Region G help


Long Time Member
Hey there guys. Well, the Utah draw has come and gone. Since I didn't get my LE deer tag as hoped for, my priorities for the fall have turned to my dad. He waited to see if I drew before putting in for WY or just getting another point. As it is, he is going to be putting in for an actual tag.

He has 3 NR points. He very much wants to hunt Region G. We spend one weekend every year on the Grey's River fishing, and this has become one of his favorite destinations. For those of you that spend time there, you know why. But we also know that the bucks we see in the summer in there, are not where they are during the rifle hunt in October.

So, my father is 61 years old. While hiking is a possibility for the day, we won't be spending any nights in the backcountry. We will be camping in a trailer, and using a truck to get around. We like finding ridges and points that we can hike to, glass, and hopefully locate deer.

I'm not going to blow smoke here, this may be the one and only hunting trip we ever take to WY. So, I'm looking for some solid direction from anyone that is willing to help. We are not trophy hunters, but we all want to harvest a good buck. My dad would harvest the first mature buck we see most likely. We haven't killed enough nice bucks to pass up any 150" bucks... :)

I'd appreciate any help here. We would be hunting with a rifle (if he draws the tag) in October. I'd like this to be a solid hunt for my dad, where we see deer, and hopefully find a nice one to bring home.

PMs work for me. Thanks guys.

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
First of all, in October, the bucks won't be too far from where they are in the summer. Once they get bumped a few times they'll dive into the timber and move less, but they're still there.

Hunting from the road up there is tough. There just aren't a lot of places that hold good buck numbers that can be hiked into everyday ... IMO. It's just real physically demanding.

As you know, most of the roads are in the bottom of the canyons, at least on the north end. The south end has more road access and that might be the better area for you.

If I were in your shoes, I'd make a list of all high ridge locations within hiking distance of a road and those are the places I'd scout. Obviously hunt the spot with the most and/or best bucks. They won't be too far from their summer homes in October. They're there.

"Within hiking distance" ....... Different for all. Be realistic. You've got to be able to do it every morning before light if you want to hunt it the most effectively. As well as evening.

Brian Latturner
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Along with what Founder mentioned, you need to realize that with only 3PPs your Dad will need to apply in the higher priced Special Draw to have a realistic chance of even drawing the G tag in 2015. Last year those with 3PPs drew at a 98.92% rate in that draw. It will take at least 4 or more PPs in the Regular Draw to even have a chance at a tag and probably 5PPs or more for a sure thing. There is always a chance in the Random Draw on his second chance the way Wyoming does the draws, but his chances would be pretty slim. Good luck if he gets the tag and you plan to do it like you mentioned on foot to try for a decent buck. If you don't camp out near where you plan to hunt or go on horseback like I'm doing, it will be tough and a lot of hours walking in the dark mornings and evenings just like Founder stated. Good luck on getting the tag as the first hurdle!
I think he might need a few more points to draw. Use that time for scouting. Even without a tag during the hunt, go watch the circus you might not want to hunt G anymore. My Dad is in his 60's and has left G to the younger guys. I'll try to watch for your (he got a tag post.) And then we can chat. But you have to raise your expectations no 150 inch bucks. A 3 year old with good genetics should be around 160 and were looking for a 5 or 6 year old. Good luck to your Dad.
4 posts and you really have everything you need. Founder nailed the how and where and the other guys are right on about drawing.

With that said, PM sent.
Just verified that my dad has 4NR points...He put in for the regular hunt last night.

I appreciate all the help guys. My dad and I may be considering over nighters up on the mountain. As long as the weather is great. After talking about it, we'd prefer to spend two days up at least, coming back to a base camp every other day...

I may send a couple of you PMs a little later. Time to get out the maps and Google Earth..!! We'll know for sure in a few weeks...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
LAST EDITED ON May-24-15 AT 01:55PM (MST)[p]Does he have 4 PPs going into the draw or did he pay for his 4th PP last night when he applied for the draw. If he is not aware of it and it's the latter, the 4th PP won't be good until 2016. If he does have 4PPs going into the draw this year, I'd guess his chance of drawing the tag will be somewhere around 50-50 or a little lower depending on how many more with lots of PPs decide to apply to get out of the rat race this year. Good luck and I hope he gets his tag.
I'll donate an overnight hunt on horses if your old man draws. That's a special place to me....wish my dad had the drive still.

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
This from for Reg G regular draw with 4PP.










My buddy and I both have 4PP going into the draw with a 81.6% to draw.
Mike where you coming with the 50-50% chance? to draw with 4PP.

Region G

General License




LAST EDITED ON May-24-15 AT 06:03PM (MST)[p]Brian---That percentage you posted is for last year and I'll guarantee that with point creep and all the hype Region G is getting this year that the draw % will not be as good this year as what you are saying. It may or may not be better than 50-50 with 4PPs, but it will definitely be less than last years high percentage. With 3PPs it was a 98.6% draw in the higher priced Special Draw with only 1 person with that number of PPs not drawing a tag. I have no idea what those four 6.3% numbers are about because if you had less than 4PPs in the Regular Draw for G last year you lost out and had to hope for a tag in the Random Draw. I also don't know what you mean when you mention General License, Special, 171, and 56. Region G can be hunted by a resident with a General tag, but it's a LE tag for NRs that includes 4 different units. Can you please explain what the rest of your post means?
LAST EDITED ON May-24-15 AT 06:29PM (MST)[p]>
>I'll donate an overnight hunt on
>horses if your old man
>draws. That's a
>special place to me....wish my
>dad had the drive still.
>Sit tall in the saddle, hold
>your head up high, keep
>your eyes fixed to where
>the trail meets the sky...

Now that is what it's all about! You the man Lieca!!!
Somehow that later info GL,Special,171 and 56 showed up. Will go back in and see what that was all about.
You are right about all the hype so will just wait and see what happens.
I have no plans to go to Greys River as I have hunted in there over the years since 1977, got a different location picked out if and when we draw.

LAST EDITED ON May-24-15 AT 10:47PM (MST)[p]TG...
Hunt Type: General Lic Pref Random
255..tags 68...tags
Special Draw 171..tags 56...tags


P.S. I hate the way this site re-arranges your text, screws it all up.
ALSO...those 6.3% were for 3pp, 2pp, 1pp and 0pp. Guess his program fills in all spots...I don't know.
P.S. I hate the way
>this site re-arranges your text,
>screws it all up.
>ALSO...those 6.3% were for 3pp, 2pp,
>1pp and 0pp. Guess
>his program fills in all
>spots...I don't know.

Those 6.3% numbers really have me shaking my head because, as I mentioned in my other post, if 4PPs was not a 100% last year, there is no way with any less points that the % could be anything other than 0. I always just look at the odds that the G&F website shows. I don't think there is any easier way to check for your chances to draw a tag than the way they show them and it's free! I hope we both draw and can swap stories when we get back. Good luck!
6.3% is because all the applicants that didn't draw in the preference point draw were put into the "random" draw, which resulted in a small percentage drawing those tags.
Looking at past statistics will give you an idea on how many points it (took) to draw, but just becuase people drew with a certain amount of points last year doesn't mean you will draw this year with that many points. Sure you might, but it also might take a couple more points than last year. You never know who will be putting in for what and like stated earlier G is getting a lot of attention, which is interesting IMO. There has been a lot of statements from guys saying that G is the best show in town for wyoming. Sure the top end is and has always been the best, but the ruggedness and competition in that area is tough. Unless you are willing to flat get after it your chances of taking a 180+ buck are pretty low. That being said I've had friends draw some higher demand units that allow you to road hunt all day and have walked away with a couple 190+ bucks. So for a guy to burn max points on G instead of a more limited area becuase half the dudes on here are saying what doom and gloom the limited areas are in should do there research. G is no walk in the park slam dunk hunt for even a 170 type buck. Not saying it can't be done but there are some pretty dang good units around that are a hell of a lot easier to hunt than G and offer good opportunity's at very respectable bucks if you have the points. The limited units are hard to draw for a reason and if you have a bunch of points I would look long and hard at what you might be missing out on. Just my 2 cents,
>No problem ! Yep it was
>1336 applicants for 84 tags
>= 6.3% chance in random
>regular draw 2014.

That makes sense, as I've never seen how they do their draw charts at Trailshead and the numbers Brian posted really had me confused. Thanks!!!
Wow Leica..!! That is an amazing offer my friend..!! I'd be more than happy to keep that in mind as I'm sure it would be an immense help. I will definitely keep you posted...

And for others that have asked, my dad HAS 4PP. He failed to draw in 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2014. He bought points each of those years. So we're pretty excited for his chances, even if they are only about 50-50.


"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
>+ 1 full throttle - I
>expect to see many that
>did not prepare for how
>rough G can be -
>unforgiving country.

We'll smoke one b rage.

Sit tall in the saddle, hold your head up high, keep your eyes fixed to where the trail meets the sky...
Well boys, I appreciate all of the input on the unit as a whole. After much discussion with my dad, it seems as though this hunt is turning into a "back country hunt"... My dad is feeling like our best chances are going to be to get back in to some higher country and hunt a bowl or two. We won't be hiking any 10 miles per day or anything I don't think. But if we can get back to where we are seeing some deer, glass as much as possible, and locate a nice buck, that's exactly what we are going to do.

I'll update in a few weeks when the results are out...

You guys are all awesome for sharing your knowledge. :)

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24

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