Remember the Dead - Guess Who?


Long Time Member
Truly sad to see many good people die in 2008. name the people who have came together for this remembrance....
Heath Ledger's Forehead, and hair
George Carlin's Mouth maybe?
Charleton Heston nose
Not sure about those eyes.

"success Is Reason Enough!"
3 out of 4, not necessary in the right order.

Betty White maybe, Betty Grable no!
>3 out of 4, not necessary
>in the right order.

Not sure about those eyes.
George Carlin's Mouth maybe?
Heath Ledger's Forehead, and hair
Charleton Heston nose


F'Dude what are you doing playing so late?
Forehead/Hair - Ledger
Nose - Heston
Eyes - Carlin
Mouth - ???

NV, yeah was up late waiting for a conference call. boring stuff.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-09 AT 06:04PM (MST)[p]Okay, I will take another stab at it.

forehead and hair - Ledger
Eyes - Carlin
Nose - Heston
Mouth - Paul Newman or maybe Roy Schneider (from Jaws)

"success Is Reason Enough!"
yeah Betty Davis Eyes is a bit funnier. do you ever post a straight answer? I know, do i ever post a regular topic?

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