Region G Odds, Special vs Random


Long Time Member
So if I read last years odds right region G is taking 3 points now for a guaranteed draw and has about a 10% chance with 2 points? However there seems to be plenty opportunity with the special draw? Do special draw Licenses that are not drawn get added back into the Random Draw? I sure love hunting WY but with all the changes and the price increases I need to just move, almost had it but for now I am stuck in CO for a couple years still...

Thanks all... I need to get up there and thin out the yote population some and maybe find a pred area wolf...
I'm not positive, but I think the special draw tags all get drawn, first, then they move on to the regular tags.

I put in for special this year with a point and had a 70% chance to draw.

With the new increase in prices, I won't be doing that again!

I too, need to go thin out some yotes, a couple years ago we saw more wolves than we did elk, but I think the area is part of the trophy zone.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-03-12 AT 11:59AM (MST)[p]
There is the special draw and the regular draw, both have random sub draws.

I used to know but have since forgotten the particular specifics of the draw you are asking about. I believe the remaining special PP tags, drop down to the special random draw. I believe the remaining regular PP tags drop down to the regular random draw. I'm fairly certain the remaining special tags do not go over to the regular draw. I also seem to remember some tags get converted to Elk GEN licenses to ensure the NR quota for total licenses is met, as that number is a fixed number and must be met.

You can call the Cheyenne office but will get stuck talking to the front office person unless your questions befuddle them. I had specifics from unit 22 or 24 a cpl years ago with all the stats in front of me, asking where tags came from, as the numbers didn't add up. I managed to talk directly with the draw dept. head honcho and got everything answered and laid out but I have forgotten the details. Use it or lose as the saying goes.

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