

Long Time Member
As you may know you can get up to 2 buck deer in Wyoming. Such as if you get a type 3 deer tag and get a general on top of that.

Last few years you could get a type 3 and general only in certain areas{ example would be area 24 type 3 and general. But if you had a type 3 in area 122, 121, 124 and 50 or 51 to name a few you couldn't get the general tag

So I am on page 50 of deer regs and it seems if you have any type 3 tag you get general, regardless of the area you have.

Am I understanding the new wording this year...
I'm not really following you because as far as I know you have always been able to get a buck deer tag and another tag for a whitetail buck in any units where they are still available after the draw, but not before. Here is where I'm still getting that information and if what you're saying was true in the past I wasn't aware of it:

(a) For deer, no person shall apply for and receive more than one (1) full price deer license (General, Type 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 9) through the initial drawing. After the initial drawing is completed, any person may apply for and receive up to two (2) full priced deer licenses provided that at least one (1) license is a Limited Quota Type 3 any white-tailed deer license. However, no person shall apply for and receive more than a total of two (2) deer licenses valid for the taking of antlered or any deer, of which not more than one (1) shall be valid for antlered or any mule deer.
That is what the regs say this year. In previous years the regs had a list of areas that you could not get a general tag if you had a type 3 in certain areas.
>That is what the regs say
>this year. In previous years
>the regs had a list
>of areas that you could
>not get a general tag
>if you had a type
>3 in certain areas.

***Seeing as how I'm a NR and go into that booklet, I wasn't aware of that resident stipulation you;re talking about. It doesn't really make any sense since no matter where your residence is you have never been able to kill more than one mulie buck, so why would it matter if you happened to shoot a mulie and a whitetail standing right next to each other!
correct. Can harvest one mule deer and one whitetail or 2 whitetail bucks with the correct tags.

But as I said before you could do this with the Type 3 tag in certain hunt areas. Now it says if you have a type 3 tag in any area you can get the general deer tag.

I use to apply for type 3 121 or 122 tags. With that tag I wasn't allowed to get a general deer tag. But with the new wording it says I can... In the previous years the regs stated which type 3 areas you are not allowed to get a general tag with your type 3.

So the way I see it if you have a type 3 tag you can get a general deer tag or am I missing the list of areas where you cant get a general tag if you have a type 3 tag.

I know I sound confusing but check some older regs compared to this year on this topic. I will be making a call to my local game warden to ask him about it. He is responsible for getting pushing a lot of type 3 tags cause he has a personal problem with whitetails..
LAST EDITED ON Aug-03-13 AT 07:40PM (MST)[p]You shouldn't have to call them. Just go onto the G&F site and see if it will let you do it. If you can't, the computer will be programmed as such. If it will, then the rule has obviously changed and for the better I might add!

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