Region A, Antelope areas 5,6,7,27


Very Active Member
Been out in Region A all week looking things over after this last winter deal. It’s pretty depressing in most all the areas that I hunt. I’ve seen 1 live whitetail fawn, in town. I’ve only seen 1 muley fawn, and 1 antelope fawn. All in all it’s worse than I previously thought. I have however seen a very few bucks together, both antelope and whitetail, but doe numbers are absolutely terrible. Shouldn’t be any tags this year from what I’m seeing !!!! I’m no expert whatsoever but I know where to look in these areas. Here’s a few pictures of what I did see…..
Couple of Whitetail bucks, on state land. They were with 2 other smaller bucks. The group of 4 was the biggest group I’ve seen so far.
What I’ve found so far today in areas 5 and 6. Once again the does have no fawns !!! Biggest group of antelope was 8 ….. none had fawns.

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