of wolves?including ensuring their survival?as they manage all wildlife. This legislation is partially a response to legal challenges by some environmental groups who have argued that the gray wolf should not be removed from the ESA until it has been re-established in all the lower 48 states. Although USFWS previously de-listed the wolf in Idaho and Montana, it maintained the endangered listing for wolf populations in Wyoming, due to an internal disagreement with Wyoming's wolf management plan. The court ruled federal law prohibits USFWS from the partial de-listing.

Please know that I agree that the ESA plays a key role in our nation's environmental policy and the success enjoyed by the wolf recovery attests to the effectiveness of the law. We must now work to establish balance between predator and prey by professional wildlife managers and utilize scarce resources for habitat conservation and other urgent wildlife needs.

Again, thank you for sharing your concerns with me. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact my office
It warms my Republican heart to hear a Democratic politician side with common sense! I got the same email and I responded to Mr. Matheson and let him know of my appreciation for his willingness to stick his neck out on this one. He has already made some pretty good enemies in Washington because of his moderate approach but he has earned my vote because he listens to his constituents.
Forward his response to Senator Feinstein and every other Democratic and Republican Senator and Legislator and ask them to contact Matheson so he can explain the dynamics of the wolf in the lower 48. This letter was clearly written by an individual that understands the reality of wolves, predator, prey, civilization and the current world we life in, and I don't care what your political beliefs are, this wolf thing transcends party lines at every turn in the road.

Thanks for sharing gz.

Now that is a great response from Rep. Matheson! The main issue the dumba$$ liberals need to realize is that the grey wolf was only in the most northern states of our lower 48.

The real wolf in this area was the Red Wolf. Much smaller, max weight is 80-120 pounds. Still a pack hunter, and still capable of taking down large game animals as a pack, but not nearly as effective at it.

The Grey Wolf is the one that you heard stories of a lobo wolf, or lone large male etc. that would occasionally range down into the southwest area. But for the most part they had territories that the two species did not cross, cause if a new breeding pair of grey wolves was found by a pack of red wolves they would kill each other, or run the pair out of their territory.

There is a large and thriving population of red wolves on POW Island AK, as well as some other areas of BC. I don't think we should bring them back to the lower 48, but it certainly kills the argument for Greay Wold recovery in anywhere but those states that border with Canada.

You're entitled to an opinion....but based on what?

LAST EDITED ON Feb-16-11 AT 05:51PM (MST)[p]My personal feeling, while backed up with fact, may not have anything to do with this particular issue. If you want all the details I will send them via pm. I will say that Matheson doesn't have the best track record of actually doing what he says he will.
Matheson is a Rock star on this issue, and has got 10 additional democratic Congressman to Co-sponsor with him

he can't wait to cast his vote to exempt wolves from teh ESA and allow states to manage.


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