Reno Earthquakes


Long Time Member
Anybody here been going through them? They have had hundreds over the last two months.

We just had one about a half hour ago. If felt like about a 4.5-5.0. We had a smaller one here last week too. (NW Kali)

If California drops off into the ocean, I just want you guys and gals to know what a good time I've had hanging out around here.:)

Hey eel, I live here in Reno and have felt only about 6 or 7 of them, the biggest being a 4.7. This was the biggest I have ever felt and it puckered my arse a bit when the pictures fell of the walls and buffet. We are being told to get prepared for the big one. It sounds like we're all doomed. I just hope it waits till after huntin' season.

"I just hope it waits till after huntin' season."

LOL! That's the spirit!

The quake we had last night was a 5.2 I've always felt like it's better to have some small ones once in awhile. It will keep the pressure from building up for a big one. Experts say that isn't always true though.


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