Release which to choose.


Active Member
I'm contemplating trying a thumb release. I currently have a wrist strap index finger and it's all I've ever used. What do you all use and pros and cons to both. I don't want a hinge release btw.
For target shooting, I switch equally between the index and thumb button. The thumb button forces me to maintain strict tension and to always pull through smoothly so I don't slap that trigga' on the index release.

For hunting, I always go back to the index. It's always on my wrist whether I'm crawling on the ground or running around. Seems like more and more hunters are using handheld releases for hunting, however.

Depending on the release, you *may* need to adjust your draw length so just be mindful of that. Another thing I've noticed is that I tend to anchor consistently with the handheld release because I can always get the webbing between my 1st and 2nd knuckles right on my chin every time.
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I agree with previous post that index with strap is best for hunting, so that is what I always use. It may not be the best for targets, but you can get pretty darn good.
Trigger for me, I use a short&sweetR I like the adjustability, “and I shoot with my middle finger” The old version worked great also, But the R you can switch the trigger forward or backward, and adjust breaking poundage.

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