Region K or R ?



I finally decided to join, been a regular viewer just never posted. I love seeing the pics of the huge bucks ya'll kill and reading the stories. I'm from Tennessee 32 yrs old and will be making my first trip for muledeer and antelope this year. I have 2 pts for each and can't decide what areas to put in for. I think I have narrowed it to k or r for deer. Would like to find a good antelope unit somewhere on the way to the deer hunt.
Been dreaming of hunting muledeer since I was 5 so this is a long time coming. Anyone nice enough to share any info good or bad would be great. I can't wait till october.

Thanks in advance,
Nothing really wrong with k or r, but with 2 points you may want to hold out for a g tag. You've got a lot better chance of killing a good buck in g unless you have access to some private ground in k.

Don't think you've got to hike way back in to kill a good buck in g. Plenty of great bucks killed down low towards cokeville or kemerer during the oct hunt.

Go g for deer and 93 or 98 for antelope.

"Dear MacGuyver, Enclosed is a rubber band, a paper clip, and a drinking straw. Please save my dog." Peter Griffin aka The Family Guy
Here are some stats from last year to help you decide.
On deer:
Region G with your 2PPs last year would have given you a 63.77% chance at drawing. Region K was 92.21% last year with 1 PP, so 2 should get you a tag this Fall. Region R was a 56.13% chance at a tag with no PPs and with 1 was 100% draw. My suggestion would be to put G as a first choice, with R as a second choice and you will probably draw one of them and if you draw R you will keep your Pps. Region R has a lot of public land in the National Forest as well as down below in the BLM if you draw it and G has plenty of public land.

On antelope:
93 and 98 as suggested above will be hard to draw with your 2 PPs. Last year 93 had only a 22.54% chance with 3 PPs and 98 had only a 40% chance with 2 PPs. I would suggest putting in for unit 27 as a first choice and unit 7 as a second choice. Unit 27 has plenty of National Grassland with some nice goats (was in it last year)and your 2PPs should draw it. Unit 7 doesn't require any PPs and if you want to save your PPs and hunt this year I would put in for 93 as my first choice and unit 7 as second choice.

These suggestions are based on whether you just wnat to hunt out there this fall or go out and get your feet wet with a decent hunt and try to save your Pps for another year after you get some experience this year. Good luck on whatever you decide, as you have almost a month to get your application in and I would do it online.
Thanks for the advice guys,I still can't decide where to go. I was leaning toward some of the seventy's units or forty's. Hunt antelope for a couple days then head to R or K. I would put in for G but I want to be sure to draw this year. My wife is pregnant and my two buddies wifes are to. All three due between mid august and end of september. So we need to go with a mid october opener. We need to go this year while we still have some money left.
This will be everyones first trip outwest it's a little overwhelming trying to decide on a good area. I just want to have fun and see some beautiful country. This may be our only trip out there so I want it to be a good one. Anyone with suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Also if anyone needs any info on tennessee whitetails,turkey,or smallmouth bass- let me know.

Based on your last post for a guaranteed license for both animals and some different scenery for each, I would put in for unit 27 for the antelope and hunt it for a few days toward the end of the season that is 10/1-10/15. Then go up and hit the freeway at Gillette and take the highway west over the Bighorns and hunt the west side of the mountains in Region R. That opens on 10/15. I don't think you will go wrong in seeing a number of animals and some great country, especially going to and doing the deer hunt.
Sounds like a plan. K might not be the best choice if your looking for mid october. It runs the first part of the month and has a short season.

"Dear MacGuyver, Enclosed is a rubber band, a paper clip, and a drinking straw. Please save my dog." Peter Griffin aka The Family Guy

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