Region C deer


Active Member
Me and a buddy picked up some leftover Region C deer tags to go with our unit 22 goat tags. Just wandering how good the deer hunting will be. My buddy really wants to get a whitetail is there any in that area?

Sure, there are plenty in a lot of the drainages in the area. I hope you have good maps because the Region you're going to has very little public land that is legally acccessible and the ranchers up there, like everywhere else, don't like trespassing. Did you check out the Region and goat unit BEFORE you bought the licenses? The reason I ask is that way too many people buy licenses and then get out there and find there is no decent place to hunt and then they blame everybody but themselves! Just because you look at a BLM map and see a lot of brown and blue squares on it doesn't mean you can hunt them, just in case you aren't aware of that.
I appreciate the reply and I am well aware of the private issues up there. From what I can tell there is accessable public land we just have to do some hiking.My GIS software shows county roads passing through some decent sized chunks of BLM whether or not there are animals where I'm looking is a different story. I'm sure there is some pressure in these areas too. Do you think there is huntable ground up there or am I spinning my wheels? I haven't got the goat tag yet so if we have to switch units we can.

I've never been in that goat unit, but I hunted Region C for deer in 1992 and haven't been back since if that tells you anything. Good luck!
If I was thinking of hunting in unit 22 for antelope and deer ,I would search for a private ranch.There is some good hunting but most is on private land.I hunted there a few years ago and took some nice animals,but it was on private land.
I would venture to say that what Whiterock stated is pretty much the same way throughout C for deer from what I saw.
We're mainly chasing goats but if we come across a deer we want
tags in our pockets. I'm not so worried about getting a deer but would atleast like for one of us to get a goat. Is there a fairly good number of goats in 22? The success rates I'm finding (nearly 90%) reflect that there is. Thanks for the imput guys looks like I'll be making some calls to some landowners.

I doubt that you will have any problem finding a good goat about anywhere through that whole part of the state as they are basically at an all time high right now. Don't shoot the first one you see or you'll probably be sorry when a big boy steps out! Also, you just never know where you will find deer and even a decent buck. Soetimes those out of the way places that only look like antelope country will have a big buck hiding like a bunny rabbit until the rut hits in November. Good luck and be safe!!!
Thats definatley true. My dad had a goat tag and while putting the stalk on a goat we jumped three dandy bucks that were bedded under some sage in the wide open. We really wished we had a buck tag. Thanks for the info I'm sure we'll have fun whether we tag out or not.

I hunt this region and will be out there for antelope and deer. It is a tough region for deer but they are there. Look for the smaller pockets that everyone overlooks. You shouldn't have a problem with antelope but deer is a challenge.
I hunted 22 and C once back in 2004 and I haven't been back since. We had a good hunt and made it happen, but it wasn't easy. At that time I thought it was easier to find a decent buck then it was to find a decent goat on public land. It is easier to find private land to hunt goats on then deer though. You really have to think about what dates you want to be there as portions of C are open for Deer at different times. If you are deer hunting, look for the deepest nastiest canyons you can find and there will be some deer hanging out there, you can jump them up like rabbits.

It really depends what you are looking for. If a 13 inch long, 70 inch goat will make you happy I'd say it is possible and if a 150 inch buck would make you happy, it might be possible. Neither will be easy. It will be fun, but not easy.

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