Rep Lynn Hutchings



Here is a reply I recieved on the SF085 bill. Sure gets frustrating when we have State rep's voting on things they have no clue about. (Last paragraph)

Just venting a bit.


The bill just failed in the house. I voted ?Yes? for it because during the committee hearing Senator Hicks came up with a compromise for the bill that he thought would make many who were opposed to the voluntary program happy. Those who actually came to the committee and stood against the bill gave me assurance that the compromise was acceptable.

I am not a hunter but I hope you all can come up with a good program to help you enjoy hunting in Wyoming.

Have a great day!

Rep Lynn Hutchings

House District 42
Having testified in front of Lynn Hutchings, and talking to her about some of these issues...I dont think she's the problem.

I can honestly tell you, that of ALL the House TRW committee members, she asks the most questions, and sincerely shows the most interest in trying to figure these issues out. I think she's a good person trying to do whats best by Sportsmen, she just needs time to understand the issues more clearly. Its no surprise she was swayed by Senator Hicks, as he touts himself as the expert on all things hunting...(which is light-years from the truth.)

Senator Hicks has lived in Wyoming way longer than I have, and yet he testified in Committee that there was "no archery only deer areas" which I corrected him about, as there absolutely is one in HIS senate district. He also testified that there were, "no NR general elk tags"...which I again corrected him on.

In the beginning of the preference point debate, he was also telling other Senators, Reps, and his constituents, that 80% of hunters of were in favor of a p.point bill.

So, I believe the bigger problem is Hicks...and apparently Rep. Hutchings is a victim of the Hicks misinformation machine.

I believe Sportsmen can work with Rep. Hutchings in the future...she actually listens.
I appreciate the information, Buzz. And YES! I agree, Hicks lost alot of support (What he had anyway) from the Sportsman in our County. He has proved the back door in his house is well greased.

I am not trying to jump the gun on Lynn Hutchings. Only frusterated with the information I had at the time of the post. So there again, Thanks for the "inside" on Hutchings.
I recieved basically the same email from her. I sent her a "Thanks" email - as I did to every Rep who responded.
She is not the problem. She asked questions and took time out to visit with my girls about the whole process when we went to testify. They'll remember her doing that for the rest of their lives.
I had a buddy encourage her to go to the Hunt Expo in Casper next fall so she could help educate herself a little better and to see the passion that Wyo hunters have.

Too many issues for them to be up-to-speed on everything, especially when "Sen Hicks" promised her that it was an acceptable compromise.

Thanks BCTaxi for taking the time to email and help in this battle. Now get off the computer and get to work on my bull elk mount! LOL :D :D Oh wait, you need some money from me first! }>

LAST EDITED ON Feb-15-13 AT 10:35AM (MST)[p]I also got that email reply from her and that was the only one I got regarding the outcome of the Bill after I had emailed all of them. I sent her back a thank you reply while I was actually thinking that friggin Hicks must have really lied and snowed them all over if what she stated was true. Now after hearing the lies that BuzzH said Hicks tried to get away with right out in public before the committee I hope you all can make him a "one term and gone" guy!!!
I also sent a "Thank You" reply to Rep. Hutchings.

ihuntelk, Your cape is at the tanner. Ill keep you updated.

As far as Hicks, Im sure the boy has placed a very limited time frame on his political career. All by his own hand.

Trying to stay up to speed on these issues but seems Im just a step behind. Updates are always appreciated.

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