regs question


Very Active Member
I have a question on the season definitions. I know the Type 1 are the rifle hunts and the Type 9 are the archery. When a unit has a #2 what does that mean. Specifically I am looking at unit 54. The type 1 was a 50% draw with 8 pts last year but the Type 2 was 100% with 0 pts. Both seasons start October 1st but the type 2 ends Oct 31st where the type 1 ends Nov. 30th. Is this the only difference between these two hunts?
LAST EDITED ON Jan-20-15 AT 12:58PM (MST)[p]The Type 1 and 2 not only have different closing dates but the tag numbers last year were 50 for Type 1 and only 25 for Type 2. The biggy between the two types is also that the Type 1 tag is only good for the area south of the Clarks Fork River and the Type 2 is only good for the area north of the Clarks Fork River. The $30 archery permit for a NR would allow the person to hunt the entire month of September, but only within the area their tag is good for and not the entire unit.
54-2 is an area North of the Clarks Fork of the Yellowstone to the Montana border. It allows you to hunt the Beartooth Plateau and the area around Clark, Wyoming.
My research has led to this conclusion:

Type 1 is Bull or Any, no restrictions.
Type 2 is Bull or Any, with restrictions.

Type 4 is Antlerless, no restrictions.
Type 5 is Antlerless, with restrictions.

Type 6 is Cow/Calf, no restrictions.
Type 7 is Cow/Calf, with restrictions.

Now, the restrictions most commonly are Season Starting Dates(I/E Late Bull Type 2), or restricted geographically. But, I think it can mean a lot of things and you simply need to look at the regs to find out specifically.

FYI, the difference between Antlerless and Cow/Calf, is strictly Full Price vs Reduced Price.

Of course, Type 9 is typcially an Archery Only hunt, which is not to be confused with a Type 1 or 2, where you can also but an Archery Permit and hunt Archery early as well.

Not clear on Type 8.

Hope I didn't screw this up, if so I am sure a veteran will straighten me out.
C/Pd right from the G&F Booklet:
Type Description License Fee Type
Type 1 & 2 Antlered or Any Full Price Fees
Type 3 Antlered or Any White-Tailed Deer or Full Price Elk or Antelope Full Price Fees
Type 4 & 5 Antlerless Full Price Fees
Type 6 & 7 Doe/Fawn, Cow/Calf or Ewe/Lamb Reduced Price Fees
Type 8 Doe/Fawn White-Tailed Deer or ReducedPrice Elk or Antelope
Reduced Price Fees
Type 9 Archery Only Full Price Fees
Type 0 Specialty Weapon Only (excluding archery) Full Price Fees

However, I have no idea why they post that block of information since there are also different things that apply to various units by type, just as I stated in my previous post regarding unit 54! One statement that BPKH made that is not completely accurate is the archery permit for Type 1 and 2 that can be purchased is sometimes not applicable to a unit such as 38-40 in the BigHorns where the only way you can archery hunt in the early September season is on a Type 9 tag.

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