LAST EDITED ON Jun-04-10 AT 09:04PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jun-04-10 AT 09:00?PM (MST)

Remember when TripleK said if her Husband ever came strolling home in a mini-van it would be grounds for a die-vorce? Well?}>}>}>



Post em up boys & girls!
LAST EDITED ON Jun-04-10 AT 09:21PM (MST)[p]LOL B-BOP...not quite. I still DO NOT own a minivan. The divorce threat is REAL. You'd think he'd take it as his way out, but nope...he's sticking. No minivan here!
The only TripleK quote that sticks with me is "Well there was this one time at Band Camp"

How 'bout the Roy "Fart Post"?

Or the dipshlt that was trying to post photos & ended up posting a guys SS # on the internet.

Or the 1st fish HH's kid caught

Or the 1st critter BCBOY'S kid killed

Or the history making 10,000th bobcatbess post (i don't remember it either) it was lame as I recall.

Anything posted by littlefoot... dang I miss his photos

Gosh there are so many... I'm betting things will heat up soon & we'll all have new memories & probably new mm names as well LOL

Remember when the dude that was bowhunting elk forgot to edit out the rifle that was leaning against the tree before he shared the picture....

Remember when Cass was the only idiot on here..

Remember when there was only one moderator...

Remember the famed Bigfoot post?

And the turtles..

And the duck call in the garage...

Remember when no one knew how to post pics..
Remember when d13er got banned the first time..... How about the second? LOL
Remember when manny used to preach to us and call us blasphemous heathens? Goddamm I miss manny.

Remember when cASS went to the toolbox?

Remember when cASS posted the pictures of his Dad's three point twice and claimed the second posting was his deer and then blamed it on cASS's little brother?

Remember when Deerking wrote Christmas poems?

Remember when Zim lived in Indiana and thought George Taulman was the greatest?

Remember when Zim got his new girlfriend and trained her to haul his a$$ around the woods on her rickshaw... er I mean bicycle?

Remember when Timberwhatshisname got his butt chewed by his mom?

Remember when BHWAR tried to fit in a 15 inch saddle

Remember when her brother, whose name escapes me, got in the horrible wreck hauling horses, which all turned out to be a fabrication?

Remember when Hunt_rez was sober?

Remember when PC dropped the F Bomb?

Remember when Spidey received his first growth implant?

I could go on and on... ahhh, good times.
Remember Bobcatbess?

I remember the fights between Bobcatbess and hunterman67.

I remember when Yellostone National Park had a healthy herd of elk.

I remember when Kirt Darner was a famous mule deer hunter.

I remember when TripleK had to explain her name so we would know she wasn't a racist.

I remember when Cass made a trip up to Alaska to buy condoms.

I remember when caelkhnter invited us to join in on an elk hunt story, and Kingfish kept trying to end it.
Oh and the nomad buck.
How about the Smell of a Gazebo by Predator!
The mighty zim got skunked!
Moosie tweeked his nipples.
When eel and bobcat nuked Iraq
When Woodruff hunter wasn't old enough to hunt.
When turtles were not on the endangered list.
Before such things as high fence.
When Bobcat had to use green ink and attach Franklins to Hunt Application and use stamps to send it in.
When you could bye a tag over the counter.

remember moosies pink slippers
remember my late night posts where i sound like a complete tard..still do from time to time


has anyone seen my kittie
LAST EDITED ON Jun-05-10 AT 06:48PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jun-05-10 AT 06:47?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Jun-05-10 AT 06:40?PM (MST)

I remember when Monster Muleys didnt have a bunch of crybabies as moderators .
What about when bobcatmess tried to give bobcatbess a "CAPSLOCK" lesson? He even posted a pic of a diagramed keyboard!!!

Bigfoot (as mentioned)....

When there was chatroom...

When they had a public forum for un-registered members...

When oldoregon couldn't find his USB cable to post pic's..

When bobcatbess ended each post with: "the only bobcat........"
Who remembers the Rich Hunt, Now those was the good old days.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I remember when RUS placed illegal money bets with D13er & bessy on who'd be the new president & took both their monies
I remember when nv_hunter pissed a few people off and D13er saved the Louisville Slugger picture just to post when the time was right,then nv_ bawled to Founder demanding it to be removed,D13er must of pissed him off really good this time,I don't think nv_ has been back?

nice post/thanks for sharring
I remember when it was un-manlike to whine to founder if your feelings got hurt..

I remember when grown men had no feelings..

I remember when Bess could use double space typing...

I remember the hillarious posts on here from Deerking, 5 point Buck, Houndawg, just to name a few...

I remember p-dub and buranut..
I remember when...

Bobcat used to hand out tune ups!

stinkystomper had us some of us convinced he was the best long range hunter in the west!

sageadvice and mtmuley didn't get along!

Manny dropped an F Bomb on stanley!

Feleno used to be an active member!
remember when our president was white, not half white
remember when there was countless posts about what a pisscutter was
remember when a billion people looked for an ugly monster of a bull named spidey
remember when you first seen wizard say i'd hit it
remember when anyone owned a atv was offered a high country tune up by bessy


has anyone seen my kittie
15" bases.......still waiting for those pics.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
I remember the Public Forum on MM
It was a Free for All.
Remember when YoungBuck's Buddy was practicing his Duck call?
Remember when PC blowed his stack over CUPSY using the F word fluently,then a week later used it himself here on MM?
Remember when RUGSTER thought he spelled his user name right?
Remember when TripleK showed up & was accused of being the KKK?
Remember when Feleno modified QTPies pic & PleaseDear thought it was Heather Brooke?
I remember when Predator, Cowboye, and a few others used to post really good stories in the campfire on a regular basis. I miss that.
Kilo remembers when Eel invented Fire....


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-08-10 AT 02:18AM (MST)[p]Oops.


Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

Remember when...

... MM had its own chatroom?

... a 350 bull was considered a giant on MM?

... a 200 inch buck was like the Holy Grail?

... if you wanted to post a picture and story of your hunt you had to e-mail it to Founder?

... when Founder used a late 1990's HTML format for this website?

... when you ued to be able to post without logging in?

... when people would actually put a "log" on the Campfire just to keep the forum active?

... when we told fictional hunting stories around the Campfire and not just in the Mule Deer and Elk forums and everybody knew they were fiction?

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

Littlefoot posting naked pictures of himself on his ATV,

Moosie posting pictures of himself doing handstands,

Pictures of Bigfoot having sex with a deer,

Pictures of Bessy's buck with a long tongue,

Pictures of a lot of us without grey hair,



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