Region B (Unit 8)



Hi guys, first post. I am heading to Region B and Unit 8 for antelope and Mulies and was wondering what the deer pop is doing this year? I know is has been way down the last couple of years but heard it's on the up swing. Any truth to that? I'll be hunting a private ranch.


LAST EDITED ON Jul-15-11 AT 05:29AM (MST)[p]I looked into a Region B tag but recieved alot of negative results.Even the ranch's I called and talked to did not have much good to say .I am sure there are pockets that still hold some good bucks.
Good luck !
I know man, thanks. I've read some of your other posts on Region B. I knew that deer numbers were way low going into this hunt but we have a good setup on this ranch. Rancher is really cool and has been honest with us about deer numbers.

He said part of his ranch holds 60 to 80 deer on a good year. This year he has about 20 on that same section of his ranch. This is a positive considering the last three or four years he wasnt seeing any deer.

I am hoping others that live or hunt this area are hearing the same thing; that deer numbers ( from my WAG estimate) are increasing a 1/3. or down 2/3 from the peak numbers depending on how you look at the glass.

This is my first trip out there so I am excited either way. We do have antelope tags too so I hear their numbers are good and increasing.

hanks again for the post guys.

At least there are a few deer on that ranch, but with that small number I would think he wouldn't even want them hunted. I just read a news release on the F&G website yesterday that the local ranchers in the Unit 10 deer area are working with the F&G because the deer numbers are so low that something needs to be done. It looks like in 2012 they will be going to antler restrictions and that doesn't bode well for a good hunt in that whole northwest area of B. Furthermore, I didn't really see any difference between that unit or the other two (9 & 11) to the east betweeen there and Newcastle, so it will take years to rebuild the numbers. I really don't know why they are going to go with antler restrictions because that doesn't increase the number of does in an area that are needed to make bucks!

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